
Just to put the current conflict in Ukraine into perspective:

In 1991 Iraq, USA has fired 60,000 rounds for the entire gulf war.

Russia fires this in one day.

The NATO industrial base is not capable of such production numbers.

Europe is not capable of producing an arsenal capable to stand up to the Russian military.

Expert opinion:
According to ex-US marine corp officer Scott Ritter, the British would run out of ammunition in 2 weeks in a war against Russia. Scott Ritter said they would “not even last 2 weeks because they’d lose their entire army by then.”

According to Scott, NATO has been demilitarized. Even the United States,
According to Scott, has run out of rounds for their most important systems which are meant to break down the russian military — in event of conflict.

Scott says that the Russian military, according to leaked documents by Ukrainian ministry of defense itself — inflicted 250,000 casualties onto the Ukrainians. This is 3x the size of Britain’s entire standing army.

Scott estimates that before the war, no European military would stand in a conflict with the Ukrainian army. He explains that the Ukrainian military would decimate Poland, Germany, Romania, etc.

Having internal knowledge due to his US military background/connections, Scott is aware of the level of support, training and supplies to the Ukrainian military since 2014. Scott describes the pre-2022 Ukrainian military as best combat equipped in Europe with more battle experience than any other army in Europe.

Scott Ritter estimates 15,000 combined casualties for Russia and its allies, this is inline with our previous estimation.

Ukrainians are losing thousands of men without ever seeing a Russian soldier face to face. This is inline with the videos we saw from various Ukrainian units who refused to fight and called on the Ukrainian authorities to pull them out of battle. They said the exact same thing. The casualty ratio between Russia and Ukraine is simply jaw dropping. These are numbers we have not seen in modern history.

Russia is doing this with 200k men, a peace time economy. Russia has not mobilized. Russia has employed 20% of its capability.

One more thing to add: while looking at maps, we only see “small advance” arrows. Small advance arrows accomplish one thing, they demilitarize Ukraine and inflict heavy casualties on the Ukrainians without putting Russian lives at danger. Russia is not on a timed schedule here. They have no reason to rush. Anyone who studied history, especially WW2 battles — is aware that big arrow map moves cost big casualties. Thousands of men die. There’s simply no reason for this. In fact, the longer Russia drags this out, the more they demilitarize Europe and drain the United States military supplies and funds.

At the same time, the Russian military is now the most combat experienced military in the world. The longer this drags on, the more soldiers get combat experience due to rotations. The more pilots get to perfect their skills, navy, intelligence, etc.

No modern military has fought a war even remotely similar to the Ukrainian war. This is not a war where the enemy gets bombed to oblivion by aviation, cities get turned into rubble and soldiers then move in like heroes with minimal resistance— this is ground warfare in its purest form; artillery battles, territorial conquest. This is where individual skills and strategy are crucial.

The world has not seen anything like this since WW2. Russia will demilitarize Ukraine. Russia will reach its goals. No magical weapon can change that. No one with military background doubts this.



🇺🇸❌🇷🇺 — United States Government says it believes that Russia is preparing to step up a massive wave of attacks against Ukraine and its government, urges U.S. citizens to leave immediately from Ukrainian soil!

Ja laten we heel Oekraine hier opvangen in het westen, allemaal verplicht buiten slapen zodat die arme ontheemde Oekies een thuis hebben!


De Oekraïense president Vladimir Zelensky is bezorgd dat hij wordt misbruikt door iemand die dicht bij hem staat, zei de Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, verwijzend naar hun gesprek tijdens de bijeenkomst in Lviv op donderdag.
Staat er iets te gebeuren in Kiev op/vanaf 25 augustus? Zie 12:30

Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
Just to put the current conflict in Ukraine into perspective:

In 1991 Iraq, USA has fired 60,000 rounds for the entire gulf war.

Russia fires this in one day.

The NATO industrial base is not capable of such production numbers.

Europe is not capable of producing an arsenal capable to stand up to the Russian military.

Expert opinion:
According to ex-US marine corp officer Scott Ritter, the British would run out of ammunition in 2 weeks in a war against Russia. Scott Ritter said they would “not even last 2 weeks because they’d lose their entire army by then.”

According to Scott, NATO has been demilitarized. Even the United States,
According to Scott, has run out of rounds for their most important systems which are meant to break down the russian military — in event of conflict.

Scott says that the Russian military, according to leaked documents by Ukrainian ministry of defense itself — inflicted 250,000 casualties onto the Ukrainians. This is 3x the size of Britain’s entire standing army.

