
Volchansk is occupied by NATO troops. Exactly like this and nothing else. Locals report that there are practically no Ukrainian Nazis in the city. Lots of blacks and English speakers. Exactly the same situation is in Kazachya Lopan.

Map of energy systems of Ukraine.

As you can see, most of the energy infrastructure is located in the southeast.

There were four nuclear power plants in Ukraine: Zaporozhye, Rivne, Khmelnytskyi and Yuzhno-Ukraine. There are a total of 15 reactors, six of which - VVER-1000 - in Energodar, which provides about 40% of electricity production in nuclear power plants and about 20% of the country's energy balance.
Energodar was under the control of the RUAF for a long time. On the night of September 11, the last operating unit of the Zaporozhye NPP - the sixth - was disconnected from the power grid and began to prepare for the transition to a cold state.

The armed forces of Russia today hit the key thermal power plants in the northeast and thereby emptied several northern and eastern regions of Ukraine.

The energy system of Ukraine failed and hence the news that due to the imbalance of the energy system, the Yuzhno-Ukraine and Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plants were disconnected from the grid.

Voor zover ik het kan overzien zijn de Oekraiense aanvallen op de infrastructuur in Donbass wraak vanwege de Russische aanvallen op de Oekraiense infrastructuur. Zonder stroom geen treinen en zonder communicatienetwerken geen leger. Binnenkort is heel Oekraine zwart - en dat met de winter voor de deur. Zo ziet het er momenteel uit vanuit de ruimte:

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Update van Military Summary over de hergroepering van de Russen uit angst voor Oekraïens Offensief in het zuiden richting Mariupol.

Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 11.09.2022​

Goed overzicht van Paul Serran:

UKRAINIAN COUNTEROFFENSIVE: For the first time since the beginning of the war, Ukrainian forces were able to launch a counteroffensive and make meaningful territorial gains in the northern region of Kharkiv. It is reported that the actual breaches of Russians front line were achieved with not only with NATO-given tanks, missiles, etc - but with mercenaries from NATO countries, mostly Americans, Polish and British.

Russian forces in Ukraine don't have to hold any particular piece of terrain, so they withdrew their troops with minimal losses. As for the Ukrainians, once they leave the fortifications they built for many years and launch an attack 'out in the open', they become much easier targets for the Russian artillery. Kiev's losses in this last few days were enormous, there are those who say that Zelensky burned all his troop reserves in this, since he has to have some semblance of military victories to show his Western partners before the Winter sets in. Now he has - but at a cost he may not be able to pay.

GLOVES OFF - UKRAINE IS IN THE DARK: This counteroffensive also led to Moscow finally taking out its gloves and starting to wage this 'special military operation' in a more ruthless way that resembles a war. Examples: today in one single round of air raids targeting power plants, Russia put most of Ukraine in the dark. In the Kharkiv region internet is also down. Just imagine that Russia, so far, allowed their enemy to carry on having electricity, gas, light, internet, water supply, even military supply lines by train were untouched... all that will change.

SLOW-MOTION WAR: Russia is also sending more troops - it has long been noted by military analysts that Putin did NOT send the bulk of his forces to this operation, and indeed sent a surprisingly low number of men and equipment. Sometimes I think Russians WANT this war to take place as slowly as possible, so that military arsenals of the West get depleted by sending it to Kkraine to get blow off, and so the threat to the Russian mainland would be reduced in the same measure.

Goed overzicht van Paul Serran:

UKRAINIAN COUNTEROFFENSIVE: For the first time since the beginning of the war, Ukrainian forces were able to launch a counteroffensive and make meaningful territorial gains in the northern region of Kharkiv. It is reported that the actual breaches of Russians front line were achieved with not only with NATO-given tanks, missiles, etc - but with mercenaries from NATO countries, mostly Americans, Polish and British.

