Palestina - Israël


"So fight in the cause of Allah; you are not held responsible except for yourself. And encourage the believers join you] that perhaps Allah will restrain the might those who disbelieve. And Allah is greater in might and stronger in punishment."

On the 382nd day, the zionist-Nazi occupation continues to escalate all forms of the genocide war against our people in the Gaza Strip. For the 18th consecutive day, it has intensified the siege on the northern Gaza governorate, particularly in Jabalia and Beit Lahia, perpetrating the most heinous war crimes against unarmed civilians in their homes and against displaced people in shelters and tents in schools.

The zionist occupation in the northern Gaza Strip, with utter brutality and vengeance against our steadfast people who remain on their land after more than a year of war, is committing systematic crimes that fall under the framework of genocide. These include field executions, deliberate killing of civilians, forced eviction using violence amid massacres and brutal bombardment, starvation, siege, attacks on hospitals, bombing and destruction of homes, and the denial of entry for aid and fuel, all aimed at displacing and exterminating our people and creating a new geographical and demographic reality, known as the "Generals' Plan."

For 18 days, the zionist occupation has rejected all UN and international requests and appeals to allow fuel into hospitals, as well as food and medicine. It also refuses requests to rescue those trapped under the rubble, leaving the bodies of martyrs and the injured in the streets, while ambulances are prevented by fire from reaching them. This has led to the death of hundreds of patients and injured people, creating unprecedented and inhumane conditions that threaten the lives of thousands, and preventing any chance of survival for approximately 150,000 citizens remaining in their homes, exposing them to a slow death.

The so-called safe corridors from northern to southern Gaza, claimed by the occupation to be secure, have turned into death traps, targeting our people, including women and children, for field executions, arrests, or brutal torture. As usual, the occupation lies and deceives, directing displaced people to specific roads only to kill them there.

During this period, more than 700 martyrs have ascended, not counting those under the rubble or those unreachable by ambulances, with the number expected to rise amid the occupation army's escalation of all forms of genocide and massacres.

The latest of these horrific massacres was the targeting of an UNRWA shelter in Jabalia camp, the targeting of displaced people in the streets of Beit Lahia, resulting in the martyrdom of over 12 citizens, and the brutal bombardment by artillery and drones on the displaced, leading to the martyrdom of around 50 people in the Gaza Strip since dawn today, including more than 26 martyrs in the northern Strip. [The number has risen to 63 martyrs at the time of publication.] /1

In the face of these brutal crimes that this Nazi army continues to commit against our people in the Gaza Strip, and especially its north, and against all aspects of human life there, we affirm the following:

First: The global silence in the face of the genocide being committed by the occupation in the Gaza Strip, witnessed and heard by the entire world, is a stain of shame on all those who remain silent, hesitant, and fail to act to stop it. The continued silence over the U.S. administration's and some Western countries' financial and military support for the occupation makes them complicit in the crime of genocide against our people.

Therefore, we reiterate that the credibility of the international community and its institutions, foremost among them the UN Security Council, the International Criminal Court, and the International Court of Justice, is being tested against the values and treaties on which they were founded. They must fulfill their role and responsibility in stopping the genocide against the Palestinian people.

Second: The repeated genocidal crimes committed by the zionist enemy throughout the Gaza Strip, as part the execution of its aggressive and terrorist plan, are being fully supported by the U.S. administration and some Western countries, as confirmed by Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories.

Here we state clearly: the U.S. administration, which granted the occupation a one-month period to discuss mechanisms for allowing aid, instead of pressing to immediately stop the crimes and aggression, is giving it a timeframe to commit these crimes in their most horrific forms without consequence. This deepens its responsibility and full complicity in this aggression and the genocidal war against our people, and it will not escape political, legal, humanitarian, or moral accountability, no matter how long it takes.

In this context, with the talk of another visit by U.S. Secretary of State Blinken to the region—which represents another American step to provide political cover for this crime—and with discussions about the so-called "the day after the war," we reaffirm the following:

First: Our people have the right to choose all of their options with complete independent free will. They are the ones to decide the details and agenda of the day after the war, and it will be purely Palestinian, not according to "israeli" standards or American desires.

Second: We also affirm that our people will continue to stand firm on their land and continue their resistance to this zionist-Nazi enemy until their demands are met: stopping the aggression, the full withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, breaking the siege, rebuilding Gaza, and achieving a serious prisoner exchange deal.

Third: The Arab and Islamic incapacity to take practical and serious action to stop the ongoing massacre against our people for an entire year—despite the numerous statements of condemnation and denunciation—has emboldened the zionist enemy to continue its war and aggression without pause. What is needed today is the use of our nation's capabilities, which can hurt this enemy and curb its terrorism and aggressive plans that will not stop at the borders of Palestine.

Fourth: We call on Arab and Islamic states to urgently convene the UN Security Council and press for the issuance of an international resolution to stop the aggression and protect our people from the zionist massacre. We also call on the UN Secretary-General to issue an urgent appeal to halt the genocide in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Fifth: We renew our call to the masses of our Arab and Islamic nations and to all the free people of the world to escalate and activate all forms of popular mobilization in every capital and public square, and to participate actively in putting pressure on the U.S. administration and all countries that support and back the occupation. This should be done by besieging their embassies around the world to expose their support for the occupation and criminalize their policies, and to gather all energies to force the zionist occupation to stop its crimes of killing, bombing, starvation, and displacement throughout the Gaza Strip, especially in the north.

In the face of this crime, what is required is to exert the utmost effort and power so that the enemy and its supporters understand that our nation is capable and these capabilities will not remain disabled if its aggression and crimes against our people in Palestine escalate.

Finally, the world, which stands in solemn remembrance of the Holocaust—a crime it never witnessed—must now answer for its stance on the new Holocaust it is witnessing live, in real time.

Mercy, glory, and immortality to the righteous martyrs of our people, a swift recovery to the wounded and sick, freedom for the prisoners and detainees, and victory to our people and our resistance, and to every resistance fighter on the path to liberation of Al-Quds and Palestine.

Indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.


Chauffeur van een van de gevreesde D9 bulldozers die Israel gebruikt om straten mee open te breken, huizen mee te slopen en OVER LEVENDE PALESTIJNEN HEEN TE WALSEN pleegt zelfmoord. Hij had post-traumatisch stresssyndroom. CNN besluit een artikel te schrijven over hoe moeilijk hij het had. Er is echter 1 probleem: hij is te zien op foto's en filmpjes waarin hij lachend oorlogsmisdaden pleegt en erover opschept op de Israelische TV. Een heel volk wordt uitgemoord, maar de daders hebben het moeilijk? Cry me a fucking river.


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