
Michael Knowles dropping red pills on Zelensky, Spirit cooking, Marina Abramovic, the Podesta brothers.
"I think Zelensky is just trolling us at this point. I think Zelensky is trying to get people to root for Vladmir Putin. Zelensky hot on the heels of hiring a radical trans spokeperson.. Zelensky has hired an actual witch to be his ambassador. It's not even like hiring her to be the cook, though she's very good at spirit cooking...her entire job is to be the face of the country.. Her name is Marina Abramovic . You've probably heard that name from the Wikileaks emails from the Podesta brothers. Tony Podesta very powerful lobbyist and art collector and all around keep if you looking into the kind of art he collects and John Podesta was running Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2016 and there was a Wikileaks emails inviting John by Tony to a spirit cooking dinner led by Abramovic and spirit cooking is just an occult satanic ritual... I can think of only two explanations here.. Either Zelensky is involved in this stuff.. Either Zelensky looks with a kind eye on occult satanic rituals. Or Zelensky knows that the only people that want to fund his war are the democrats and he thinks the way to appeal to Democrats is to hire witches to be his ambassadors."


Dit zagen we in Syrië ook aan de lopende band. Elke keer als publieke steun voor de oorlog wergzakte en politici weer een reden nodig hadden steun te verlengen, was er weer heel toevallig een 'brute gasaanval door Assad'.

Dezelfde publieke figuren uitten dan hysterisch in steeds belachelijker wordende hyperbolen weer hun afschuw, politiek en MSM sprongen op de bandwagon en de oorlog kon weer een paar maanden worden gerekt.

De hele oorlog door hoorden we dat Rusland daar vooral ziekenhuizen, kinderopvangen en bejaardentehuizen. Achteraf bleek het allemaal niet alleen veel genuanceerder maar ook vaak totaal anders te liggen.

Geen idee wat er hier in Kharkiv gebeurde maar in principe valt het Russische leger niet zijn eigen bevolking aan. Dat heeft geen militair en ook geen politiek nut. Tot nu toe waren het vooral falende Ukraïense/NATO systemen die op de speeltuintjes en in de kantoortuinen neerploften.
Wel toevallig dat die 'falende' explosieven telkens ouderen, kinderen en zieken treffen, vind je niet? Klinkt meer als wrede en sadistische GERICHTE AANVALLEN door Oekraine, zoals we deze reeds sinds 2014 in de Donbass zien.

In late September, NBC, citing anonymous officials, reported that Washington was going to supply Kiev with a “small number” of ATACMS surface-to-surface missiles. According to the media outlet, US President Joe Biden made the pledge to his Ukrainian counterpart during their talks in Washington, DC. Sources, however, did not reveal when the delivery would be officially announced, or when the weapons were expected to arrive in Ukraine.

NBC also noted that it was not clear whether the US would ship additional launchers to fire the rockets, or whether the US-made HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, which are already in Ukraine, would be repurposed.

The Washington Post, citing unnamed sources, claimed at the time that the missiles would likely feature controversial cluster warheads, which contain dozens of smaller bomblets. Such warheads are believed to be more readily available and more plentiful in US stocks than those fitted with a large, unitary payload, the newspaper said.

The UK was the first nation to provide Ukraine with long-range rockets, supplying its Storm Shadows back in May. France followed suit in July, providing its own version of the munition, named SCALP-EG.
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rt.com 12 Oct, 2023 19:40
HomeWorld News

MEPs call for change of EU policy on Ukraine​

Brussels needs to urge Kiev to make peace, according to a Voice of Europe roundtable
MEPs call for change of EU policy on Ukraine

© YouTube / Voice of Europe

Ukrainian lives are being sacrificed by the “totally corrupt” elite in Kiev to which the EU recklessly sends billions of euros, several members of the European

Parliament said at an event on Wednesday hosted by the think-tank Voice of Europe.
“We must stop this tragicomedy for Europe, for Ukraine and for Russia. We must try to find a path to prosperity again, and the first step is peace,” MEP Thierry Mariani of the French National Rally (RN) party argued at the roundtable, held in the central hall of the European Parliament in Brussels.

“Ukraine must remain a bridge” between Russia and Europe, Mariani added. He also pointed out that the current conflict has roots in 2013, when the EU tried to push Kiev to renounce a free trade deal with Russia and sign the Association Agreement with Brussels. This led to the Maidan demonstrations and the February 2014 coup.

Maximilian Kra of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) said he had traveled around Ukraine, describing it as “a beautiful country with very decent people.”
“I’m afraid that these decent people of Ukraine are now being sacrificed for the interests of the Kiev elite,”
who own millions in real estate in southern France,

Kra said. He also voiced fears that the US may ask the EU to foot the bill for the Ukraine conflict, now that Washington’s attention has been preoccupied by Israel.
“That's what I'm afraid of. And I can tell you that this is already happening. Because Germany has already promised $1 billion to Ukraine, while the US will allocate only $200 million,” he said.
Ukraine’s top spy admits counteroffensive failure
Ukraine’s top spy admits counteroffensive failure

Marcel de Graaff of the Dutch Forum for Democracy (FvD) argued that Ukraine needs to make peace with Russia as soon as possible.

