
rt.com 15 Sep, 2022 22:51
HomeRussia & FSU

Ukraine attacks Russian town​

Artillery strike killed one civilian and cut the power to Valuyki, Belgorod Region governor said
Ukraine attacks Russian town

As a result of a Ukrainian artillery attack, one civilian was killed and two were wounded in the town of Valuyki, Belgorod Region governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said shortly after midnight on Friday. The projectiles that managed to get through the Russian air defenses also destroyed three vehicles and set eight private homes on fire.

“Air defenses were activated, but there is damage on the ground,” Gladkov said on Telegram. “The power substation was damaged and the electricity supply to the town was disrupted.”

Preliminary information indicates one civilian resident was killed, while medical aid was rendered on the scene to two more people who were injured, Gladkov added.
Public buildings will be switched to alternative power supply, the governor said, adding that top regional and local officials are on the scene responding to the attack.
Valuyki is a town of some 35,000 residents, 150 kilometers east of Belgorod and 15 km north of the border with Ukraine. It came in range of Ukrainian artillery after Russian troops vacated the northeastern portion of Kharkov Region last week.
In Amerika hebben ze ook een soort Clingendael Instituut, met een soortgelijke 'expertise':

Bij ‘s-Gravenzande in het Westland heeft een paar maanden een Oekraïense vlag bij een huis gehangen. Nu hangt er een omgekeerde Nederlandse vlag. Goed zou je denken, maar de Oekraïense vlag hangt er nog steeds onder. 🤦‍♂️
Tja ieder zijn tempo van ontwakenen, laten we het daar maar op houden:rolleyes:

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