
De Nederlandse journalist Sonja van den Ende was de afgelopen dagen in de volksrepubliek Loehansk in het oosten van Oekraïne. Ze werd naar een afgelegen legerbarak gebracht, waar tot haar grote verbazing een arsenaal aan tanks, legervoertuigen, wapens, afweerraketten, kogelvrije vesten en munitie opgeslagen was.

“Maar nog verbazingwekkender was dat het allemaal NAVO-materiaal was,” schrijft Van den Ende op haar website. “Dit was de afgelopen dagen in beslag genomen na hevige gevechten met het Oekraïense leger, dat de ene na de andere overwinning claimt, waar de westerse media gretig mooie verhalen van maken, zonder het te controleren. Dat kunnen ze immers niet, want er zijn niet veel journalisten onderweg, ook niet in Oekraïne.”


De journalist wijst erop dat de propagandaoorlog met name in het Westen op volle toeren draait, terwijl de Russen meer behoudend zijn en bijna dagelijks persconferenties geven met een update van het front. In Europa wordt zoveel onzinnieuws geschreven dat het bijna lachwekkend is, aldus Van den Ende.

Ze merkt op dat de meeste Russen trots zijn op hun soldaten en leger, en begrijpen dat Oekraïne ‘bevrijd’ moest worden van deze horroroorlog, die Oost-Oekraïne al sinds 2014 teistert. “Daarbij zijn natuurlijk deze wapens uit NAVO-landen gebruikt, een schande. Hetzelfde scenario als in Syrië, of alle andere oorlogen die het Westen tegen vele landen gevoerd heeft, onder het mom van democratie.”

Totalitaire staat​

“We zullen zien hoe het eindigt. Mijn prognose is dat het slecht voor Europa, vooral voor haar burgers, zal eindigen. Het tijdperk van welvaart en vrijheid is definitief voorbij en als de Europeanen hier niet voor gaan vechten, zullen ze in een totalitaire staat wakker worden,” waarschuwt Van den Ende nog.
"This video is a reminder to everyone why Ukraine needs a special denazification and demilitarization operation.

These are the children of Donbass, whom Ukrainian army has been killing since 2014 with silent connivance of the entire "civilized" world.

The Western media did not write or film anything about these children for 8 years.

Ask yourself: why?

Why is it considered "ok" by the West for these innocent children to be murdered? How are they any different than other kids?"

Russian Federation at UN Security Council:

The Azov Battalion and other Ukrainian radicals are blocking civilians from leaving via blackmail, violence, intimidating.

Citizens attempting to leave Mariupol were shot on sight by nazis.
They are using citizens as human shields.
One testimony here:

"They are scared that once these people are free they will tell the truth about the actions of Ukrainian radicals."

🇺🇦🇷🇺❗The work of the territorial defense and the Botsman personal unit in Bucha on April 2. It was these people who killed a bunch of civilians. But how? Quite simply, they shot at everyone without blue armbands. The video has already been deleted by Botsman

- And there are boys without blue armbands, can I shoot at them?
- certainly!




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There is no news on the 40 Ukrainian refugee kids that have gone missing from the tutelage of the Spanish authorities. Western media keeps silent apart from some articles in Spanish newspapers. I have found only 2 English sources from minor pages:

More about the fake of Bucha.
When a body spend certain amount of time in the same position the lower parts (the ones the lay lower or against the ground) tend to accumulate the fluids of the body and turn dark, in other instances the skin can be affected if in contact against a very cold surface. Spanish journalist reporting from Donbass Rubén Gisbert has noticed this detail that proves this body in particular was moved. This body was the other way around long enough for this to happen to it's fingers.

This an incomplete list of questions I have about the "Russia massacre" in Bucha:

(1) Russia left Bucha on 3/30. Then on 3/31, the mayor declared the city free but did not mention any atrocities. Why?

(2) What did the Azov do when they entered Buch on 4/1--4/2?

(3) Bucha is about 10 sq. miles with around 40k people. Why did it take the Ukrainian military until 4/3 to discover/publish the atrocities?

(4) Why are some of the deceased pictured in proximity to Russian humanitarian aid kits? Did Russia offer aid before killing them?

(5) Why are some of the deceased wearing white Russian armbands?

(6) Sergey "Boatsman" Korotkikh, an infamous Azov member, posted a video titled "The BOATSMAN BOYS in Bucha". There's some debate on the exact translation, but it appears a Ukrainian Nazi asks for permission to shot people without blue armbands. Permission is granted. Did Boatman and his fellow Nazis shoot civilians? [1]

What are your questions???

[1] Boatsman video. https://t.me/RWApodcast/69

UN Security Council this morning confronting Russia regarding humanitarian issues…

Russia is dropping evidence of Ukrainian propaganda and Ukraine brutality to its citizens. They have video, radio comms between AS0V brigades- they have proof it was committed by Ukrainian nazis.

Russia response at about 43 minutes…

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Footage of the cleansing of Mariupol from the first person.
Soldiers of the armies of Russia and the DPR examine all the buildings and basements, the residents are checked for documents and the absence of Nazi tattoos, which the Azov militants have in large numbers

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