
◾‘We didn’t go to West Ukraine to fight with tanks and planes. They came to us, but we’re somehow to blame,’ says Yuri Filippov, head of sales at a bakery in Lugansk.

◾In 2014, the Ukrainian military shelled the bakery; it couldn’t operate for over a month. He cannot understand how the Ukrainian forces could fire on civilians. ‘They sent tanks and planes here to fight whom? Ordinary citizens.’

⚡❗️Ukrainian people want peace

More than 80% of Ukraine's population wants an end to hostilities and a return to peace, according to a new opinion poll. At the same time, 13% of Ukrainians still believe that at present the most necessary thing for Ukraine is accession to the EU, and only 6% of respondents are in favor of continuing mobilization in the country.

It turns out that more than 90% of the population of Ukraine opposes the continuation of mobilization. People are tired of daily news about the number of dead Ukrainian servicemen.
The Ukrainian people want peace.

Ukrainian Armed Forces began to kill mercenaries so that they would not give out important information

Groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remaining in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk began to kill foreign mercenaries, a source close to the People's Militia of the LPR said.

The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine received a command to eliminate foreign instructors in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk, as they have certain information about the activities of foreign intelligence services in the Donbass. If they are captured, this information may be disclosed, TASS reports. The LPR military has already discovered the bodies of several dead mercenaries: "It has already been established that these were mercenaries from among the British and Poles."

According to the Assistant Minister of the Interior of the LPR Vitaly Kiselyov, there are more than 120 mercenaries from Poland, Great Britain, the USA and France in Lisichansk. 🤡=💀

Russia response during the United Nations security council today.

Facilities hosting Western weapons or mercenaries become legitimate military targets for the RF Armed Forces.

"...And the facilities where these weapons or mercenaries are deployed become legitimate military targets. As were the hangars on the territory of the plant "Kremenchug Plant of Road Machines".

‘We're tenacious Colorado beetles. They're driven into the ground, poisoned, but they appear again. We’ll live on with Russia.’ Donbass ‘Babushki’ explain how they lived for the past eight years and make plans for a future with Russia.

The CIA was preparing a war in Donbass back in 1957 as a part of the anti-Soviet uprising, says military observer Alexander Artamonov.

In the 60s, the CIA was planning special operations in the Ukraine. According to American analysts, the anti-Soviet uprising would have been supported in many regions of the Ukrainian SSR and the division for and against Moscow would have passed along approximately the same border that now separates the DPR, LPR and Crimea from the rest of the Ukraine. Such conclusions can be drawn from the study “Factors of resistance and zones of action of special forces. Ukraine" 1957. The CIA recently declassified this study, and it was presented in detail by the BBC.

In the study, the Ukraine is divided into 12 zones according to the degree of loyalty to the American interventionists. The task of the interventionists was to start an uprising against the central government. Quite expectedly, the western part of the country is recognized as the most "promising" - in particular, the Volyn region and the Lutsk region, which includes such cities as Kovel, Lutsk, Kostopol and Vladimirets.

However, the Crimea and Donbass were already characterized as “nonpromising”, since the local population supported the central government and, in fact, considered itself Russian, not Ukrainian (Zones I and II).

It was the conflict of zones 3-12 with zones 1-2 that was described in 1957 as the most likely and potentially feasible for escalation within the USSR with the aim of its collapse.

At the same time, there are also zones 3, 4, 5 (Odessa, Kharkov, Zaporozhye), which, according to the CIA in 1957, would have sided with Donbass at the start of the conflict.

As a result, it is interesting to evaluate the map of the Ukraine, which was created by the CIA in 1957. As it is seen, the US plan was implemented 60 years later...

For skeptics, here is a link to the original report. It’s worth reviewing starting at page 86.


Just a short doctor's visit, nothing to see here...🙄
There are no Nazis in Ukraine. And btw, he's a cook.

◾“They didn’t want to surrender the city, they fired here and there, wherever they hit”

◾A girl from Mariupol told what the Azov people were doing in one of the districts of the city:

◾“They had ammunition depots here. And they fired in the morning, and then ran back downstairs, because they had an ammunition depot in Slobodka.

◾The Vesushniks wanted to surrender the city, but the Azov people said no. And they did not surrender the city to the last, while all of them were there ... I don’t know what they did to them at Azovstal.


Zelensky announces Ukraine is cutting ties with Syria after Damascus recognized the independence of Lugansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic.

I can tell you the whole "Mall with me over 1,000 people inside bombed by Russia" story that is being pushed by Ukraine, Zelensky and the MSM is a complete lie.

