
Degenen die lokale kinderen lesgaven volgens het Russische leerplan, zullen nu strafrechtelijk worden vervolgd in Oekraïne, vertelde vice-premier Irina Vereshchuk aan de Oekraïense media-outlet Strana.
15 jaar gevangenisstraf kunnen ze krijgen. Die haal je niet, want daar wordt gemarteld, vaak tot de dood erop volgt!

🇺🇦A Ukrainian Tik-Tok Mortar Crew Got a Rapid Deadly Response 🇷🇺

Ukrainian Tik Tokers from the Zelensky regime army filmed literally their death. Amusing. And terrible.

A dear friend of mine sent me today news that Russian authorities are preparing to change the status of SMO in Ukraine. When I read the news, I commented " War? That's the way I interpret it". The answer was " basically". So, what this means exactly? Russia can by voting in State Duma proclaim an Anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine. Similar action has been done during the last war in Chechnya. We all know how that ends. It was swift and brutal. You will say, Ukraine is not Chechnya. It's not. But it will be brutal. Not so swift. But another good friend of mine, as well as a good amount of readership is thinking that Russia is withdrawing and searching for an exit from Ukraine. Let's discuss it simply. If Russia withdraws now, or in near future, I believe that her significance in world affairs would be totally diminished, with a big internal crisis which consequence I can't predict at all. Maybe even the existence of Russia as an entity came into question. But, in the last few days, we heard many high-ranking Russian officials simply saying that all goals of SMO would be fulfilled. Certainly, we don't expect them to say, "all is lost, each on his own". But the coldness and tone with which the message is repeated, are entirely different from the slow, annoyingly careful, and patient way and language which characterized the Russian diplomatic approach to affairs. I was thinking, you don't bump yourself into the chest, playing gorilla, and then run away with your tail between your legs like some chihuahua. If the second is in question, we can repeat all negative scenarios about Russia's future. Every single one of them, and each would be perfectly plausible and possible. But if the first option is in case, which I think it is, I expect a significant escalation of hostilities in not so distant future. I don't believe that idiots are sitting in the Kremlin or the General staff of the Ru army. Annoyingly slow, as mentioned above, but far, far away from being idiots. In the end, my friend and I finished the short discussion with " So, the stone age for Ua? ". Answer was 👍

Influential Russian war reporter Alexander Kots, used the term “war” in a tweet, an exiled Ukrainian politician Anatoly Shariy points out. This way of calling things by their name is unusual for the bloggers and reporters who operate under Russian jurisdiction, so Shariy’s suprpise is understandable. Yesterday, some cryptic rumors of “The status change of the Special Military Operation being prepared” were voiced by a Russian politologist Marat Bashirov, citing his Kremlin sources. #context

⚡️ In Kupyansk and Veliky Burluk, mercenaries shoot residents and film it on camera

People leaving the territories of the Kharkov region, which the Russian Armed Forces tactically left the day before, tell very terrible things about what is happening now in Kupyansk and Veliky Burluk.

Mercenaries shoot the inhabitants of the Kharkov region and film it on camera in order to blame the Russian military for the murders. This was stated by the head of the military-civilian administration of the region, Vitaly Ganchev, on the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

"As far as I understand, (they - ed.) need to clean up these cities and show that while there were Russian troops, that’s how they mocked, corpses are lying on the street," Ganchev said.

Approximately 5 thousand people were able to evacuate from the territory of the Kharkov region to Russia in recent days. It is no longer possible to leave the north of the region, the Ukrainian forces there began to persecute those who supported Russia.

VGTRK reporter Andrey Rudenko @RtrDonetsk

The next few weeks will be the most critical for Donbass, and for the whole of Russia.

Zelensky throws forward more and more new forces. At the same time, if you look at tactics, it is, in fact, suicidal. They throw stormtroopers forward, and they don't have a second line. We can say that attempts to break through our positions with their foreheads without a chance of withdrawal.

At the same time, the losses are enormous. In the first weeks of such an adventure, the regime lost more than 10 thousand killed. There are at least three times as many wounded. Such feats these days, no matter how cynical it sounds, are beneficial to us. The attacking side always bears heavy losses.

If work has been done on mistakes to date (and I know that it has been done), then these weeks will be very difficult, but productive in terms of destroying the enemy. Mobile armored groups have appeared in the directions to strengthen the directions in which the enemy is trying to break through our defenses, reserves have been tightened. These are not only people, but also additional equipment and artillery. A second line of defense has been prepared in the areas of possible attacks.

The defense system is now built in such a way that every attempt to break through it will cost the enemy huge losses. This has already been shown in Peski area, where the enemy repeatedly unsuccessfully tries to enter the village. And each time, bearing losses from heavy artillery fire, it crawls back.

This situation is happening all along the line of contact. The enemy is trying to find weak points, but at the moment this tactic leads only to huge losses in equipment and personnel of the enemy. Our artillery and the Russian Aerospace Forces are working excellently.

GULAG FOR TEACHERS: says Kiev as it claims some of them have been naughty and committed the CRIME of well ...TEACHING children in Kharkov region, East Ukraine according to the Russian curriculum as Ukrainian Deputy PM says their ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES will be DEALT with COURT PUNISHMENTS claiming that the teachers could be charged with WAR CRIMES, well what can we say except people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Yevgeny Prigozhin (unofficial head of the Wagner group) delivers a speech to prisoners in one of the Mordovian colonies, in order to recruit fighters from the ranks of prisoners who can serve six months and be pardoned, or remain in the ranks of Wagner
Zelensky draagt tijdens bezoek aan Isium een Waffen-SS embleem:


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