
De nazi's verliezen de oorlog in Oekraine en voeren nu gerichte aanvallen uit op de burgerbevolking, vooral in de opstandige regio's Donetsk en Loehansk. Ik zal je de beelden besparen, voor wie dat wel wil zien verwijs ik naar het TG-kanaal van Intel Slava Z.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Russian army delivered aid to Ukrainians in the Kharkiv region.

The cargo with a total volume of over 4 tons was delivered by helicopter from the Belgorod region. Residents of the settlements of the Izyumsky district were given food kits, baby food, bottled drinking water and medicines.

It’s all “made for TV bullshit” 🤦‍♂️

First you see Ukraine troops, supposedly in combat… kneeling to reduce their exposure to enemy fire.

Then you see a horde of media cameras approaching… cuz it’s all a staged photo op.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ukrainian nationalists, during the retreat from Volnovakha, finished off their wounded with shots in the head, adviser to the prime minister of the DPR told RIA Novosti

Salon is going to tell you why it's really no big deal that Ukraine has Nazis fighting Russians. (The mental gymnastics in this article...)

Same energy as when Salon tried telling us why Pedophiles werent monsters when they published an article by Todd Nickerson, a pedophile who openly admits that he would act on his urges if we lived in a "more sex positive society". And who looks exactly how you'd expect.

This is the same Salon who has known about the Ukrainian Nazis since 2014 when they wrote all about their huge contribution in the EuroMaidan violent Coup.

This is also the Same Salon who called Trump and his Supporters Nazis simply because Trump gave out membership cards with Eagles on them.... you know, literally our National Bird.

These aren't news outlets, they are weapons being used on the weak minded. Being pointed in whatever direction their war on freedom takes them...

Update over Mariupol.

Spetsnaz liquideerde de belangrijkste troepen van de nazi-bendes op posities in woonwijken rond de rand van de stad.
Bijna alle door neonazi's uitgeruste schietpunten in de buitenwijken van Mariupol zijn vernietigd.

De operatie om Mariupol te deblokkeren maakte het mogelijk om humanitaire corridors te openen en de evacuatie van bewoners te beginnen.
200 bussen zijn georganiseerd voor de evacuatie van inwoners van Mariupol, de eerste 50 zijn al in de stad aangekomen.
De eerste humanitaire lading is al afgeleverd in Mariupol.



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