Palestina - Israël


“The world saw pictures of the prisoners who lost a large percentage of their weight as a result of this policy

Biden's government bears responsibility for the policy of starvation against the people of Gaza due to its support for "Israel" in continuing the genocide against the Palestinian people

The floating port that the United States established in Gaza is nothing but bad propaganda and did not help bring in aid.

Aid has decreased since the United States established the floating port

The situation in Gaza cannot continue under any circumstances, and we call on the international community to assume its responsibility in stopping the genocide.

We call for the opening of the crossings and the entry of aid, and we call for the opening of the Rafah crossing and the occupation’s withdrawal from it.

We extend our thanks to the charitable organizations that support Palestine in the world, the Arab and Islamic world.

The weapon of starvation is a systematic crime through which the occupation government defies all laws and decisions of the International Court of Justice

The catastrophic situation that the people of Gaza are experiencing represents a real failure of all the values that Western countries have long praised

Violations and starvation of our prisoners in occupation prisons have escalated since the war criminal Ben Gvir came to office.

The American administration bears direct responsibility legally, politically, and humanitarianly for the tragic conditions of our people

We confirm that the floating port established by the American administration on the coast of Gaza was nothing more than a show

We stress the need for human rights institutions and international organizations to bear their responsibilities regarding what our people are exposed to

The situation in Gaza cannot continue as it is currently, and the international community must act quickly

The international community must move to quickly open the Gaza Strip crossings, and we reiterate the necessity of expediting the opening of the Rafah crossing.

Hamdan: The blockade policy of closing the crossings led to a cash flow crisis, which deepened the famine crisis

The occupation resorts to systematic destruction of roads, water and sewage networks, which prevents drinking water from reaching the people of Gaza.

The occupation government ignores notifications received from humanitarian agencies, which makes relief work extremely dangerous

The occupation measures represent an advanced image of the Nazi concentration and extermination camps, or even worse

We consider the starvation policy to be one of the brutal methods of war targeting innocent Palestinians, which makes it genocide.

The occupation’s policy of cutting off electricity and water is one of genocide against our people in Gaza

The failure of world leaders to prevent the starvation of the people of Gaza is shameful and a stain on humanity.

The starvation policy has escalated against our righteous prisoners, about which the minister in the occupation government, Ben Ghafir, brags.

The world saw pictures of the prisoners who lost a large percentage of their weight as a result of this policy

The Biden government bears responsibility for the starvation policy against the people of Gaza due to its support for “Israel” in continuing its genocide against the Palestinian people.

The floating port that the United States established in Gaza is nothing but bad propaganda and did not help bring in aid.

The Biden administration still maintains its bold stance in holding Hamas responsible for obstructing the agreement, while no positive Israeli position has been presented towards it.

Aid has decreased since the United States established the floating port

The situation in Gaza cannot continue under any circumstances, and we call on the international community to assume its responsibility in stopping the genocide. /1

We call for the opening of the crossings and the entry of aid, and we call for the opening of the Rafah crossing and the occupation’s withdrawal from it.

We extend our thanks to the charitable organizations that support Palestine in the world, the Arab and Islamic world

Regarding the American messages and proposals being circulated, we say that the occupation’s position is still evading commitment to the ceasefire.

We affirm that we are ready to deal positively with any agreement that guarantees a ceasefire, the withdrawal of the occupation, and a fair deal for the prisoners.

We insist that the war of starvation will not break the will of our people in Gaza, and we will continue our steadfastness and jihad and we will defeat our enemy

We call for opening the crossings and allowing aid in, and we call for opening the Rafah crossing and the occupation’s withdrawal from it.

We thank the charitable institutions that support Palestine in the world, the Arab and Islamic world

Regarding the American messages and proposals being circulated, we say that the occupation’s position is still evading commitment to the ceasefire.

The Biden administration still maintains its bold stance in holding Hamas responsible for obstructing the agreement, while no positive Israeli position has been presented towards it.

We follow with regret the position of the American administration, which insists with great condemnation on holding Hamas responsible for not reaching an agreement

There is nothing really new in the negotiations to stop the aggression, and what is being reported from the American administration comes in the context of pressure on Hamas

We are ready to deal seriously with any formula that guarantees a complete and final ceasefire and the return of our people to their homes

We insist with determination that the war of starvation will not break the will of our struggling Palestinian people and our sons stationed in Gaza.

The last proposal regarding the exchange deal was submitted to us on June 24, and there is nothing new after that

The last proposal regarding the exchange deal was submitted to us on June 24, and there is nothing new after that.

We insist with determination that the war of starvation will not break the will of our people in Gaza, and we will continue our steadfastness and struggle, and we will defeat our enemy.

The only thing that can be done is to end the occupation.

Osama Hamdan: We are ready to deal seriously with any formula that guarantees a permanent ceasefire and complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip

We follow with regret the position of the American administration, which insists with great meanness on holding Hamas responsible for not reaching an agreement.

We are ready to deal seriously with any formula that guarantees a permanent ceasefire and complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.” /2


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