Russian forces in Ukraine don't have to hold any particular piece of terrain, so they withdrew their troops with minimal losses. As for the Ukrainians, once they leave the fortifications they built for many years and launch an attack 'out in the open', they become much easier targets for the Russian artillery. Kiev's losses in this last few days were enormous, there are those who say that Zelensky burned all his troop reserves in this, since he has to have some semblance of military victories to show his Western partners before the Winter sets in. Now he has - but at a cost he may not be able to pay.

GLOVES OFF - UKRAINE IS IN THE DARK: This counteroffensive also led to Moscow finally taking out its gloves and starting to wage this 'special military operation' in a more ruthless way that resembles a war. Examples: today in one single round of air raids targeting power plants, Russia put most of Ukraine in the dark. In the Kharkiv region internet is also down. Just imagine that Russia, so far, allowed their enemy to carry on having electricity, gas, light, internet, water supply, even military supply lines by train were untouched... all that will change.

SLOW-MOTION WAR: Russia is also sending more troops - it has long been noted by military analysts that Putin did NOT send the bulk of his forces to this operation, and indeed sent a surprisingly low number of men and equipment. Sometimes I think Russians WANT this war to take place as slowly as possible, so that military arsenals of the West get depleted by sending it to Kkraine to get blow off, and so the threat to the Russian mainland would be reduced in the same measure.

Even door vertaler gehaald:
Oekraïens tegenoffensief: Voor het eerst sinds het begin van de oorlog zijn de Oekraïense strijdkrachten in staat geweest een tegenoffensief te lanceren en een significante territoriale winst te boeken in de noordelijke regio van Charkiv. Naar verluidt werden de feitelijke doorbraken van de Russische frontlinie niet alleen bereikt met tanks, raketten, enz. van de NAVO, maar ook met huurlingen uit NAVO-landen, voornamelijk Amerikanen, Polen en Britten.

De Russische strijdkrachten in Oekraïne hoeven geen bepaald stuk terrein in handen te houden, dus trokken zij hun troepen met minimale verliezen terug. Wat de Oekraïners betreft, zodra zij de versterkingen verlaten die zij jarenlang hebben gebouwd en een aanval "in het open veld" lanceren, worden zij veel gemakkelijker doelwitten voor de Russische artillerie. De verliezen van Kiev in de afgelopen dagen waren enorm, er zijn mensen die zeggen dat Zelenski al zijn troepenreserves heeft verbrand, omdat hij een schijn van militaire overwinning moet hebben om aan zijn westerse partners te laten zien voordat de winter intreedt. Nu heeft hij dat - maar tegen een prijs die hij misschien niet zal kunnen betalen.

GLOVES OFF - UKRAINE IS IN THE DARK: Dit tegenoffensief heeft er ook toe geleid dat Moskou eindelijk de handschoenen uittrekt en deze "speciale militaire operatie" begint uit te voeren op een meedogenlozere manier die op een oorlog lijkt. Voorbeelden: vandaag heeft Rusland in één enkele ronde van luchtaanvallen op elektriciteitscentrales het grootste deel van Oekraïne in het donker gezet. In de regio Kharkiv ligt ook het internet plat. Stel je voor dat Rusland tot nu toe heeft toegestaan dat hun vijand elektriciteit, gas, licht, internet, watervoorziening, zelfs militaire aanvoerlijnen per trein ongemoeid heeft gelaten... dat zal allemaal veranderen.

SLOW-MOTION OORLOG: Rusland stuurt ook meer troepen - militaire analisten hebben al lang opgemerkt dat Poetin NIET het grootste deel van zijn troepen naar deze operatie heeft gestuurd, en zelfs een verrassend laag aantal manschappen en materieel. Soms denk ik dat de Russen WILLEN dat deze oorlog zo langzaam mogelijk verloopt, zodat de militaire arsenalen van het Westen uitgeput raken door ze naar Kkraine te sturen om af te blazen, en zo de dreiging voor het Russische vasteland in dezelfde mate zou afnemen.
The tactical success of the Ukrainian counter-offensive is directly related to increased cooperation with American intelligence, - New York Times

From the very beginning of the special operation, the United States provided the Ukrainian side with the information they had on the movements of Russian troops, the location of command posts, ammunition depots and other key facilities. Now, US intelligence not only shares information, but also directly participates in the planning of offensives, writes the New York Times.

