
Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be the Ambassador for Ukraine. They are getting SUPER bold, the closer we get to the end…

The Spirit Cooking, Lucifarian witch who set up parities to do satanic bloodletting rituals with John/Tony Podesta, and Hillary Clinton among other DC elite, will now be a state official for Ukraine.

Basically, a practicing satanic high witch is now going to be “Ambassador” to Ukraine, with a pledge to “rebuild schools.”

Abramovic is 76 years old but still looks 40.



There is a LOT more I could say here, but I think this action speaks for itself.

The Globalist elites who are running the show in Ukraine VERY clearly worship satan & are EVIL beyond comprehension.

History very often repeats itself. This is a VERY long & VERY deep rabbit hole.

Why did Putin REALLY invade Ukraine?

What did Putin know that a majority of the world didn’t?

Now, would be a GREAT time to do some in depth research.



It came out yesterday Volodymyr Zelenskyy has tasked spirit cooking high priestess Satanist, Marina Abramovic, to be an ambassador for Ukraine and help rebuild schools for children. As I’ve reported since 2016, Abramovic was in the Podesta E-mails. She sent Tony Podesta an e-mail asking him if his brother, John Podesta, would be joining him for one of her spirit cooking dinners.

Her spirit cooking dinners are rituals that involve bodily fluids such as breast milk, semen, blood and urine and she encourages self-harm and mutilation.

Abramovic’s work has been described as having “some sorcery” to it. She’s often photographed with some of the most famous celebrities, like Lady Gaga, and powerful elites at dinners depicting cannibalism.

She’s also done work with and/or has been praised by many high-profile predators including convicted sex traffickers like John of God and Allison Mack.

Now compound this information with the fact the Clinton Foundation launched a new organization last week to help rebuild Ukraine and provide humanitarian aid to those impacted by Russia’s 18-month invasion at last week’s Clinton Global Initiative meeting.

1. Ukraine is a hotbed for child trafficking and organ harvesting.

2. The Clinton Foundation is notorious for child trafficking and was cited for “Crimes Against Children” in the 2018 Inspector General’s report.

3. Abramovic conducts Satanic spirit cooking dinners with Clinton associates.

Connect the dots and wake up people!

After threatening to "hunt down" so-called "Russian propagandists" around the world, Kiev's infamous spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo was fired, then rehired. Now Cirillo is likely to fired once again after being fooled by Russian pranksters posing as former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

In the conversation, Cirillo:

- Admits their company has been reduced to 14 soldiers by disastrous counter-offensive

-Claims “Russians are not European… Russians are Asian. Ultimately they do come from the Mongols, they come from a grouping of people who want to be slaves.”

“I wish the rest of Europe and the Western world understood that we are protecting European values and Western values... These people [Russians] are not human. They are enemies of humanity.”

- Claims Dugin’s daughter “wasn’t some woman who accidentally killed. This was an evil creature who died a death they deserved.”

- Admits decision to fire Cirillo was “political” and came “the highest level” — so high that it didn’t come from Ukraine itself but “New York.”

- Claims they were fired because they served as the “expert witness” in trial of fellow U.S. citizen Gonzalo Lira.

“The Republicans are trying to use the case of Gonzalo Lira —the ‘Russian asset’ that I testified against — as to try to say we don’t like free speech.”

“I do believe that they were very angry in Washington that I was being talked about with Gonzalo Lira, that the two Americans were being discussed, and [the Ukrainians] were told, ‘make it go away.’”

“Because I made it clear: Russian propagandists will be hunted down.”

- Acknowledges that the Kiev regime's constant lies are jeopardizing relations with other Western states: “If we are making promises we can’t keep and not being realistic, our partners can’t trust us.”

“One of the problems is that the messaging that we have coming out is truly fantastic [based in fantasy].”

“That’s good for fighting the Russians. It’s not good when we’re using this in discussions with our partners in Washington, our partners in Brussels, and our partners in especially the Eastern European nations.”

- Throws Zelensky under the bus — “it’s been 19 months. It’s not about theatre anymore. It’s not about populism on the world stage.”

- Brags about personally convincing the Kiev regime’s “partners” at CNN to self-censor their coverage of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. But when asked later about the British merc recently executed by his own people, Cirillo's tune changes.

“We have a terrible problem with most foreign fighters here because they are just a step above mercenaries, and they come here because all they know is warfare.”

“And while I defend them in public, in private I know many of them have very far-right leanings, so there’s some Nazi groups… many of them are doing this because they have no lives in their own countries.”

“We have security risks, and more importantly we have morale and psychological issues because foreign soldiers are here for the money — most of them.”

“And those people are gonna be the ones that are willing to engage in drugs, willing to engage in fundraising where they’re putting the money in their own pocket.”

“It did not surprise me that someone was murdered. What surprises me is that we’re still allowing this to happen.”

- Claims Maria Butina was a “terrible spy” and “a step above a whore,” and insists she her current political position was a reward from Putin, which is “the reason that we know the [Russian] Duma can never be taken seriously.”

- Then, after being offered a (fake) deputy position Ukraine’s rubber-stamp legislature by (fake) Poroshenko, Cirillo takes the bait, literally jolting upright and immediately accepting: “Wow, sir. I would be honored, sir.”


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