Palestina - Israël

⚡️Israeli media is having a melt down while circulates excerpts from the speech of the Secretary General of Hezbollah saying:

- Nasrallah hints at filming Tel Aviv.

- Nasrallah hints that the occupation of the Galilee will begin with the start of the war on Lebanon

-Nasrallah hints that he knows the army’s locations and has sufficient information about the army’s activities in the north of the country.

-Nasrallah hints that he owns a large number of drones and missiles and they are manufactured in Lebanon.

-Nasrallah hints that the number of his forces exceeds 100,000 fighters.


🟢Hamas (1/2):

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

On World Refugee Day: Al-Aqsa Flood has brought global attention back to the Palestinian refugee cause, highlighting its justice and legitimacy, thwarting efforts to erase and obscure it. We call for enabling our people to achieve their national rights to freedom, independence, return, and an end to the occupation.

World Refugee Day comes while the zionist occupation continues to commit the most heinous crimes and brutal massacres against our entire people, especially Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and occupied Al-Quds, in a Nazi war and ongoing fascist aggression for more than eight months. It has destroyed all means of human life for Palestinian refugees and practiced all forms of retaliatory killing, random bombing, starvation, dehydration, and genocide against them.

The United Nations and the world’s celebration of World Refugee Day, amidst the ongoing genocide war against our people in the Gaza Strip, which has exacerbated the conditions of the refugees and displaced persons, especially since last October 7th, places them all in the face of a humanitarian, rights-based, and moral responsibility to put an end to the continuous zionist aggression and criminality against Palestinian refugees in the camps of Gaza, the West Bank, and Al-Quds, whose tragedy deepens daily due to escalating zionist criminality.

The Palestinian refugee camps inside and outside Palestine have been prominent witnesses to the Nakba of the Palestinian people and their continuous suffering and pain since 1948, when zionist gangs displaced more than 57% of our people from their land. These camps have also been one of the biggest living witnesses to the zionist crimes against our people. At the same time, these camps have always been a source of insistence on adhering to principles and sanctities, a symbol of resistance to all attempts to erase the right of return and obscure their legitimate rights, and a landmark of struggle, heroism, and resistance against the aggression, invasions, and crimes of the occupation, and in defense of themselves, their land, and their sanctities.

The heroic epics of valor and legendary steadfastness in the Battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood, written by the sons of the Jabalia, Khan Younis, Al-Shati', Al-Maghazi, Al-Nusseirat, Al-Bureij, and Deir Al-Balah camps, and Rafah in the Gaza Strip, and the camps of Jenin, Tulkarem, Shu'fat, Aqabat Jaber, and Nour Shams in the West Bank and Al-Quds, are evidence of the deep roots of Palestinian refugees in their land, their adherence to their rights and sanctities, and their embrace of resistance, their loyalty to the blood of the martyrs and the sacrifices of the prisoners, and their commitment to this path until the occupation is defeated and removed.”

🟢 Hamas (2/2):

“On this World Refugee Day, we in the Hamas movement affirm the following:

Firstly: We send greetings of firmness, steadfastness, and near victory, Allah willing, to all our refugee people in the interior and in the diaspora. We express our pride and honor in the legendary steadfastness demonstrated by Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip during the ongoing battle of Al-Aqsa Flood. We commend the active role of all Palestinian refugees in national unity behind the resistance. We ask Allah mercy for their martyrs, wish a speedy recovery to their wounded, and appreciate their achievements and sacrifices on the path to liberating the land and sanctities and achieving the right of return.

Secondly: The ongoing battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, with all its strength, determination, and bravery, has embodied a heroic epic created by the unity of our people in the Gaza Strip with their victorious resistance in every inch of this blessed land. It has brought global attention back to the Palestinian refugee cause as a just and legitimate cause, thwarting all attempts by the zionist occupation and its supporters to obscure or erase it and has brought our people's march closer to comprehensive liberation and the near return, God willing.

Thirdly: The right of return for all refugees from our people to their homes from which they were forcibly and unjustly displaced is a sacred right passed down through Palestinian generations and is non-negotiable or subject to compromise. We renew our absolute rejection of all solutions aimed at dropping this legitimate national right, which is enshrined in all international charters and laws. Our people will continue their comprehensive resistance in all arenas inside and outside the homeland until they regain all their rights.

Fourthly: We reject and denounce all zionist attempts, supported by the American administration, to erase, obscure, and cancel the role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). We reaffirm the agency's direct responsibility to continuously provide services to all Palestinian refugees, especially in the Gaza Strip amidst the ongoing genocide war against innocent civilians, refugees, and displaced persons.