The success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was influenced by the operational training of the special forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the organization of the operational exchange of intelligence between the United States and Ukraine. In July-August, the infrastructure for collecting and analyzing intelligence data was greatly adjusted.

However, we call bullshit on this report. From the very beginning, Americans and Brits planned every move of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and also shared every bit of information they could get their hands on. Basically any successful move of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this war was immediately declared an American win by US media, this is simply propaganda.

The success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is thanks to 6 months of hoarding of equipment and reserving trained forces for this exact purpose. They were sending territorial defense civilians into the meat grinder while reserving the remainder of their trained forces preciously behind the front lines.

It took them half a year to accumulate the equipment from the west, most of which they have now lost.

The difference between Russia and Ukraine in this successful pushback of the Russian military is that Russia can advance again, they have the hardware, ammo & weapons — pretty much endlessly. Ukraine, not so much. They’re giving it everything they got, quite literally. Everything they were able to mass up over the course of the war. They will eventually run out of the hardware and troops and will be back to square one. They’re currently outnumbering Russian Armed Forces troops 4 to 1. (Or were, when they started the Kharkov counter offensive)

We’ve seen the Ukrainian Armed Forces counter offensive start strong in Kherson and eventually run out of steam, the same will happen in the eastern direction. As men die, hardware is decimated, Ukrainian Armed Forces have no comeback; because it’s all they got.

Additionally, this all depends on your point of view. Russians barely took any casualties in this Ukrainian counter offensive. They were given orders to withdraw as soon as Ukrainian Armed Forces came within 4 KM of their positions.

From 1 point of view, they should’ve been ordered to attack and take casualties, hold onto the villages — so it is a failure of the Russian Armed Forces leadership.

From another point of view, the Russian Armed Forces leadership decided Kharkov is not worth the lives of the Russian Armed Forces troops and rethought their strategy and ordered them to retreat.

In any case, both scenarios are a failure, just depends on what you prefer. Dead Ukrainians and dead Russians, with villages preserved — or dead Ukrainians and minimal losses for Russians, with villages lost.

Geweldig, deze vrouwelijke europarlementarier zegt exact waar het op staat en de mannelijke lafbek die dit aanhoort stapt op uit protest tegen zoveel waarheid:

Zeer actief. Maar het was onbegonnen werk zo lang er nog sprake was van treinverbjndingen en communicatienerwerken. Rusland is nu de fase ingegaan van een heuse oorlog. Het Russische parlement staat op het punt om Oekraine tot terroristische staat te verklaren en daarmee ook iedere staat die Oekraine financieel of militair steunt sancties op te leggen door energieleveranties aan deze staten te stoppen. De NAVO voert in Oekraine een proxy-oorlog en het wordt nu steeds zichtbaarder wie de werkelijke strijdende partijen zijn. Dit zou wel eens de Scare Event kunnen zijn, die noodzakelijk is. Rusland staat op het punt om de genadeklap toe te brengen aan het Oekraiense leger, want nu het alle ballen op Charkov is zijn ze daar nu ook.allemaal mooi bij elkaar verzameld om te worden vermorzeld. Daarna heb je alleen nog maar NAVO-huurlingen over, die volgens de Russen vogelvrij zijn en niet vallen onder de Conventie van Geneve.

