
Oekraïne zet EU-vlag neer in het Oekraïense parlement​

In het Oekraïense parlement is vandaag een grote vlag van de Europese Unie naar binnen gebracht. EU-Commissievoorzitter Ursula von der Leyen hield vanmorgen een video-toespraak in het Oekraïense parlement.
De parlementsleden en president Zelensky klapten gezamenlijk toen drie militairen van de Nationale Garde de vlag naast die van Oekraïne neerzetten. De bedoeling is dat de EU-vlag daar ook blijft staan.

Matti Maasikas

Moving to tears - the EU flag is been brought to the plenary hall of @ua_parliament. To stay.
5 uur geleden

In haar video-toespraak zei Von der Leyen dat Oekraïne "een heel duidelijk Europees perspectief" heeft, maar dat er ook nog een lange weg te gaan is. "Europa zal bij elke stap aan je zijde staan, zolang als nodig is, vanaf deze donkere oorlogsdagen tot het moment dat je de deur opent die naar onze Europese Unie leidt."
Zelensky sprak opnieuw zijn hoop uit voor een snelle toetreding. "Ons pad naar lidmaatschap mag geen decennia duren", zei hij. "We moeten dit pad zo snel mogelijk doorkruisen. Dit hangt van ons af."

🐸 Hahaha GNG!

Sean Penn visited Ukraine again to talk about his documentary on the Ukraine War.

Zelensky says:
“The whole world will soon be able to see the whole truth about the war thanks to his film. Sean, thank you for the support of our state and our people!”

Pedowood is in a panic.
Their propaganda does not work on us.
How many actors are going to be paraded through those doors by the time this is over?
All I can do is laugh at the absurdity.


We returned to Severodonetsk and found new destruction of residential quarters as a result of the shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They are clearly working purposefully on the civilian sector, on civilians. There are no military facilities, headquarters, warehouses and the like in these parts of the city. The shelling is coming from Lisichansk.

Children Living Under Ukranian Army Shelling

‘It’s an eighty. I’ll put it down. I mustn’t touch it. And this is a small one. And this here is a shell’s tail. See, I’m holding it’. These are the toys of Donbass children. They don’t know what a peaceful life looks like.

For 8 years, the kids went to school during shelling. Some never returned home. Now more and more cities are returning to normal life. Children believe that they can safely study on their land.

Our short doc is about those who have never seen peace in their lives.


Our brothers WarOnFakes denounced a new ukrainian propaganda fake news

Fake news:
Coffins with Russian military personnel deceased in Ukraine are unloaded like firewood from the back of a truck. This image appeared on the Internet.

The fact:
Originally this fake was spread back in 2015, but recently it went viral in the "VK" social network again. The original photo was taken back in 2007. It shows the remains of German soldiers killed near Leningrad during World War II being prepared for burial at the German cemetery in Sologubovka near St. Petersburg. On the left in the original uncut picture is a Russian soldier, and on the right a German soldier wearing a red beret.

❗️DPR Ombudsman: 95% of soldiers were beaten and tortured with electric shock

DPR Human rights Ombudsman Daria Morozova visited the hospital with 47 DPR servicemen rescued from Ukrainian captivity.

"Unfortunately, most of the guys had to experience the atrocities of Ukrainian punishers. 95% of our fighters were tortured, beaten and otherwise ill-treated. In most cases it was about torture using electric shocks.In addition, all servicemen’s documents were confiscated and destroyed.

Today, the state of health of the servicemen who returned home is different. Almost everyone has problems. Many of them will have to treat complications after gunshot wounds and fractures. The necessary assistance will be provided in full," the Ombudsman said.

A resident of Donbas, who visited a place from which people did not return, told in detail how he experienced this horror.
Getting into this “Library” guaranteed a feeling like reading the book “SS in Action”. “The Butcher” and “Doctor” are not characters of the book mentioned above, but Nazi sadists of the Kiev regime, which the West is eager to protect and provide weapons. Torment, torture, instilling fear and horror by bigots, sophisticated torture, and fascist methods of suppressing the will are the favorite methods of the Nazis.

Poland Halts Payouts to Ukrainian Refugees

Poland will stop paying for hosting Ukrainian refugees starting Friday, having previously paid 40 zlotys (about $9) daily, for food and accommodations.

According to the Polish government’s refugee spokesman Pawlo Bossernaker, most refugees are already able to stand on their own feet.

An exception will be made for people with disabilities, families with many children and pregnant women.


🇺🇦🇵🇱Poles took to the streets of Warsaw because of the influx of refugees from Ukraine.

"There is Polish here, not Ukropol," the protesters chanted.

Since July 1, Warsaw has deprived refugees from Ukraine of regular benefits.

▪️Even earlier, the right of free long-distance travel was taken away from them.

And even flags in support of Ukraine were removed from public transport.

By the way, the majority of Poles support the curtailment of assistance programs for Ukrainian refugees.

By the way, the rumors about the conscription of women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine turned out to be not rumors, but the truth, though with a fair amount of speculation. At the moment, it is precisely established that women with a medical education are called up. They are promised work in military hospitals in the rear. But we know the price of the promises of our Ukrainian authorities very well.

There is definitely a list of professions for which it is planned to mobilize women, and this is no longer a joke. At the moment, conscription into the army has failed greatly and even frankly disabled people are being enrolled in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies

Poles just can’t tolerate this slapstick comedy called Ukrainian refugees anymore.

Why don’t they take care of their children and only work in brothels?!

They only came here for propaganda, the normal people stayed back in Ukraine..

Foreign Affairs on NATO future: continuing conflict may turn out for Ukraine new deaths and territory losses, not military-successes

Ukraine, even with additional supplies of Western weapons, will not be able to restore before-February-24 status quo. Kiev will only lose more territories, and an incredible number of people will die, writes the American edition of Foreign Affairs.

At the same time, the longer the conflict continues, the higher the chance of its global escalation, and the longer and more serious the disruptions in the global economy and food supply will be.

🇺🇦 Reporters Without Borders called on Kiev to stop "unlawful restrictions on the work of journalists on the ground."

At least nine thousand reporters are covering the fighting in Ukraine. In addition to the risk to their lives, they have to face difficulties in gaining access to certain places, taking photos, and sometimes with unreasonable detentions. This is stated in the message of the organization.


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