
Het is een serie op de Engelse televisie en word nu ook op Netflix uitgezonden volgens mij.

Oké bedankt. Ik ga kijken wanneer ik de gelegenheid heb.

Wil jij of iemand meedenken want ik draag misschien door maar laat me niet los. De mensen van die andere vlucht, de 370 zijn nooit gevonden toch dacht ik? Het lijkt erop dat zij omgewisseld zijn met de mensen van mh17. Dat is wat ik ervan begrijp. In een filmpje zag ik dat de slachtoffers bij de mh17 Aziatisch waren en gele vlekken hadden. Dat laatste kan alleen door ontsmetting middel als jodium komen of door de lever te vervuilen. In laatste geval alleen als iemand nog leeft….

En hoe zit het met de biolabs die er in Nederland zijn voor polio?? Zou dat de locatie kunnen zijn waar ze ontvoerde kinderen geen brengen??
Deze Nederlandse labs vallen onder De Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ)

Is dat dan niet de locaties waar we als convoy heen zouden moeten? Of observeren ofzo?
Op straat zie ik steeds minder Oekraïense vlaggen.
Stands de Nederlanders niet meer with Ukraine?
Wat een verschrikkelijk volk zijn wij toch.
Duurt te lang voor ze. De maximale focus is allang bereikt bij de meesten. Nu braaf wachten op de volgende instructies ..
Zeker bij 4 huizen hier in de buurt hangt er een USA vlag te wapperen. Waarom mag Joost weten..
rt.com 8 Jun, 2022 09:28
HomeRussia & FSU

Huge grain stockpile burned by Ukrainian militants – Moscow​

Russia says a large granary in the port of Mariupol has been deliberately destroyed
Huge grain stockpile burned by Ukrainian militants – Moscow

Ukrainian troops set fire to tons of grain in the storages of the port of Mariupol. © Sputnik / RIA News

The Russian Defense Ministry has accused Ukrainian “militants of the nationalist battalions” of deliberately setting fire to a large granary in Mariupol’s sea port while fleeing from Russian forces.
According to a ministry statement, the alleged act of arson was down to the unwillingness of the “militants” to leave grain supplies to Mariupol’s residents. As a result, according to the military, more than 50 thousand tons of grain were destroyed.
This inhuman crime demonstrates to the entire world community the ‘true face’ of the Kiev regime, which, in fact, uses the methods of food terrorism against its own people,” it claimed.

The ministry said the destruction was committed as the “so-called civilized West” continues to support Kiev while accusing Russia of stoking a global food crisis.

The Defense Ministry stressed that Russian forces during their “special military operation” support the civilian population, treat it humanely and “do not strike at the social infrastructure of the country, unlike the Ukrainian armed formations.”
Since the launch of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, Moscow and Kiev have accused each other of various war crimes, while denying their own liability.
The Donetsk People’s Republic authorities reported earlier that the firefighters failed to save the grain stock despite several days of efforts.

There is a large amount of grain on the territory of the Mariupol port, this is both corn grain and wheat. Judging by the smell and appearance, it is unsuitable for further use, most of it,” an aide to the government of the Donetsk People's Republic, Yan Gagin, told RIA Novosti.

The global food market, already affected by climate change and the Covid pandemic, has been badly affected by the Russian military offensive in Ukraine, as the two countries account for about 30% of global wheat exports. Russia is also the world’s largest exporter of fertilizers.

While the West has accused Russia of causing a surge in food prices by continuing its military operation, Moscow maintains that the real cause of the food crisis is the “politically motivated” Western sanctions against it.
Russia not to blame for global food crisis – PutinREAD MORE: Russia not to blame for global food crisis – Putin
Ukraine has repeatedly accused Moscow of “stealing” its stockpiles of wheat and sending it overseas. The spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, Stephane Dujarric, however, said the United Nations is unable to verify these claims.
Ukraine and Western states have repeatedly accused Moscow of impeding grain exports by blocking Ukraine’s Black Sea ports. Russia has rejected such claims, maintaining it is ready to ensure safe passage for grain-carrying vessels from the ports. The disruption of grain flow stems from Kiev’s own actions and extensive mining of the shoreline by the Ukrainian military, Moscow insists.

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
rt.com 8 Jun, 2022 02:38
HomeWorld News

Ukraine tells Israel to get real​

Kiev’s envoy blasts Israel for its refusal to send arms
Ukraine tells Israel to get real

FILE PHOTO: An Israeli-made Iron Dome missile defense system is seen at White Sands missile Range, New Mexico, June 23, 2021. © Pentagon / Darrell Ames

Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel has slammed the country for refusing to supply Kiev with anti-tank munitions and a sophisticated missile defense system, saying they are needed to fend off Russian forces.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Ambassador Yevgen Korniychuk appealed for increased military assistance from the Israeli government, criticizing its alleged decision to deny Kiev a shipment of Spike anti-tank guided missiles.

