
Gonzalo Lira has died in a Ukraine prison. Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken's vindictive State Department allowed an America citizen to languish and die for the "crime" of challenging their war propaganda and the corruption of the thugs controlling Ukraine. The US media outside of
@TuckerCarlson a man they fired completely ignored Lira's plight.

Our country is run by a cabal of Zionist criminal perverts. They want you dead and would let you die if they had that power. Epstein was just the first time the lemming looked in the mirror and saw the open wounds. Gaza massacre is another mirror showing the rot in our society. Donbas was a silent war for 13 years. Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand.

Our institutions are criminal. They run on Backmail and Sickness. Epstein provided sexual services to a perverted Zionist cabal in America who already composed the donor class and banking cartel. These people as a culture are just child abusers, warmongers, and supremacists. Destroying the innocent is their nature.

I wanna set the stage with this. And I want everyone to really think about this. Jeffrey Epstein wasn't the first or the last. But here we had a couple backed by the Israeli state who were known by multiple billionaires, heads of state, bankers, hedge fund managers, senators, governors and Hollywood producers. All of these people knew what they were up to, modeling agents even helped procure girls for the operation. They created an international pedophile rape ring with a massage parlor theme. Rather than stopping this, these men and women decided to participate in it instead. They got immunity after abetting him. His lawyers and financiers are wrapped up with the ADL the World Jewish Congress, UJA and Israeli affiliate groups. Maxwell's dad was an Israeli intelligence asset. His co-rapist are the whose who of Zionist including 3 Israeli prime ministers and 1 president. And we are supposed to sit there and act like we don't notice. Wexner, Bronfman, Rothschild, Maxwell, this isn't a Presbyterian problem. It is not the Chicoms.

Of course the same people who are serial child rapists can also support the genocidal maniacs dropping bombs on apartments full of civilians. Smushing babies under concrete is self-defense in the mind of the deranged. Of course, Smashing babies under concrete is not self defense. It's psychotic. Pointing out how genocide is wrong, is not antisemitic. It's normal.

Dershowitz lies about Hamas rapes that didn't happen and denies the Epstein rapes that did happen. Their accusations are confessions. More people heard the false rape allocations towards Donald Trump, Andrew Tate, and Julian Assange, than know about Jean Luc Brunel, Glenn Dubin or Peter Nygard.

At some point the mass media got wind of Epstein and his ring. From magazines the TV news, their editors told them no you can't run the story. Why? Even after the arrests of Epstein, Maxwell and Brunel, there has been minimal coverage. They covered Bill and Monica more than Clinton traveling to pedophile Island. So that's not to protect Clinton. It's to protect the rape cell.

What does this say about the rot in society. All your institutions failed. Police were bribed, a judge awarded a sweetheart deal, lawyers were co-conspirators in the crime. Multiple heads of state, royal family, multiple billionaires, the press, the FBI, and even the prison system itself, all failed.

Epstein was murdered to prevent a plea-bargain or him opening his mouth. Evidence the FBI gathered went missing. Social media too simply banned people from talking about it, that is unless they were part of promoting ridiculous narratives. Why would YouTube ban video that talked about Epstein as they did to
@shaunattwood for talking to me?

Twitter was covering it up faster than it did Hunter's laptop content. But Why? Who has such power of media, social media, banks and politicians? Have we seen anyone demonstrate such power to cancel people and news stories??

Lira was a truth teller. He died in a Hell-hole that the compromised West created and could end at any time. Releasing the Epstein tapes would unravel EVERYTHING.

So now that American indy media pundit Gonzalo Lira has been reported dead in (US funded) #Ukraine SBU custody, we have to ask: where is Michael “Sarah Ashton” Cirillo @SarahAshtonLV the American trans Nazi Barbie doing agit-prop for Zelensky - in the video below He/She/They Cirillo announced ‘he (Gonzalo) will finally pay’ for his supposed crime of being a Russian propaganda agent. Gonzalo was already in custody so we presume they meant death. Cirillo needs to be brought in for questioning, arrested, and if found guilty… face justice….

RIP Gonzalo Lira

Here, @GonzaloLira1968 discusses my article exposing how Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky owned Hunter Biden's Burisma, financed the political rise of Volodymyr Zelensky, and funded the Azov Battalion.

@TuckerCarlson: "Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture."

The Gonzalo Lira case doesn't make sense. They arrested him supposedly for Russian propaganda yet they left his YouTube channels up and every video. Why? Because they're still monetized and they stole them. He said himself they extorted him for 100k. These thugs wanted his properties and bank account. #justice4lira


De Generale Staf van de Strijdkrachten van Oekraïne heeft indirect hun betrokkenheid bevestigd bij het neerhalen van de Il-76 van de Russische lucht- en ruimtemacht boven de regio Belgorod.

Ze zeiden het volgende:

'De Strijdkrachten van Oekraïne controleren in detail de lanceerpunten van de raketten en de logistiek van hun levering, vooral door het gebruik van militaire transportvliegtuigen.

De geregistreerde intensiteit van de beschietingen houdt rechtstreeks verband met de toename van het aantal militaire transportvliegtuigen dat onlangs op weg was naar het vliegveld van Belgorod.

De Strijdkrachten van Oekraïne zullen maatregelen blijven nemen om transportvoertuigen te vernietigen.

👆 De Oekraïense "media" beginnen met de bronnen dat de crash van het Il-76 militaire vliegtuig in de buurt van Belgorod het werk was van de Strijdkrachten van Oekraïne uit het nieuws te verwijderen.

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