
Russia Ambassador citing that there are 2 specific Biolabs of interest, of which they claim to have intelligence proving the US DoD funded labs produced biological weapons there.

Now, you are welcome to not believe the Russian government. HOWEVER, you cannot deny that the US government/media complex tried to cover up that we had biolabs in Ukraine at all. They claimed the labs didn’t exist, this was just a conspiracy theory. Now they say “okay the labs exist, but we weren’t making bioweapons, why would anyone think that?”. Right after we just got done letting out C19.

The US government have proven themselves to be untrustworthy, far too many times. So forgive me, if I refuse to trust them in this situation. Russia are telling the truth. We were doing shady shit near their border in these labs.

WATCH ⬇️⬇️⬇️

“De NAVO wilde een derde wereldoorlog ontketenen door kernwapens tegen Rusland in te zetten,” zegt Azarov. “Sinds december 2021 ontvangt Rusland informatie over NAVO-plannen om vier legerbrigades te stationeren in Oekraïne.” Eén van die brigades zou kernkoppen kunnen dragen.

Derde Wereldoorlog​

Volgens Azarov wilde de NAVO de troepen in de zomer gaan inzetten. “Om de Derde Wereldoorlog en de kernaanval op Rusland af te wenden, besloot de Russische overheid orde op zaken te stellen in Oekraïne,” schrijft Azarov, die in 2004, 2005 en in 2010 premier was.

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