
Ja kan gewoon achter een gordijntje je stembiljet invullen en gevouwen in de stembus doen. Al zullen er vast mensen zijn die het niet uit maakt dat iedereen kan zien wat ze stemmen en het stembiljet meteen invullen. En dan krijg je dit soort beelden

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Laatst bewerkt:
Was Rusland minder invloedrijk in de Sovjet-Unie dan normaal wordt gedacht?
Volgens dit RT-artikel wel:

Even now, many pages in the history of the Soviet Union remain a mystery. One of these concerns the ethnic composition of the country’s leadership.
All of these documents confirmed that many of its statesmen, politicians, diplomats, as well as military and intelligence officers, had been born in Ukraine. However, information about their ethnic origin was often omitted.

Also, many of those who originated from Ukraine were registered as ‘Russian’ or simply as ‘Soviet’. This is why it is so difficult to assess the full scope of political influence Ukrainians had on the decision-making process in the Soviet Union. It is true that Ukrainians contributed a great deal to building socialism.

The country’s final ruler, Mikhail Gorbachev, was the descendant of Ukrainian peasants who had moved to Stavropol. There were also Ukrainians at the helm of the KGB – for example, Vladimir Semichastny, who co-organized the successful coup against Khrushchev in October 1964.

The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was managed by local elites, which is completely at odds with the modern myth of Ukraine having been an ‘oppressed nation’ in the Soviet Union. Moreover, so many Ukrainians held key positions in the Soviet government that any allegations made by the present-day Ukrainian authorities about the Ukrainian SSR struggling under the yoke of the Russian SFSR and being de facto Soviet Russia’s colony simply don’t have a leg to stand on.

On the contrary, by the 1950s, the Ukrainian SSR had become a full-fledged statelet that had its own constitution and flag and even parliament. In fact, its structure mirrored that of the government of the Soviet Union itself.

The All-Union government allowed other republics to have their national branches of the Communist Party and national Academies of Sciences, but it did not permit this for Russia. The Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic had no government of its own. Joseph Stalin made sure it never did for fear that an empowered Russia might grow to challenge the All-Union government.

Other republics even enjoyed more autonomy. For example, the Belarusian SSR and Ukrainian SSR had their own foreign policy agencies and their own missions at the United Nations from 1945, while Russia did not.

In order to build a new socialist state, the Bolsheviks decided to nip any potential resistance in the bud by supporting Ukraine’s culture and downplaying Russia’s. At that time, many peasants were migrating to the cities in search of a better life. Since they had no roots there, they were a suitable target for the Bolsheviks’ nativization program. The main goal of the campaign was to replace the Russian culture and language in the Soviet republics with local cultures and languages, which was touted as a fight against the ‘Great-Russian chauvinism’ inherited from Russia’s imperial past.

In the 1980s, when Ukraine’s Communist Party was headed by Shcherbitsky, the Ukrainian SSR was called the last stronghold of communism. But history would have none of it. And a fateful phrase by the president of independent Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk comes to mind in this regard, “Ukraine can be proud to be the state that has shattered the Soviet Union.” Indeed, despite Ukraine being among the USSR’s leading economies and in the top ten most developed European nations, it was the Ukrainian leadership that played a key part in the collapse of the Soviet Union, a multinational country in which the Ukrainian people had held a special position.
De inwoners van de regio zijn afgesneden van sociale uitkeringen, pensioenen, salarissen, bankdiensten, communicatie, onderwijs en gezondheidszorg. Zij zijn beroofd van hun fundamentele burgerrechten, waaronder de rechten die worden gegarandeerd in het Internationaal Verdrag inzake economische, sociale en culturele rechten en het Internationaal Verdrag inzake burgerrechten en politieke rechten van 1966.

Op een gegeven moment werd Zelensky moe van het doen alsof en verklaarde dat het “maatregelenpakket van Minsk” alleen nodig was om de aan Rusland opgelegde sancties te handhaven. Zijn voorganger en medeopsteller van het Minsk-akkoord, Petro Porosjenko, was nog meer uitgesproken. Een paar maanden geleden verklaarde hij publiekelijk en trots dat noch hij, noch iemand in Oekraïne de door hem ondertekende overeenkomst zou uitvoeren. Het was alleen nodig om tijd te winnen om wapens van westerse landen te krijgen voor de oorlog met de Russische Federatie. De secretaris van de Oekraïense Nationale Veiligheids- en Defensieraad, Danilov, gaf dezelfde mening.

Met staatssteun wordt een ideologie van nationale onverdraagzaamheid tegen etnische Russen afgedwongen. Tegenwoordig verbergen de functionarissen van het land hun nationaalsocialistische identiteit niet langer en roepen zij openlijk en ongestraft op tot het vermoorden van Russische mensen.

Tegen de achtergrond van de massale beschietingen van nederzettingen in de Donbass verheugt Zelensky zich over de effectiviteit van westerse wapens. Hier is zijn citaat: “Ten slotte heeft men het gevoel dat de westerse artillerie, de wapens die we van onze partners hebben gekregen, zeer effectief zijn. De nauwkeurigheid is echt wat het moet zijn,” verklaarde de leider van dit staatsbedrijf cynisch. Toch werden geen militaire of strategische doelen geraakt in de gebombardeerde nederzettingen.

Wij stellen vast dat de internationale rechterlijke macht steeds actiever wordt in de kwestie Oekraïne. Er worden enkele “inspanningen” aangekondigd om misdaden in Oekraïne te onderzoeken die worden toegeschreven aan het Russische leger. Dit alles is besteld. Dat zien we heel goed.

Noch de bloedige staatsgreep in Kiev in 2014, noch de tragedie in Odessa op 2 mei 2014, noch de beschieting van vreedzame steden in de Donbass, noch het bombardement van Lugansk op 2 juni 2014, noch vele andere feiten hebben geleid tot een zichtbare reactie van het Internationaal Strafhof. Meer dan 3.000 aanvragen voor misdaden tegen inwoners van Donbass zijn naar het Hof gestuurd. Er is niet gereageerd.
Resultaten Referenda Oekraine


In DPR, more than 98% of voters supported the idea to join Russia, according to early official figures. The referendum in LPR yielded a similar result, with more than 97% of voters supporting the potential reunification. In Lugansk, all the ballots have been already counted, according to local authorities, while Donetsk, so far, has processed just over a half of votes.

Residents of the Zaporozhye region in Ukraine, which is partially controlled by Moscow, have elected to break away from the country and join the Russian Federation. More than 93% of voters have supported the idea to split from Ukraine and join Russia, official figures show after all the ballots have been counted.

Some 87% of voters have supported the idea to break away from Ukraine and join Russia, official figures show with all the ballots counted.
Volgende fase oorlog, SMO Special Military Organisation naar CTO Counter Terrorism Organisation.

RT CrossTalk | Returning to Russia​

Adding more clips as I finally get time to subtitle them.

Gorlovka woman on referendum:

"We've been waiting for it for 8 years, because of the shelling. My child grew up under this shelling. She was 5 years old when it started."

[Why is Ukraine bombing you?]

“They don't consider us human. I can speak Ukrainian. I had relatives in Ukraine, but now we have become enemies. We have become enemies because we can not understand each other. What difference does it make what language I speak?"

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