That parking lot is nearly empty and there is a good reason for that...

That mall has been closed for awhile now.

The CIA was preparing a war in Donbass back in 1957 as a part of the anti-Soviet uprising, says military observer Alexander Artamonov.

In the 60s, the CIA was planning special operations in the Ukraine. According to American analysts, the anti-Soviet uprising would have been supported in many regions of the Ukrainian SSR and the division for and against Moscow would have passed along approximately the same border that now separates the DPR, LPR and Crimea from the rest of the Ukraine. Such conclusions can be drawn from the study “Factors of resistance and zones of action of special forces. Ukraine" 1957. The CIA recently declassified this study, and it was presented in detail by the BBC.

In the study, the Ukraine is divided into 12 zones according to the degree of loyalty to the American interventionists. The task of the interventionists was to start an uprising against the central government. Quite expectedly, the western part of the country is recognized as the most "promising" - in particular, the Volyn region and the Lutsk region, which includes such cities as Kovel, Lutsk, Kostopol and Vladimirets.

However, the Crimea and Donbass were already characterized as “nonpromising”, since the local population supported the central government and, in fact, considered itself Russian, not Ukrainian (Zones I and II).

It was the conflict of zones 3-12 with zones 1-2 that was described in 1957 as the most likely and potentially feasible for escalation within the USSR with the aim of its collapse.

At the same time, there are also zones 3, 4, 5 (Odessa, Kharkov, Zaporozhye), which, according to the CIA in 1957, would have sided with Donbass at the start of the conflict.

As a result, it is interesting to evaluate the map of the Ukraine, which was created by the CIA in 1957. As it is seen, the US plan was implemented 60 years later...

For skeptics, here is a link to the original report. It’s worth reviewing starting at page 86.

De CIA bereidde al in 1957 een oorlog voor in Donbass als onderdeel van de anti-Sovjet opstand, zegt militair waarnemer Alexander Artamonov.

In de jaren '60 plande de CIA speciale operaties in Oekraïne. Volgens Amerikaanse analisten zou de anti-Sovjet opstand in veel regio's van de Oekraïense SSR gesteund zijn en zou de verdeling voor en tegen Moskou langs ongeveer dezelfde grens zijn gegaan die nu de DPR, LPR en de Krim scheidt van de rest van Oekraïne. Dergelijke conclusies kunnen worden getrokken uit de studie "Factors of resistance and zones of action of special forces. Oekraïne" 1957. De CIA heeft deze studie onlangs gederubriceerd, en de BBC heeft ze in detail gepresenteerd.

In de studie wordt de Oekraïne verdeeld in 12 zones volgens de mate van loyaliteit aan de Amerikaanse interventionisten. De opdracht van de interventionisten was een opstand te ontketenen tegen de centrale regering. Het ligt voor de hand dat het westelijk deel van het land als het meest "veelbelovend" wordt beschouwd - met name de regio Volyn en de regio Lutsk, waartoe steden als Kovel, Lutsk, Kostopol en Vladimirets behoren.

De Krim en de Donbass werden echter al als "niet veelbelovend" aangemerkt, omdat de plaatselijke bevolking de centrale regering steunde en zichzelf in feite als Russisch en niet als Oekraïens beschouwde (zones I en II).

Het was het conflict van de zones 3-12 met de zones 1-2 dat in 1957 werd beschreven als het meest waarschijnlijke en potentieel haalbare voor escalatie binnen de USSR met als doel de ineenstorting ervan.

Tegelijkertijd zijn er ook de zones 3, 4, 5 (Odessa, Charkov, Zaporozhye), die volgens de CIA in 1957 aan het begin van het conflict de kant van Donbass zouden hebben gekozen.

Bijgevolg is het interessant om de kaart van Oekraïne te evalueren, die in 1957 door de CIA werd opgesteld. Zoals men ziet, werd het plan van de VS 60 jaar later uitgevoerd...

Voor de sceptici, hier is een link naar het originele rapport. Het is de moeite waard om te bekijken vanaf pagina 86.


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🇺🇦🇺🇸 RIA Novosti, citing a source, reports that the CIA is recruiting IS* militants to be sent to Ukraine.

◾A resident of Kremenchug asks an uncomfortable question to the mayor Vitaly Maletsky about the destroyed shopping mall allegedly hit by a Russian strike.

◾So why the fuck during the war did you hide ammunition in the place where there could be a large number of people?
Answer my question, anyone of the faggots in the authorities, what are you motherfuckers doing?


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