Palestina - Israël

Is Israel conducting live human experimentation on Palestinians at Sde Teiman?

New testimonies of torture pour out of Israel's Sde Teiman torture camp each week. In a recent one, a Gaza physician said he was "suspended from a chain attached to handcuffs, electroshocked, denied medical care for broken ribs caused by beatings, and administered what he believed was a psychoactive drug before interrogations."

Another former detainee says a visibly bleeding prisoner told him “three soldiers took turns raping him with an M16 [assault rifle]."

The Israeli human rights group B'tselem documented similarly perverse examples of torture in its voluminous report, "Welcome to Hell: The Israeli Prison System as a Network of Torture Camps."

These reports build on video evidence of systemic gang rape by Israeli soldiers against male Palestinian prisoners.

The torture taking place inside apartheid Israel's archipelago of detention camps seems unprecedented in recent years, both in terms of volume and the level of sadism being applied. On Israel's Channel 12, a prominent pundit complained that the only problem with soldiers raping Palestinian prisoners is that the act has not been formally regulated.

But it is likely that Israel's post-October 7 torture regime has already been institutionalized. Which means that it is being monitored by medical professionals, and advised by psychologists, whose identities remain hidden from the public.

So the logical question is, are Israeli medical professionals studying the torture taking place in Sde Teiman and other dungeons for future application? In other words, is live human experimentation taking place on Palestinians who were kidnapped from Gaza? And will Israel export its methods to allies like the US after its work is done?

Japan's notorious Unit 731 practiced live human experimentation, including organ harvesting and biological weapons, on prisoners it kidnapped during World War II. After the war, the US gave immunity to Unit 731 researchers in exchange for the data they acquired through their vivisection and abuse of live prisoners. The US government not only covered up their crimes, it furnished the Japanese unit's veterans with stipends.

During the so-called war on terror, the CIA appointed Pentagon psychologists like James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen to devise and document the torture methods applied to 9/11 suspects like Abu Zubeidah and other detainees at the Gitmo black site. Mitchell and Jessen's company received over $80 million in contracts to preside over the CIA's post-9/11 torture regime. A lawsuit by Abu Zubaydah alleges Mitchell and Jessen were not seeking actionable intelligence, but rather, were using him as "a guinea pig for untested interrogation methods, laying the groundwork for what provided them a hugely lucrative contracting business to provide detention and interrogation personnel to the CIA and the US Defense Department."

This November, as Israel prepared to invade Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital and kidnap its doctors, a group of more than 90 Jewish Israeli physicians authored a letter declaring their support for attacks on Palestinian hospitals. Among those who signed the letter branding Gazan hospitals as "terror nests" were several Israeli pediatricians.

Israel is a comprehensively sick society whose economy has thrived off the exportation of weapons and methods of repression tested on the occupied Palestinian population over an almost eight decade span. Investigators must now ask whether Tel Aviv is repeating the most heinous crimes of history, advancing the legacy of Japan's Unit 731, the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, and Mitchell and Jessen behind the walls of its torture camps.

‏New video dropping in 48 hours! Also all my accounts are active again including X. But before posting again : Here is what happened.
A few days ago I deactivated my X account . Two reasons : I received concerning messages that gave me and my team the impression that my account has been hacked with potential of being doxxed also there were potential safety issues concerning people I know .
I only take these issues seriously if it concerns other people not me. So I deactivated the account and started to research if this is legitimate or not and if both issues were related or not .
In two days there were many rumors and speculations I admit the post was not clear . So I posted again on all my other platforms that I am the one who deactivated my account and I will be posting on other platforms in the meanwhile
Honestly I didn’t post on any platforms since then . This was consuming all my time plus I was dealing with personal and health issues. My family members were under a lot of pressure so I had to deal with all that . This caused a major burnout to all of us . Although the safety concerns were alleviated and the hacking issue was secured a few days later I needed to get away from social media so I didn’t post anywhere. The burnout was real and my priority had to be my family and I even cancelled a couple of appearances and events I was supposed to be at including local comedy shows. I even stopped promoting my upcoming shows . All that had me losing financially but It was all just too much to handle.
I was disconnected from social l media so I didn’t realize the level of chaos that surrounded this although I only just stopped posting on social media for literally 7 days . Just seven days . So this is why I am posting this clarification.
In conclusion : I am back and posting as usual on all platforms including X. I will still post parts of my interviews plus original videos in Arabic and in English to go deeper behind the information and discussions I have in these interviews. Starting with a video in the next 24 hours . It’s something I have been working on right before the disconnection. I was back working on it yesterday and I am using a different style of editing and it’s taking a bit longer than other videos . Would love to hear your feedback.
Thank you very much for the lovely messages and the support. I just had to deal with so many things on my end and I was not very responsive . So I apologize to all that messaged and tried to call . You can imagine how insane that last week was. And thank you to all the wonderful people who helped me behind the scene to make sure my loved ones are safe and I am so sorry for burdening you last week with my endless calls . I am in debt to you.

