
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Destroyed mall in Kiev which was being used as a ammo depot

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Video of a burned-out shopping center which was being used as ammunition depot for self-propelled guns 2S7 "Pion" in Kiev

Laatst bewerkt:
🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡On the night of March 21, high-precision air-launched cruise missiles attacked the Training Center for Foreign Mercenaries and Ukrainian Nationalist Formations at the combined arms training ground Novaya Lubomirka in the Rivne region. More than 80 mercenaries and nationalists were killed, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

🇺🇦🇷🇺 Nazis "Aydar" in the occupied territories abducted and killed civilians who were against the Kiev regime.

Now the criminologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR are searching for the remains, which will then be sent for identification for molecular genetic testing.

19 jaar geleden bombardeerden de VS Bagdad. 1 miljoen Irakezen dood. Een oorlog begon met leugens. Geen sancties. Geen tribunaal voor oorlogsmisdaden. Bush legde gister bloemen in een kerk voor de slachtoffers in Oekraïne. Bush eiste dat oorlogsmisdadigers gestraft moeten worden. Hoe krankzinnig is dat?

Russische hypersonische Kinzhal raketten vernietigen Oekraïens militair depot. Russische strijdkrachten hebben voor het eerst hypersonische Kinzhal-raketten gebruikt tijdens de speciale militaire operatie in Oekraïne, waarbij een militair depot van Oekraïense troepen werd vernietigd, woordvoerder IgorKonasjenkov

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Concerning Mariupol. Of course, full-fledged humanitarian corridors will not work there. People will go out en masse where the Russian military and the military of the DPR can provide it.
The proposal of the option with "brown buses" and the surrender of weapons was rejected, so that the further development of the assault on the city will continue. The task of the Nazis, according to Zelensky's gang, is to die in Mariupol, after killing as many civilians as possible and causing the largest possible destruction.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Wives and mothers of these soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - do not worry. Your loved ones are alive. They are not tortured, they are not castrated, they are not forced to do anything that God-forgotten characters from Ukraine promise to do with captives. They are not tortured or killed in order to send you a video of this.

Everything will be fine with them. Your relatives will definitely return to you after the end of the special operation. Wait for them. The Russian army does not behave like fascists. On the contrary, we have come to liberate you from the Nazis.

🇺🇦 Former Afghan finance minister fled to the US and became a taxi driver. He managed a $6 billion budget.

Former People's Deputy of Ukraine Kotvitsky fled to the EU and became a millionaire there, because he took out $30 million.

He ran the Law Enforcement Committee.

Met dit soort nazituig hebben we dus te maken:

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The main task of the Russian fighters is not only the successful conduct of a special operation, but also ensuring the safety of the civilian population.

Residents of Mariupol leave the dangerous zones of the city along the corridors opened by our units. For a long time they remained in the ring of Azov people, they need food and medicines. Our fighters help them with this problem.

We worden echt doodgegooid met die Oekranie propaganda🤮Overal waar je maar komt geel/blauw en verzoek tot doneren aan 555.
Zelfs het tuincentrum verkoopt geel blauwe rozen en de opbrengst gaat naar Oekranie 🥴
Wanneer de vuilniswagen langskomt zie ik zelfs kliko's langs de straat staan met aan 3 kanten heel groot 5 erop geschreven, dus 555... 🤮

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