
🇷🇺Russian soldiers distribute leaflets over Ukrainian armed forces using small rockets. Leaflets call for life saving and safe passage to civilians.

🇧🇬In Sofia, concerned citizens self-organized and removed the Ukrainian flag from the administrative building.

The police did not object: “Bulgarians remember their history,” the subscriber who sent the video wrote.


“Zelensky had a conversation with George W. Bush. Bush expressed his support for the Ukrainian people and called the Ukrainian president the Churchill of our time."

Of course, old Winston was far from being perfect, but he did not steal military aid on an industrial scale, did not kill his people, and did not give the title of "hero" to the Nazis.


On May 5, 2015, in the Leninsky Komsomol Park in Donetsk, the Alley of Angels was opened - a memorial to the children who died in Donbass. The youngest of those whose names are engraved on a granite slab was not even a year old...

On June 2, 2017, the memorial was supplemented with a monument to the children of Donbass. In the sculptural composition, the boy is looking into the sky, shielding his younger sister with himself.

Op 5 mei 2015 werden ruim 100 kinderen in speeltuinen bewust bestookt met mortiervuur en vonden de dood. Dit is meedogenloos en gewetenloos nazituig, moge de denszificatie van de Donbass snel en efficient verlopen!


Deze beelden blijken te zijn van soldaten die probeerden te onrsnappen uit Azovstal:

And then they try to say that NATO and US are not at war with Russia?


Member of the European Parliament Claire Daly believes that the United States is interested in dragging out the Ukrainian conflict. In her opinion, the States are deliberately adding fuel to the fire, since it is Washington that is the main beneficiary of this crisis.


"Discover the truth, don't be fooled by Western propaganda" — ordinary Dutch people carry flowers to the cemetery desecrated by Ukrainian thugs in Nijmegen

In the Netherlands, in the city of Nijmegen, where vandals desecrated military cemetery, having covered the tombstones with anti-Russian slogans and pro-Ukrainian speeches with swastikas and Ukrainian flags, civilians came to honor the buried soldiers and brought flowers.

Currently, the area is cordoned off by the police, but the Dutch leave flowers at the entrance to the memorial. Some bring plates on which they write a message about peace, reminding that it was Russia that defeated fascism in World War II.

"In World War II, the Netherlands and Russia fought the Nazis. Today, the Netherlands supports them (the Nazis). Study and join the fight against Nazism. Discover truth and justice, not convenience. Don't be fooled by Western propaganda," reads one of the messages.

Earlier, the mayor of Nijmegen Hubert Brules called what happened was a disgusting act.

Nijmeegse burgers laten bloemen achter bij de ingang van de afgesloten militaire begraafpraats Jonkerbos. Waar is de verontwaardiging van de rest van Nijmegen, van Nederland, van de wereld? I stand with Ukraine?! 😡

"This nation must be destroyed", they urged in Ukrainian army, calling not to capture Russian soldiers at all.

The Ukrainian soldiers addressed the Russian military, saying that they were no longer going to take prisoners of Russians and would shoot the Russians on the spot at the first opportunity.

"An official message to a Russian soldier. Note that neither Ukrainian army, nor volunteer militia won't take you prisoner. This nation must be destroyed. All our military, all our people know that none of the Russian military should be captured" the boorish statement of the Ukrainian militant goes.

En daarom zit Rusland daar nu dus. Do it to them before they do it to us. Dit zijn genocidale nazi's en de Russen bewijzen de wereld (wederom) ern dienst!

Photos of children hiding in a basement in Kharkiv have turned out to be taken in Donetsk in 2014. Russian journalists found the place where the pictures were taken eight years ago. It’s a bomb shelter in the Chelyuskintsev mine where up to 200 people hid from Ukrainian shelling, most of them children. The pictures have been on the internet since then, as can be seen in the video.

We have a film Ukraine's Fake Factory. Watch it to see how fake news is created to misinform about the conflict.


Tijdje geleden zei men tegen het westen, je kan een stad uitkiezen en daarvan de wederopbouw financieren.

Benieuwd hoeveel er in offshore bankrekeningen verdwijnt. Niet alleen voor wat betreft wederopbouw geld, maar ook voor alle andere financiële steun.
A senior military officer, General Trevor Cadieu, who was under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct has retired and travelled to Ukraine.

General Trevor Cadieu (Trevor John Cadieu), captured by Russian troops while trying to escape from the cellars of Azovstal, was the commander of the Canadian Ground Forces, APA reports citing Mailbd.



The military warehouse in Transnistria is the largest in Europe.

That's why it's so important. This is more than 20 thousand tons of artillery shells, which, according to experts, will last for decades of war.

The ammunition is guarded by an operational group of Russian troops.

Back in 2019, the Russian Federation proposed to continue the disposal of the arsenal. But there is no progress in the negotiations yet.

Je snapt dus wel waarom Zelenksky en zijn nazi-broeders maar wat graag deze wapenopslag in handen willen hebben. Vooralsnog zijn alle pogingen daartoe gedwarsboomd, incl. false flags.

The LPR Embassy in Moscow may start working in a few weeks, the ambassador of the People's Republic said.

Kwestie van tijd voordaf de DPR en LPR officierl Russisch gebied worden. Dat zal wel gezien worden als een 'annexatie', ook al stemt de bevolking hier zelf voor. Precies als de inwoners van De Krim 8 jaar geleden deden.


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