
Met dit soort nazituig hebben we dus te maken:




Oekraïne legervoertuigen gebruikten shopping center als wapenopslag.

Bewijs met drone beelden van het Russische Ministerie van Defensie:


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Time Magazine vorig jaar over Azov en extremisme in Oekraïne.
En nu sturen we ze wapens...

Residents flee Azov bullets

📍Mariupol. Extremist factions have been supported and armed in Ukraine by Western powers since the 2014 coup.

The elderly left behind most likely remember WWII - against the very same enemy. 🙏


Ukrainian journalist calls on The Final Solution to be implemented

Fahrudin Sharafmal - a young and ideologically charged 2020 graduate of the Lviv University Department of Journalism, calls on the primary designer of the "Final Solution - the Jewish Question" to be implemented. But only in relation to Russians.

Note the attempted psychological manipulation - in that only because they are already referred to as Fascists (https://t.me/inessas100/307) (https://t.me/inessas100/307)by Russia, he backs the Otto Adolf Eichmann doctrine. His familiarity with it inadvertently demonstrates that Russia's concerns are not without substance. ❗

Please compare this with a normal Ukrainian journalist (https://t.me/inessas100/481?single) - and there are plenty.


Ukraine directly threatened to attack Russia with missiles

"Let your plans be dark and impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu.

You would think at the bare minimum a presidential advisor has read the Art of War.

Why are they all from the entertainment industry? Is it really a similar skillset?

Tsjetsjeens Russische soldaten helpen burgers te evacueren:


In 1999 ontdekte wetenschapper Vitaly Gokh in de Krim een uniek complex van zeven ondergrondse piramides. Later ontdekten zijn team nog tientallen andere piramides, deels onder- en bovengronds, die volgens een vaste structuur waren gebouwd. Onder één piramide vond men ook een sfinx. De piramides blijken van bijzondere historische waarde te zijn.
In this video, we again see the "kids" in the face of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who once again settled in a civilian facility, apparently in a school.

Putin is liberating people who may not even know they need deliverance. Ukraine is a deep state cess pool and it's being cleansed as we speak.
I don't care if everyone in the mainstream media, the entire Republican and Democrat party, and everyone in the world tell me I'm a conspiracy theorist for saying it.
This is the truth and I'm going to speak it.

Sinds vorige week gebruikt het Oekraïense ministerie van Defensie de gezichtsherkenningssoftware van het omstreden bedrijf Clearview. De technologie kan in Oekraïne onder andere worden gebruikt ‘om misinformatie te bestrijden, de namen van Russische soldaten te achterhalen en doden te identificeren’.

Oekraïne mag gratis gebruikmaken van de diensten van Clearview, dat in Europa hard wordt aangepakt door privacywaakhonden. Vooral de manier waarop foto’s aan de gezichtendatabase worden toegevoegd, staat nogal ter discussie. Clearview gebruikt webscrapers om foto’s te verzamelen die mensen op internet geplaatst hebben. Dat heeft geleid tot een database van 10 miljard foto’s.
  • Wow
Waarderingen: Surv
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Mountains of imported weapons and equipment became trophies of the DPR units

Yesterday we drove through the liberated villages near Donetsk.

From what I have not seen before: American disposable hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers M72 LAW, moreover, produced by the joint Norwegian-Finnish company Nammo
The 11th Regiment now has a lot of them.

AT4 is a Swedish disposable anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher.

Well, already a classic - a bunch of Bulgarian 82mm mines and charges for LNG-

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Russians behaved very worthily, they were polite with us”: the Ukrainian military who laid down his arms near Kiev said that he was pleasantly surprised by the attitude of the Russian Armed Forces towards him. The servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were given water, food and the opportunity to clean up.


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