“I speak very directly because they have already lost. They are now sacrificing people up to 70 years old at the front. They no longer have reserves. They are losing right now,” said de Graaf.

He also described Ukraine as “the most corrupt country in the world,” now being given “tens of billions of euros” by the West. “I heard that [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s mother-in-law bought a villa in Egypt for several million dollars, and we are still wondering where our money is going. This is a totally corrupt civilization,” de Graaf added.

One major problem, according to the Dutch MEP, is that all trust has been lost between Russia and the West after the revelations by former German and French leaders that the Minsk Agreements were a ploy to buy Kiev time to prepare for war.

Kra brought up that Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk had presented the German Bundestag a “smart” peace plan based on Minsk II, a proposal that would have seen the rebel republics of Donetsk and Lugansk rejoin Ukraine with broad autonomy.
“At the time, no one knew that Minsk II was a fake, as Merkel later stated,” Kra added, referring to former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s December 2022 admission.
Henri Malos, president of Voice of Europe and host of the roundtable, also lamented the demise of the Minsk Agreements, which he said offered security and sovereignty for both Russia and Ukraine.
rt.com 12 Oct, 2023 19:40
HomeWorld News

MEPs call for change of EU policy on Ukraine​

Brussels needs to urge Kiev to make peace, according to a Voice of Europe roundtable
MEPs call for change of EU policy on Ukraine

© YouTube / Voice of Europe

Ukrainian lives are being sacrificed by the “totally corrupt” elite in Kiev to which the EU recklessly sends billions of euros, several members of the European

Parliament said at an event on Wednesday hosted by the think-tank Voice of Europe.
“We must stop this tragicomedy for Europe, for Ukraine and for Russia. We must try to find a path to prosperity again, and the first step is peace,” MEP Thierry Mariani of the French National Rally (RN) party argued at the roundtable, held in the central hall of the European Parliament in Brussels.

“Ukraine must remain a bridge” between Russia and Europe, Mariani added. He also pointed out that the current conflict has roots in 2013, when the EU tried to push Kiev to renounce a free trade deal with Russia and sign the Association Agreement with Brussels. This led to the Maidan demonstrations and the February 2014 coup.

Maximilian Kra of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) said he had traveled around Ukraine, describing it as “a beautiful country with very decent people.”
“I’m afraid that these decent people of Ukraine are now being sacrificed for the interests of the Kiev elite,”
who own millions in real estate in southern France,

Kra said. He also voiced fears that the US may ask the EU to foot the bill for the Ukraine conflict, now that Washington’s attention has been preoccupied by Israel.
“That's what I'm afraid of. And I can tell you that this is already happening. Because Germany has already promised $1 billion to Ukraine, while the US will allocate only $200 million,” he said.
Ukraine’s top spy admits counteroffensive failure
Ukraine’s top spy admits counteroffensive failure
Marcel de Graaff of the Dutch Forum for Democracy (FvD) argued that Ukraine needs to make peace with Russia as soon as possible.

“I speak very directly because they have already lost. They are now sacrificing people up to 70 years old at the front. They no longer have reserves. They are losing right now,” said de Graaf.

He also described Ukraine as “the most corrupt country in the world,” now being given “tens of billions of euros” by the West. “I heard that [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s mother-in-law bought a villa in Egypt for several million dollars, and we are still wondering where our money is going. This is a totally corrupt civilization,” de Graaf added.

One major problem, according to the Dutch MEP, is that all trust has been lost between Russia and the West after the revelations by former German and French leaders that the Minsk Agreements were a ploy to buy Kiev time to prepare for war.

Kra brought up that Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk had presented the German Bundestag a “smart” peace plan based on Minsk II, a proposal that would have seen the rebel republics of Donetsk and Lugansk rejoin Ukraine with broad autonomy.
“At the time, no one knew that Minsk II was a fake, as Merkel later stated,” Kra added, referring to former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s December 2022 admission.
Henri Malos, president of Voice of Europe and host of the roundtable, also lamented the demise of the Minsk Agreements, which he said offered security and sovereignty for both Russia and Ukraine.
Marcel de Graaff of the Dutch Forum for Democracy (FvD) argued that Ukraine needs to make peace with Russia as soon as possible.

“I speak very directly because they have already lost. They are now sacrificing people up to 70 years old at the front. They no longer have reserves. They are losing right now,” said de Graaf.

He also described Ukraine as “the most corrupt country in the world,” now being given “tens of billions of euros” by the West. “I heard that [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s mother-in-law bought a villa in Egypt for several million dollars, and we are still wondering where our money is going. This is a totally corrupt civilization,” de Graaf added.

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