Scott estimates that before the war, no European military would stand in a conflict with the Ukrainian army. He explains that the Ukrainian military would decimate Poland, Germany, Romania, etc.

Having internal knowledge due to his US military background/connections, Scott is aware of the level of support, training and supplies to the Ukrainian military since 2014. Scott describes the pre-2022 Ukrainian military as best combat equipped in Europe with more battle experience than any other army in Europe.

Scott Ritter estimates 15,000 combined casualties for Russia and its allies, this is inline with our previous estimation.

Ukrainians are losing thousands of men without ever seeing a Russian soldier face to face. This is inline with the videos we saw from various Ukrainian units who refused to fight and called on the Ukrainian authorities to pull them out of battle. They said the exact same thing. The casualty ratio between Russia and Ukraine is simply jaw dropping. These are numbers we have not seen in modern history.

Russia is doing this with 200k men, a peace time economy. Russia has not mobilized. Russia has employed 20% of its capability.

One more thing to add: while looking at maps, we only see “small advance” arrows. Small advance arrows accomplish one thing, they demilitarize Ukraine and inflict heavy casualties on the Ukrainians without putting Russian lives at danger. Russia is not on a timed schedule here. They have no reason to rush. Anyone who studied history, especially WW2 battles — is aware that big arrow map moves cost big casualties. Thousands of men die. There’s simply no reason for this. In fact, the longer Russia drags this out, the more they demilitarize Europe and drain the United States military supplies and funds.

At the same time, the Russian military is now the most combat experienced military in the world. The longer this drags on, the more soldiers get combat experience due to rotations. The more pilots get to perfect their skills, navy, intelligence, etc.

No modern military has fought a war even remotely similar to the Ukrainian war. This is not a war where the enemy gets bombed to oblivion by aviation, cities get turned into rubble and soldiers then move in like heroes with minimal resistance— this is ground warfare in its purest form; artillery battles, territorial conquest. This is where individual skills and strategy are crucial.

The world has not seen anything like this since WW2. Russia will demilitarize Ukraine. Russia will reach its goals. No magical weapon can change that. No one with military background doubts this.


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rt.com 26 Aug, 2022 22:07
HomeRussia & FSU

Amnesty issues warning about Donbass tribunal​

The organization blasted the looming trial as a “sham” by Russia and Donbass
Amnesty issues warning about Donbass tribunal

FILE PHOTO. © Global Look Press / www.imago-images.de

Amnesty International is against putting Ukrainian POWs on trial for alleged war crimes, insisting that Russia and Donbass are in no position to do so.

Describing the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as “Russian-backed armed groups,” the organization called the upcoming tribunals “illegal and abusive.” The organization also blasted the decision to set up the trials in the city of Mariupol, captured by Russian and Donbass forces during the ongoing conflict, saying it was “a further act of cruelty against a city.”
“Any attempts by Russian authorities to try Ukrainian prisoners of war in so-called ‘international tribunals’ set up by armed groups under Russia’s effective control in Mariupol are illegal and unacceptable,”
Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Marie Struthers, said in a statement on Friday.

The remarks echoed those recently made by top Ukrainian officials, including Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who threatened to cut any potential negotiations with Russia should Ukrainian POWs, primarily fighters of the notorious neo-Nazi Azov regiment, be placed on a“show trial.”
“If this despicable show trial takes place … This will be the line beyond which any negotiations are impossible. Russia will cut itself off from any negotiations,”
Zelensky said in a video address on Monday.
Amnesty further backtracks on Ukraine human rights report
Amnesty further backtracks on Ukraine human rights report

Zelensky’s call, however, has been promptly snubbed by top Russian and Donbass officials, with the head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, stating such threats will have “no effect” on the tribunal plans.
“The data on 80 counts of crimes committed by the Azov has been collected, 23 people have been arrested and are in custody,” Pushilin stated.

Russian Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin issued a darker warning in response to Zelensky’s threats, suggesting the public hearings will expose Kiev’s crimes, which is why the Ukrainian president rightfully fears them.

“He and the Kiev regime have reasons to be afraid,” Volodin said. “He and his inner circle ordered to bomb, shoot and kill peaceful citizens: the elderly, women, children. That is why Zelensky is doing everything to prevent the tribunal.”
Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, designed to give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state. The protocols, brokered by Germany and France, were first signed in 2014. Former Ukrainian president Pyotr Poroshenko has since admitted that Kiev’s main goal was to use the ceasefire to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.”

In February 2022, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked.

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