
The work of the territorial defense and the Botsman personal unit in Bucha on April 2. It was these people who killed a bunch of civilians. But how? Quite simply, they shot at everyone without blue armbands. The video has already been deleted by Botsman

- And there are boys without blue armbands, can I shoot at them?
- Certainly!
Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
Alexander Kots (https://t.me/sashakots), militair commissaris van de Komsomolskaya Pravda, ontmaskerde de provocatie in Bucha on the air # 60 minuten

‘Ik werkte in de buitenwijken van deze plaats. Ik zag hoe de houding van de inwoners ten opzichte van het Russische leger aan het veranderen was. Er werden normale, binnenlandse betrekkingen tot stand gebracht. Het ging niet om eventuele conflicten, detenties en vooral niet om buitengerechtelijke executies.

Het ministerie van Defensie verklaarde dat op 30 maart alle troepen deze stad hadden verlaten. In feite begon de exit uit de stad veel eerder. Tegen de ochtend van 30 maart was er geen enkele Russische soldaat meer. Ik verklaar dit met volledige verantwoordelijkheid.

Er waren beelden van de kelder, die naar verluidt een martelkamer voor Russische troepen huisvestte, waar ze dode mensen aantroffen met hun handen vastgebonden. Deze lijken waren niet alleen niet stijf, ze hadden nog steeds witte linten. Deze mensen werden gevangengenomen door Oekraïense nationalisten en daar gemarteld, in de veronderstelling dat ze samenwerkten met de Russische regering. Toen schoten ze. Toen de tijd kwam om deze misdaden op de een of andere manier te verdoezelen, werd het Srebrenica-scenario genomen, waarbij Russische troepen werden beschuldigd van buitengerechtelijke executies.

Het Ministerie van Defensie van de Russische Federatie heeft een verzoek gepubliceerd van het Oekraïense bedrijf Motor Sich aan de Turkse fabrikant van de Bayraktar UAV (drone) (https://t.me/uranews/49038). Volgens het ministerie bewijst het document dat het Kiev-regime in feite technische middelen ontwikkelt voor de levering en het gebruik van biowapens met de mogelijkheid om ze tegen Rusland te gebruiken.

"Het document dateert van 15 december 2021. De essentie is: is het mogelijk om deze UAV uit te rusten met systemen en mechanismen voor het spuiten van spuitbussen met een inhoud van meer dan 20 liter. Met een vliegbereik van zo'n UAV tot 300 km en uitrusting van containers met biologische formuleringen, ontstaat er een reële dreiging van grootschalig gebruik van biologische wapens op het grondgebied van de Russische Federatie", legt de militaire afdeling uit.

(https://t.me/uranews/49038)Abonneer u op URA.RU (https://t.me/uranews)
Zo ziek en gestoord zijn die nazi's dus.

There is a extremely gross video related to something we have treated before here, the abuse of corpses of Russian troops. The video is just a Ukrainian soldier stabbing the face and eyes of a dead Russian soldier. It has no informative value in my opinion and I'm not going to post it.
My warning after having watched it:
Don't. It's gross. The sound it's nauseating. It has no informative value. Spare yourself.
It's out in some channels. Be aware is strongest than the content of this channel.

New translation of a video: Liuda Bobrovskaya travels in a ambulance. His soon is been wounded. They are rushing to the hospital. She talks out about the Ukrainian army shooting at civilians.
The video is been clipped previously. They subtitles in Spanish cover parts that have been cut off (not by me) English subtitles should be accurate.
Thanks to our Twitter source dear "Margarita". Is she doesn't object I'll share the source on the next video.

More on the Bucha fake. You all have seen the photos of the mass grave by the church today. But the truth is that this mass grave was reported on the 12th of March. As they have to bury there many bodies because the mortuary at the hospital was full. See the first picture from the Twitter source, second picture I have highlighted the buildings. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth pictures are screenshots from the video, with the same buildings. Check it. Then watch the video with a doctor from the hospital talking and the undertakers ditching the bodies to be buried.
Last picture is the source that provides the information and the video. The photo of today story is taken from the opposite angle of the video, but you can see the buildings behind the doctor who is over the van from where they are UNLOADING the corpses, when the camera turns to record him. You can notice also the front of the church when the camera moves around.
The name of the doctor is Andrei Levkovsky, a doctor at the Irpin health center.

Volgende FF incoming:
🇺🇦🇷🇺❗The mayor of Bucha on March 31 happily announces the departure of the Russian army, without mentioning anything about "dozens of victims and corpses on the streets" - Russia's permanent representative to the UN showed another proof of a theatrical performance in Bucha.

🇺🇦🇷🇺 The soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that only Nazis from "Azov" mock Russian prisoners of war. He also said that his unit just wore British NLAW ATGMs because they were not trained to use weapons.

More on the "fake" mass grave of Bucha. Articles have been found from weeks ago reporting that bodies had to be buried by the church by the local health care team. Most bodies are Russian and Ukrainian soldiers, remember Bucha and Irpin been front line for weeks. Also civilians who dies during bombardments.

Murado - Back from Mariupol, here’s the latest update ☝️

Russian forces have advanced into the vast Azov Iron and Steel Plant from the South-East, along the shore.

Ukrainian counter-battery fire has seized almost entirely, Azov nationalist fighters are either short of guns or ammunition. They still have a number of mortar launchers, which they occasionally deploy to fire haphazardly around the city in a bid to slow the Russian advance.

The fiercest fighting in centered are the North-West of the left bank of Mariupol.

Thousands of civilians remain trapped in apartment blocks and neighbourhoods still under Azov militant’s control. They cannot leave, nationalists are still firing at any civilians trying to escape.


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