Palestina - Israël

⚡️JUST IN: Palestinian resistance fighters were not instructed to capture civilians.

- The instructions for the elite fighters were to capture as many enemy soldiers as possible and bring them to the Gaza Strip while avoiding civilians, especially women and children.

- The elite resistance fighters demonstrated a high level of discipline and had detailed maps and plans for the stages of the operation.

- The main focus of the elite fighters' attack was on weapon depots, military positions, and guard posts.

- The elite fighters took control of Kibbutz Kfar Aza in a devastating attack, having precise maps and knowledge of the location of the weapon depot and the house of the security chief, who was killed after a brief skirmish.

- The elite fighters booby-trapped several locations, deliberately leaving some weapons at the entrances to lure soldiers inside before detonating them.

- The resistance planned to seize control of 221 kibbutzim, military sites, and towns, including Netivot, Ofakim, and Sderot.

- The elite fighters and their followers stormed 130 out of 135 homes in Kibbutz Nir Oz.

- The elite fighters had enough time to carry out the operation and rest in the surrounding areas.

Source: A joint investigation by the Hebrew newspaper Israel Hayom and the German newspaper Bild on October 7, @tamerqdh


“On my behalf and on behalf of my wife Sarah, I send my deepest condolences on the death of the mother of the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, Lalla Latifa. The people of Israel stand shoulder to shoulder with the King and his family in their grief and we wish them patience and peace.

“To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return””


“Before our arrest inside Majida Wasila School near Palestine Mosque in western Gaza City, one of the officers took me aside and asked for my name, job, and age. Then he asked about my relatives and family.

He then told me to come with him. When I asked where he was taking me, he said, "I’m sending you to your God like a bride." I corrected him, saying, "You mean like a groom?"

He replied, "Like a bride who wears white and puts on makeup."

He took me to an area with a resistance tunnel, put a belt full of explosives on me, and attached a GoPro camera to my head and a rope around my waist. He told me, "When I pull the rope, you come back to me," and pushed me near the tunnel entrance under the threat of a weapon and the threat of killing my family. I refused to comply with his orders, but in the middle of the conversation, he suddenly pushed me into the tunnel. I stayed in place for about three minutes, then he started yelling and firing his gun to make me move inside the tunnel. I walked about 40 meters.

He then pulled me out of the tunnel using the rope and said, "Your God doesn't want you yet." He handed me over to the soldiers and told them, "Get another young boy."

When I returned, I found the men from my family still in their place, and they had taken a 15-year-old boy. Thankfully, he returned safely, and I saw him when I was released from detention.

The goal of all this was to avoid entering the tunnel themselves, fearing it might explode on them. In other words, if the camera on my head captured resistance fighters inside the tunnel, I would be blown up along with the tunnel.”


"I heard everything. I heard the gunshot that killed him, and I heard his scream before we lost contact with him completely," said the mother of Yair Avitan, who was killed by a Palestinian sniper in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood during a phone call with his mother.

His father adds, "The enemy made a grave mistake. They did not know what kind of mother they were dealing with. I have very strong connections with the Creator of the world, and I assure you that God's revenge will be severe from now on, to the extent that the enemy will not understand where the punishment came from."

Source: @tamerqdh

🚨JUST IN: After destroying Rafah crossing, israel reveals its plan.

“Israel” seeks to build a new Rafah crossing and move it to the closest border crossing point at Kerem Shalom, where inspection will be conducted in a modern way and will allow control of what exits and enters Gaza.

There will be a joint role for Israel, Egypt, the Palestinians, and the Americans in managing the new Rafah crossing.

The Rafah crossing is scheduled to be built at a new site near Kerem Shalom where the borders meet.

Source: Hebrew Channel 12.

🚨JUST IN: The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization meets in Ramallah to discuss Israeli sanctions on the Authority:

We have decided to confront and resist all these decisions through comprehensive popular and political means.

Our people will remain on their land and will thwart all efforts by the occupation to eliminate our cause.

The Executive Committee of the PLO emphasizes the importance of maintaining national unity as a safeguard for protecting our people.

We will continue to support prisoners in the occupation's jails.

We will approach the UN Security Council, the General Assembly, and the International Court of Justice to arrest and prosecute war criminals among the leaders and officials of the occupation.


⚡️Palestinian Islamic Jihad:

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

We strongly condemn the statements made by the so-called Minister of Security in the zionist entity, the criminal Nazi Itamar Ben-Gvir, who calls for shooting prisoners in the head in the occupation prisons. These statements, which reflect a heinous criminal mentality based on bloodshed, along with Ben-Gvir's policies towards our prisoners in occupation prisons—depriving them of food, water, and medicine, and practicing the most brutal forms of systematic torture against them, in addition to his open arming of settler gangs and blatant incitement to kill innocents, confiscate lands, and violate sanctities—are a disgrace to all those dealing with, supporting, and remaining silent about the crimes of the zionist entity.

Our Palestinian people will face these criminal policies and the endangerment of our prisoners' lives with all strength, steadfastness, and commitment to resistance. The resistance forces will not abandon our brave prisoners in the hands of murderers and criminals.

It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.

Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Sunday, 24th Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH, 30th June 2024 AD.”


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