
Shaun Pinner served with the Royal Anglian regiment. He served in many tours including Northern Ireland and with the United Nations in Bosnia.
He has just been sentenced to death in Donbass after being captured by Russian forces in Mariupol 2 months ago and has 1 month to appeal.

🏃‍♂️More than 500 deserters in the National Guard of Ukraine in the first month alone

Data have been published about NGU servicemen who made unauthorized abandonment of military units in the first month of the war. In the Armed Forces of Ukraine, such a list is probably an order of magnitude larger. The number of escaped officers is also surprising.

Echt een aanwinst, die Oejraieners!

A citizen of Mariupol, Irina Podoruyeva, tells she ran from the shots of a sniper who shot at her when she went to get water:

— When I went to get water, took it and began to drink, I heard and saw branches from the tree falling on me. A Ukrainian army soldier started shooting at me, because there was no Russian army here yet. It was the beginning of March.

I got scared, bent down squatting and started running. He started shooting at me. To drive me away from the well...

Anatoly, a citizen of the Cheryomushki district of Mariupol, tells an “Azov” sniper fired at him and how civilians were killed:

— Did the “Azovites” kill civilians?

— I have no doubt that the “Azovites” did it. As for my story, I was not killed, because, apparently, he was tired of just shooting, he decided just to play around.

(I) went out to a quiet place... and at that time there was a shot from the right, five seconds later a shot from the left. I realized that now (there would be a shot) in the head, I squat quickly. And (I), a Soviet reserve officer, with a bare ass, was jumping along the yard into the basement...

A doctor from the 4th hospital of Mariupol, Svetlana Slapinova, tells the Ukrainian troops were hiding behind women and children.

— The scariest thing, probably, was when we went upstairs from the basement... and saw a Ukrainian tank drive up, shoot and drive back.

When our girls came up and said – What are you doing? You shot back and left, there are women, old people, children here, then the answer was shocking – Who should we hide behind?

The height of cynicism is to hide behind women and children.

Ukrainian helicopter records it's own shotdown. Summer 2014, Lugansk region.

Full version of Ukrainian helicopter going down, it's casually flying almost at ground level until it doesn't.

The foreign mercenaries in Donbass being given the death penalty, including two Brits, has of course meant that i've seen my name, and picture, bandied here there and everywhere, as the interview requests start to come in again. Let me say this. I interviewed Aiden Aslin back in April, a 45-minute interview, i felt it was an excellent piece of journalistic work. That got me condemned in the British parliament, press, and YouTube deleted the video and demonetized my channel. Ok, whatever, by then i'd already moved onto other themes. And other themes i've stayed with, with some of my most important work from this time in Donbass still to come.

So, what do i think about the death sentence, for Aslin and Pinner? I think i did my job, as a journalist, back in April. It's not my job to be a gobsh*te with an opinion on everything, or to attempt to influence the judicial processes of the DNR. I love Donbass, the people of Donbass. They have my attention, and love, all the time. Aslin? I finished the interview with him, published it, dealt with all the blowback, and have barely even thought about him since. Pinner, i never even met him, just didn't have the time to do another interview of that nature.

So, what do i think? I think that i did my job as a journalist when i interviewed Aslin. That a DNR court has done its job in reaching the verdict they have. And i've got other reportage that i'm working on, and thinking about at the moment which is much more important to me than the fates of a couple of British guys who fought with Ukrainian neo-Nazis, against the people of Donbass. Let anyone around the world thinking of making that decision look at them now, and see how that works out. As for Aslin and Pinner, you have to seriously entertain the possibility that i simply do not care for them, or about them.


Hier is dat interview dat Geaham Philips hield met Aiden Aslin:

There are reports of losses amongst foreign mercenaries in Ukraine— deaths have been reported amongst mercenaries from the UK, Georgia, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Canada, France. These losses occurred around Severodonetsk. We’ve previously seen footage of these mercenaries vowing to destroy the Russians 😁


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