“I want the Israeli government to move away from its comfort zone and get back to reality,” he said, claiming that US officials signed off on the Spike missiles, which were to be transferred through Germany, but “Israel said no.”

Korniychuk’s comments appeared to confirm previous reports about the axed missile deal, which indicated the Spike transfer was discussed during a recent visit to the US by Israeli military officials. The director general of the Israeli Defense Ministry, Amir Eshel, reportedly declined to back the idea over concerns the weapons would be used to kill Russian soldiers, potentially harming ties with Moscow.
Israel blocks Ukraine missile deal – mediaREAD MORE: Israel blocks Ukraine missile deal – media

However, the envoy argued that “military-technical support” from Israel is sorely needed as Ukrainian forces struggle to push back the Russian advance, citing both the Spike and Iron Dome missile systems.
“We need Iron Dome... which will allow us to save our civilian women and children from the shelling of the Russian missiles in our territory,” he said, adding “I do not want to call this a weapon. I call it protective gear that will protect our civilians. You can not kill with it.”

Korniychuk also claimed that Ukraine would pay for the Iron Dome, saying “We don’t need a donation, we want to buy it.”

READ MORE: Zelensky aide berates Germany

Since Russia’s military operation began in late February, Israel has provided humanitarian assistance and non-lethal aid to Kiev, but has refrained from sending arms, breaking with a long list of US allies supplying light and heavy weapons. While Israel has offered to broker talks between the warring parties and attempted to maintain neutrality in the conflict, Israeli officials are increasingly willing to step up military assistance, according to Haaretz. The outlet noted, however, that there is a “consensus” among officials that air defense systems and other advanced weaponry would not be provided to the Ukrainian army.
Op straat zie ik steeds minder Oekraïense vlaggen.
Stands de Nederlanders niet meer with Ukraine?
Wat een verschrikkelijk volk zijn wij toch.
Heb al verschillende Oekraïnerse vlaggen ondersteboven zien hangen, ook Oekraïnse vlaggen gezien waarvan het gele gedeelte naar wit verkleurd is, 'virtue signaling' is niet gemakkelijk. 😁
👧👦 Listen to what these children have to say. The Western comfort we enjoy vs. their reality. "There's been war as long as I can remember."
What is it like to live under 🇺🇦 shelling for eight years? Hear them out.

Russia is controlling new territory virtually ever week but yet #Ukraine and the Western MSM is trying to paint it as Ukraine is winning this war. #Russia's progress is slow but sure.

Toch de doodstraf voor Aiden Aslin:

⚡️ The Supreme Court of the DPR found a Moroccan citizen and two Britons guilty of mercenarism and other crimes, they were sentenced to death.

The head of the British Foreign Office condemned the death sentence for British mercenaries in the DPR, considers them prisoners of war.

Yet another US mercenary in Kryvyy Rih, Ukraine. If lucky enough, in a couple of months he will flee back to sunny California. With less luck he is bound for the cold city of Magadan. The worst of luck is going to take him to Bandera. Check this out, guys. I have met someone. Where does he come from?
- Where are you from? California?
- California, LA.
- LA. American trainer for the Ukrainian military.
- Glory to Ukraine!
- Glory to the heroes! (Salute of Ukrainian nazis)
#MilitaryTribunal #WarCrimes #UkrainianNazis

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies.

A Ukrainian beat up his 84 year old neighbour in Moscow, a retired Soviet colonel, for supporting the special operation in Ukraine.

The old man ended up in an intensive care with a brain concussion, a broken jaw and hematomas.

This was reported by the victim's daughter.

“In the 90s, no one asked us. They took us and separated us. And if you had asked in 1991: how many people did not want to leave? - 80% definitely did not want to leave the Soviet Union. But they did not listen to us, they divided us. Now justice is being restored”: Residents of the Kherson region - about why Ukrainians stand in line for Russian passports.

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies.

Ukrainian soldiers trying to figure out how to use this high-tech western hand grenade... 🤣🤣😂😂😅

Am I the only one worried for them?

Toch de doodstraf voor Aiden Aslin:

Hier beelden van de gerechtelijke uitspraak:

On the basis of the totality of crimes, finally appoint an exceptional measure of punishment - the death penalty." – Supreme Court of Donetsk Republic.


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