Fifthly: We call on our refugee people inside and in the diaspora to strengthen their unity and national cohesion, and to consolidate bonds of cooperation and solidarity in facing the occupation’s plans and aggressive projects, and to keep their camps as symbols of resistance and unity and adherence to their rights and principles until liberation and return.

Sixthly: We call on the United Nations, the international community, all host countries of Palestinian refugees, and all human rights and humanitarian institutions to take responsibility for protecting the rights of our refugee people, enabling them to live free and dignified lives on their land, and supporting their steadfastness and struggle. They reject all forms of resettlement and alternative homeland solutions and are always looking forward to their near return to their lands from which they were displaced due to the zionist occupation.

Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas
Thursday: 14 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to: June 20, 2024”

⚡️ Saraya Al-Quds:

Saraya Al-Quds shows scenes of the bombing of the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip with a barrage of rockets.
Al-Aqsa Flood.

Time stamps and translation:
0:00 - "Then wait for the Day when the sky will bring visible smoke."
0:05 - The preparation of a barrage of rockets, in the vicinity of the positioning of enemy soldiers in one of the areas of incursion.
0:07 - "Praise be to Allah, tanks near the house over there. With praise from Allah, the Mighty and the Majestic, we arrived at this location."
0:17 - "I ask Allah, the Mighty and the Majestic, to accept this work and for it to be on the scale of our good deeds."
0:24 - "At 9:00 PM we have a word and we have a fingerprint, by the will of Allah, today at 9:00 PM, Gaza will be adorned by these rockets."
0:34 - Opening fire on the fighters during their withdrawal from the location.
0:38 - "The tank is close to us but with the help of Allah, we have arrived."
0:46 - "They’re shooting at us with a quadcopter and from a nearby tank."
0:53 - "We ask Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, for this act to be sincerely to you, O Allah."
0:59 - Bombing of settlements in the Gaza envelope with a barrage of rockets.


Today, about twenty protesters at the Knesset called for the return of the captives in gaza and for early elections.

The protesters stated, "A government that abandoned the murdered, the hostages, our fallen soldiers, the Galilee, and the Negev, while focusing on jobs and petty politics, must dissolve. The government's conduct is unforgivable, and the people demand their mandate back."


Detainees from Gaza face extremely inhumane and barbaric interrogation methods in Israeli prisons.

Dr. Muneer Al Barsh, Director General of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, details the horrific torture techniques reported by detainees, including electric shocks, suspension, stretching, and nail pulling. He recounts the most barbaric practice involving trained dogs used to perform vile acts on detainees. These sadistic behaviors have been confirmed by multiple testimonies from detainees treated in the hospital.


An israeli news correspondent posted videos from Rafah while stating that israel wants to permanently control the Philadelphi corridor

Doron Kadosh, israeli military war correspondent:

“The most important thing in Rafah is the grip of the Philadelphia Axis, above and below ground, to close the Hamas oxygen pipeline.
To what extent does the IDF control the axis? We drove there with the emmers open, the area was well controlled. On the right - Rafih. On the left - the Egyptian army, and the wire and concrete fences that the Egyptians built along the axis

The IDF is already starting to think about the Philadelphia axis for the long term, how to hold on to it over time. The idea is similar to what happens in the wicker corridor - creating a security space. Here in the video, a few hundred meters from Philadelphia - a bulldozer destroying buildings. The goal is to produce a clean area that controls the axis, to allow good control even many months ahead”

Palestinian journalist Ramy Abu Hamza has written the following along with the attached picture:

"This filthy occupation kills everything beautiful within us. This is my daughter who came into this world during the war, far from my embrace, and I couldn’t even touch her. She has been deprived of her mother after my wife, the delight of my heart, became a martyr. My wife told me the night she was martyred, "How can I neglect her and marry her off when she grows up?" She did not know that the despicable occupation would deprive us of her early. She used to worry about me while I covered events in northern Gaza and would tell me, "Stay safe so I can stay safe."

How can I stay safe after your departure? How can I live without you? What consoles us is that God only chooses the best of His servants, and I have known her to be nothing but faithful, loyal, sincere, and dutiful. Cover her with your prayers."

🚨BREAKING: Israel’s Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir advocated for settlements in Gaza.

Ben Gvir: "I know it's unrelated, but we need jews on the Temple Mount!" (Al-Aqsa)

“As of today, unfortunately, the Prime Minister, when we talk to him about settlement in Gaza - he is still not connected to the issue.”

MK Limor Son Har-Melech: “It will happen, it will happen.”

Ben-Gvir: "I believe that with God's help he will be connected to the issue."


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