Ik zat er ook al aan te denken dat de "opmars" van het Oekraïense leger een val kan zijn van Rusland waar Oekraïne in is gelopen. Ze staan daar nu allemaal lekker bij elkaar en zijn een makkelijk doel.
Laatst bewerkt:
Zeer actief. Maar het was onbegonnen werk zo lang er nog sprake was van treinverbjndingen en communicatienerwerken. Rusland is nu de fase ingegaan van een heuse oorlog. Het Russische parlement staat op het punt om Oekraine tot terroristische staat te verklaren en daarmee ook iedere staat die Oekraine financieel of militair steunt sancties op te leggen door energieleveranties aan deze staten te stoppen. De NAVO voert in Oekraine een proxy-oorlog en het wordt nu steeds zichtbaarder wie de werkelijke strijdende partijen zijn. Dit zou wel eens de Scare Event kunnen zijn, die noodzakelijk is. Rusland staat op het punt om de genadeklap toe te brengen aan het Oekraiense leger, want nu het alle ballen op Charkov is zijn ze daar nu ook.allemaal mooi bij elkaar verzameld om te worden vermorzeld. Daarna heb je alleen nog maar NAVO-huurlingen over, die volgens de Russen vogelvrij zijn en niet vallen onder de Conventie van Geneve.

Vergelijk dit nieuws nu eens met wat de MSM ons voorschotelen. Wij moeten geloven dat Rusland bijna is verslagen. Zo meldt Het Parool van 12/9 dat Poetin de controle kwijt is op het slagveld. En zo worden we gemanipuleerd en krijgt zoals altijd Rusland de Zwarte Piet toegespeeld.
rt.com 12 Sep, 2022 10:48
HomeRussia & Former Soviet Union

Germany has ‘crossed red line’ – Russia​

There will be no turning back after Berlin supplied arms to kill Russians, Moscow’s envoy says
Germany has ‘crossed red line’ – Russia

FILE PHOTO. German multiple launch rocket systems in action. ©P/F/H / ullstein bild via Getty Images

Germany has crossed a red line with Russia by sending arms to Ukraine, Moscow’s ambassador in Berlin said on Monday. The decision undermined decades of reconciliation since the end of World War II and the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, the diplomat added.

“The very fact that the Ukrainian regime is being supplied with German-made lethal weapons, which are used not only against Russian military service members, but also the civilian population of Donbass, crosses the red line,” Ambassador Sergey Nechaev said in an interview with Izvestia newspaper.

He added that Berlin should have known better, “considering the moral and historic responsibility that Germany has before our people for the Nazi crimes.”
“They have crossed the Rubicon,”
Nechaev stated, using an idiom for passing the point of no return.

Berlin discarded its longstanding policy of not sending weapons into zones of armed conflict to join the US and other NATO allies in providing weapons to Ukraine. The German government says it has a moral responsibility to back Kiev so it can defend itself against Russia.

Germany also joined an effort by the EU to decouple the economies of member states from Russia’s. German businesses have been relying on cheap Russian natural gas for five decades, since before the Soviet Union collapsed.
German foreign minister visits Kiev
German foreign minister visits Kiev

The German government “has unilaterally acted to destroy bilateral relations [with Russia] that were unique in scale and depth and had been built over decades,”the Russian ambassador noted. “In essence, the post-war reconciliation of our nations and peoples is being eroded,”Nechaev said.

According to the diplomat, economic restrictions imposed on Russia over the Ukraine conflict have resulted in a sharp increase in utility bills, a surge in consumer prices, and a decrease in real incomes in Germany. Nechaev said the “sanctions war” against Moscow is being increasingly seen as “shooting yourself in the foot” in Germany, which has already faced protests over the cost-of-living crisis. The ambassador noted that Russia took no pleasure in seeing the damage, even if Berlin has itself to blame for it.

“We believe the ongoing processes to be Germany’s domestic issue, in which we do not get involved,” he said. “And we certainly are not in the habit of delivering pompous lectures, the likes of which the West constantly makes about Russians.”
Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, designed to give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state. The protocols, brokered by Germany and France, were first signed in 2014. Former Ukrainian president Pyotr Poroshenko has since admitted that Kiev’s main goal was to use the ceasefire to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.”

In February 2022, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked.

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