
Het gaat over de film 'Offshore 95' met grote onthullingen. Je kunt hem op Nederlandse ondertiteling zetten. Duurt 56 minuten. Ik moet hem zelf nog gaan bekijken.


Hierboven het woordje 'film' leidt tot de film op youtube.


Wat de Pandora Papers vertellen over Zelenskyy, zijn offshore bedrijven, en zijn favoriete oligarch
Op 3 oktober vond in een theater in Kiev de vertoning plaats van de film "Offshore 95" van Slidstvo.Info, een team van onafhankelijke onderzoeksjournalisten, ondanks pogingen om de film te verstoren.

Op dit moment onderzoeken het VK, de VS en Oekraïne gevallen van witwassen van geld van Privatbank waarbij Kolomoiskyi betrokken is.

Tja, is het waar of slechts een film? De waarheid ligt in dit geval in het midden.

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rt.com 7 Aug, 2022 16:17
HomeRussia & FSU

70% of Western weapons sent to Ukraine don’t reach troops - CBS​

Report suggests US appears to be repeating the mistakes of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria
70% of Western weapons sent to Ukraine don’t reach troops - CBS

FILE PHOTO: A Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces member holds an anti-tank weapon on the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine, March 9, 2022 © AP / Efrem Lukatsky

With the US and its allies pledging unprecedented levels of military support to Ukraine, a recent CBS News report suggested that only around 30% of the weapons sent by the West actually make it to the front lines. The report adds to ongoing rumors of waste, corruption, and black market profiteering.

The US has approved more than $54 billion of economic and military aid to Ukraine since February, while the UK has committed nearly $3 billion in military aid alone, and the EU has spent another $2.5 billion on arms for Kiev. An entire spectrum of equipment, from rifles and grenades to anti-tank missiles and multiple launch rocket systems have left the West’s armories for Ukraine, with most entering the country through Poland.
However, this rarely goes smoothly, CBS News revealed this week.
“All of this stuff goes across the border, and then something happens, kind of like 30% of it reaches its final destination,”Jonas Ohman, the founder of a Lithuania-based organization supplying the Ukrainian military, told the American network. Ohman said that getting the weapons to the troops involves navigating a complex network of “power lords, oligarchs [and] political players.”
Dit was in 2016. Toen al had Jan het over de nazi's in Oekraïne, en die presentator weet niet hoe snel hij hier omheen moet lullen...

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