فيديو جديد في خلال ٢٤ ساعة و ايضا جميع الحسابات رجعت بما فيهم اكس لكن قبل نزول الفيديو ده توضيح للي حصل :
١ . من كام يوم اضطريت لقفل الحساب على منصة اكس . لسببين . جاتلي رسايل مش لطيفة تتعلق بالسلامة كمان كان فيه شك ان فيه محاولات اختراق . قفلت الحساب للتأكد من جدية الحاجتين دول. و كمان آشوف إذا كان ليهم علاقة ببعض .
أنا عادة مش باخد حاجة زي دي بجدية زيادة عن اللزوم لما تبقى ليها علاقة بيا أنا لكن لو له علاقة بحد تاني كان لازم اكون حريص اكتر . قفلت الحساب و نشرت بيان كما هو موضح في الصورة.
بعد يومين من ده انتشرت شائعات كتيرة عن سبب الحجب . البيان كان مش واضح و اثار لغط كتير . نزلت بيان تاني على كل المنصات الأخرى (الصورة التانية) عشان ما يحصلش اتهام لحد من غير لازمة و قلت اني حنزل فيديوهات على باقي المنصات ما عدا اكس و كنت في موقف مقدرش اشرح اكتر من كده.
بصراحة بعد كده و لا نزلت على اكس و لا غيره . صحيح الموضوع اخد كام يوم بس للتأكد من عدم وجود مشاكل لناس تانية عشان نعالج موضوع الاختراق و التامين بس بصراحة الموضوع عك شوية و كان في ضغط نفسي و عصبي و صحي عليا و على عيلتي فبصراحة الواحد أعصابه اتحرقت . و كان لازم فعلا ابعد عن السوشيال ميديا و كان لازم التركيز و الأولوية تجاه عيلتي و ده خلاني الغي بعض الارتباطات اللي كنت متفق عليها الأسبوع اللي فات منها عروض كنت متفق عليها من زمان و كمان بطلت اعلن عن العروض القادمة اللي في امريكا و كل ده خسارة مادية كبيرة لكن أنا فعلا ما كنتش قادر
أنا حرفيا بعدت عن السوشيال ميديا ٧ ايام فقط . ٧ ايام لا غير و مع ذلك طلع كلام كتير و تكهنات و اشاعات غريبة عشان كده باكتب التوضيح ده
الخلاصة أنا رجعت على كل الحسابات و مكمل عادي في عمل فيديوهات و مقاطع من الحوارات اللي بأعملها كالعادة بس كمان ححاول اعمل فيديوهات أناقش فيها بشكل اعمق المعلومات و الكلام اللي باقوله في الحوارات دي لان ساعات مساحة الحوار مش بتديني فرصة اقول كل اللي عايزه . و الفيديوهات حتنزل على كل المنصات بما فيها منصة اكس باللغة العربية و الإنجليزية و أولهم فيديو نازل في خلال ٤٨ ساعة كنت باشتغل عليه قبل التوقف و رجعتله تاني امبارح . الفيديو بياخد وقت شوية لأني باجرب ستايل مختلف في المونتاج فمعلش بياخد وقت اطول انه يخلص . اتمنى اسمع ارائكم .
شكرا جدا لكل الناس اللي سالت و قلقت و اسف اني مكنتش قادر ارد . ارجو تقدروا الضغط و تعب الأعصاب عندنا و باشكر الناس العظيمة اللي ساعدتني من وراء الكواليس عشان تطمني أنا و عيلتي و اسف اني تقلت عليهم بتليفونات لا نهائية الأسبوع اللي فات ده . شكرا جدا جميلكم في رقبتي


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