

1 West: Bombardments on the lines of supply of NATO countries' weapons that come via Poland and have difficulty even getting to the front.

2 EAST: Heavy bombardments in Dombas and Kharkiv. No Ukrainian counterattacks to speak of. Bears remembering that Russian offensive in this area has not even started for real.

3 SOUTH: Mariupol. Mopping up the Nazis and trying to save the human shields in the Azov factory complex and tunnels.

4 Bombardments in Zaporizhia and a beginning of an offensive.

The garnet-colored area of Russian fully-controlled areas is growing, and the 'land bridge' to Crimea is all but completed.

NATO's weapons at this point in time are mere gifts to the Russian Coalition forces.


map by Ministère des Armées: https://www.defense.gouv.fr/ukraine-point-situation

We are seeing more and more strikes on the Russian Federation itself, 4 so far.

It's own actions on Transnistria and now this? What does this say about the state of Ukraine

They are losing badly and they know it.

This isn't strategy or some genius move to turn the fight around, this is the actions of a dying animal clawing at its attacker in acts of pure desperation.

The amount of valuable equipment being wasted in these attacks are tremendous. heavy combat drones are valuable and airplanes are gold, all thrown for an ammo depot? A fuel storage? All will be replaced and only solidifies Putin in the eyes of the average Russian. It shows the real “threat” Ukraine is on the border.


Russia Today – Westerse toevoerlijnen in Oekraïne vernietigd, aldus Rusland​

by doezelfnormaal | apr 26, 2022

BESTANDSFOTO: Russische troepen lanceren een Iskander tactische raket tijdens een militaire campagne in Oekraïne, 2022. © Sputnik

Doe Zelf Normaal plaatst dagelijks vertaalde artikelen van de in Nederland geblokkeerde Russische nieuwssite Russia Today en andere geblokkeerde (Russische) websites. Doe Zelf Normaal neemt daarmee GEEN standpunt inzake de oorlog in Oekraïne in: Doe Zelf Normaal plaatst dit omdat zij een ferm voorstander en verdediger is van vrije nieuwsgaring, en blokkades van websites in opdracht van de overheid onwettig en een vorm van ernstige censuur vindt.

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Rusland beweert zes spoorwegknooppunten in het Westen van het land te hebben getroffen.

Russische troepen hebben zes tractieonderstations – eenheden die de spoorwegen aandrijven – die gebruikt worden voor de levering van “buitenlandse wapens en militaire hardware aan de Oekraïense troepen in de Donbass” vernietigd, kondigde woordvoerder voor het Ministerie van Defensie Generaal-Majoor Igor Konashenkov afgelopen maandag aan.

Hij voegde eraan toe dat de stations zich bevonden op de spoorwegknooppunten Krasnoye, Zdolbunov, Zhmerinka, Berdichev, Kovel en Korosten, allen in West-Oekraïne.

Volgens Konashenkov zijn ook 27 militaire doelen tijdens luchtaanvallen vernietigd, inclusief vier commandocentra.

Minister van Defensie Sergey Shoigu zei vorige maand dat het verdrijven van Oekraïense troepen van het grondgebied van de Donbass republieken in dit stadium van de operatie de hoogste prioriteit van Moskou was geworden.

De Westerse geldschieters van Oekraïne hebben de precieze routes die zij gebruiken om wapens naar Kiev te vervoeren niet bekendgemaakt, maar er zijn berichten dat een groot deel via buurland Poken geleverd wordt.

NAVO-lidstaten leveren verschillende antitank- en luchtafweerraketsystemen, gepantserde voertuigen, houwitsers en andere wapens aan Kiev. De Amerikaanse minister van Defensie Lloyd Austin en minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Antony Blinken reisden zondag naar Oekraïne, waar ze president Volodymyr Zelensky extra militaire hulp toezegden.

Rusland viel het buurland eind februari binnen nadat Oekraïne gefaald had om de voorwaarden van de in 2014 getekende Minsk akkoorden in te voeren en nadat Moskou de Donbass republieken Donetsk en Lugansk uiteindelijk als onafhankelijk had erkend. De door Duitsland en Frankrijk bemiddelde akkoorden waren bedoeld om de afgescheiden regio’s een speciale status te geven binnen de Oekraïense staat.

Het Kremlin heeft sindsdien geëist dat Oekraïne zichzelf officieel tot een neutraal land verklaart dat zich nooit zal aansluiten bij het door de VS geleide militaire blok NAVO. Kiev houdt vol dat het Russische offensief compleet ongerechtvaardigd was en heeft beweringen dat het van plan was de twee republieken met geweld te heroveren ontkend.

