Palestina - Israël

De Israeliers zijn ratten, ze zijn volkomen doortrapt en onbetrouwbaar. Morgen moet geheel volgens afspraak de Netzarim Corridor worden opengegooid om Gazanen uit het noorden die nu vastzitten in het zuiden te voet terug te laten keren naar het noorden. Deze corridor is een door Israel gecreeerd checkpoint dat noord van zuid scheidt.

Ineens beweren de Israeliers dat 1 vrouwelijke burgergijzelaar niet is vrijgelaten. Arbel Yehud is haar naam en zij is wel degelijk een dienstplichtige soldaat. De Israeliers spelen voortdurend met definities: als ze aan de winnende hand zijn zijn het dappere soldaten, maar als ze door Islamitische verzetsstrijders als krijgsgevangenen worden gehouden zijn het ineens onschuldige burgers. Hamas houdt zich aan de afspraak en Yehud staat op de lijst van soldaten die volgende week worden vrijgelaten. De militaire operatie op 7 okt. 2023 was er juist op gericht om zoveel mogelijk militairen gevangen te nemen als wisselgeld voor Palestijnse gevangenen. In de huidige deal staat 1 vrouwelijke Israelische militair voor 50 Palestijnse gevangenen, dus gaat Hamas Yehud niet nu al loslaten. Netanyahu zegt nu dat Hamas zich niet aan het akkoord houdt en burgers achterhoudt en daarom weigeren ze de Netzarim Corridor open te gooien.

Maar zoals altijd is het Israel dat zich niet aan de spelregels houdt. Zo hebben ze Ashraf Zghir, een gevangene die slechts enkele uren vrij was, opnieuw gearresteerd, terwijl in het akkoord specifiek vermeld staat dat ze dit niet mogen doen. Een gevangene die vandaag vrij is gelaten, Muhammad Al-Tous, heeft maar liefst 40 jaar (!) vastgezeten, hij werd gearresteerd toen hij nog maar een kind was!

Laatst bewerkt:
Today brings to a close one of the first and main pillars of the genocidal atrocity propaganda "mass rape" hoax. Naama Levy, an Israeli Zionist occupation soldier who patrolled the Gaza concentration camp, is set to be released. She became the main symbol of the "mass rape" hoax, the "bloody pants" being the supposed "evidence", before being exposed as a lie.

Not only was it exposed as a lie, it was shown that the Israelis and her family knew all along that the pants had been bloodied/soiled by her hands that were tied behind her back, on which she had been sitting before the widely circulated video of her move to the car.

They had the full video showing her inside the building all along, and intentionally didn't release it to manufacture a fake symbol for their "mass rape" hoax. They all started wearing bloodied pants, performing rape-hoax plays with it across the world, making posters and paintings and drawings using it.

Even before that full video was published, the lead reporter of the main investigation into the rape hoax for the Times of London, Catherine Philp, had gone to Israel and spoken to experts about the "bloodied pants" video, and they told her it did not show evidence of any sexual violence. And she herself concluded that there is zero evidence for any rape happening on October 7.

It was all fabricated, a deranged rape-fantasy from the minds of genocidal Zionist actual mass rapists, who have raped countless Palestinian babies, children, girls, boys, women and men.

And now today comes the final nail in the coffin of this hoax: If Naama Levy had been raped as all these deranged genocidal Zionist maniacs are still claiming right now, why did Hamas not kill her? Why didn't they just kill her and say she died in an Israeli bombing, like the very same genocidal Zionists claim they do constantly anyway? Why did they put her among the first to be released in the first phase of the ceasefire, rather than putting it off to the end?

Why would Hamas, who are "worse than Nazis" and will do anything they can do hide their evil barbaric crimes, release the very person the genocidal Zionists have made their main symbol for the rape hoax?

It's over.


Hey @BBCNews why haven’t you done an English video interview like this in which Moran talks about the Hannibal Directive? She confirmed there were Israeli Apache Helicopters at the Nova music festival.

Why is imaginary rape more important than actual military orders that command you to murder your own people to prevent them from being taken hostage by the enemy?


“You don’t understand what a handsome boy, the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen in Gaza” …… This is how Moran described the Palestinian man watching her on her last day.

If we apply Moran’s logic - she raped him when she observed every detail of his physical existence.

⚡🇶🇦BREAKING: Qatar’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson:

An understanding has been reached under which Hamas will hand over Arbel Yahud as well as at least two other Hostages held in the Gaza Strip, before Friday.

Hamas will also hand over three additional Israelis on Saturday, in accordance with the agreement.

Israel will hand over a list of 400 people arrested since October 7

Israel will allow the return of displaced persons in Gaza to the northern part of the Strip starting Monday morning.

The return of displaced residents to northern Gaza will begin on Monday.


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