Oorsponkelijke artikel (alleen via VPN te bekijken): https://www.rt.com/russia/554519-russia-hits-supply-ukraine/
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Already in morning we wake up to the news about the shelling of the territory of Russia. Kursk, Bryansk, Belgorod, air defense works in Voronezh, and Bankovaya in Kyiv is still intact. Diplomats begin to return to the capital of Ukraine, because it is safe. We need to fix this somehow.

🇺🇸 U.S. weapons could run out soon if White House continues deliveries to Ukraine - Bloomberg

The West is now faced with a choice - to send more weapons to Kyiv or keep their stocks for their own defense. The United States "brought to a state of readiness" a third of its total stockpiles of weapons, but at the moment there are no contracts aimed at replenishing them, military experts say. In their opinion, stocks may run out in a few months if the White House continues to deliver to Ukraine.

Some states have already exhausted their stocks of weapons and refuse to send them to Ukraine - the Bundeswehr has reduced the list of export weapons for Ukraine at least twice. The Minister of Defense of Germany has already stated that this situation may affect the defense capability of the German Armed Forces. Bulgaria is also slow with deliveries.

All assets deployed, [F] and [D].

Nazi's die gesteund worden door joden, zelfs helemaal uit Israel. Het kan gewoon in Oekraine.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The Russian fleet launched a missile attack on a large warehouse of NATO weapons

The launch of "Caliber" from warships at a facility in the Zaporozhye region, where weapons supplied by the West were stored.

🇧🇾 Belarus introduced the death penalty for attempts to commit terrorist acts.

The House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus adopted in two readings amendments to the Criminal Code, according to which it is possible to apply the death penalty for attempted terrorist acts

⚡️Pushilin: in Mariupol began to prepare for the restoration of the city and the return to peaceful life, the city will become better and more beautiful than it was.

In the city of Kremennaya (LPR), Georgian militants of the "Foreign Legion" were liquidated.

The footage shows an ordinary apartment that Georgian soldiers used as a firing point. This is evidenced by the British NLAW and AKC 74, standing alone at the window, and the Georgian flag.

De bodemloze put die Oekraine heet:

Another $300 million — Zelensky meets with senior US officials for the first time in two months and begged for new help

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin came to Kyiv. Washington will allocate $713 million to the government of Ukraine and other countries of Eastern and Central Europe, of which Kyiv will get $322 million, and 15 other states - almost $400 million.

Ukraine under Ze-regime will simply drown in debt ocean

⚡️Ukrainian Finance Minister Sergei Marchenko: Ukraine is asking the US administration for emergency economic assistance worth at least $2 billion a month.

According to him, without this money, the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine could worsen.

⚡️A campaign to glorify Stepan Bandera has begun in Germany.

"In a large article, the Berliner Zeitung examines the role of Bogdan Stashevsky (according to the German court, who killed Bandera). The newspaper carefully analyzes the verdict and comes to the conclusion that Stashevsky was not an accomplice (as the court decided), but a murderer. Stepan Bandera is mentioned in a long description of the case a couple of times and only as a victim. Once his participation in the OUN-UPA is mentioned. However, neither pogroms nor murders are even mentioned in the article. Moreover, one of the links provides information that if it were not for "independent Ukraine", about Nobody would have recognized Babi Yar. It is clear where the authors are leading - to a new process against the USSR, and now Russia, which, in their opinion, was the customer of the murder. During this process, Bandera and his "colleagues" will appear as victims - this can no doubt. In this way, Germany or the German media will try to prove that Nazism in Ukraine is a Russian invention."

The destruction of the mortar crew of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who worked from the garden and took refuge after the shooting in the house.

This is the "tactic" developed by Ukrainian artillerymen over the years of truces and impunity. But times have changed, the mortars of the 100th brigade of the DPR army suppressed these "shooters" who were trying to fire on Maryinka.

According to Zelensky, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the Special military operation amount to 2,500-3,000 people.

However, according to analysts, as at April 12 , Ukraine has lost about 33,000 personnel. This is NOT taking into account the wounded and prisoners.
It shold be mentioned that more than a thousand Ukrainian marines surrendered just near Mariupol.

Also, losses in the Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces are actively hushed up (in particular, from their looting raids).

Of course, foreign mercenaries don't count.

So, apparantly the Operation is going according to plan.


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