Palestina - Israël

Remember the Joseph Kony media frenzy that convinced Americans it was urgent and necessary to root out a warlord in an African country almost nobody could locate on a map?

Or Omran Daqneesh, the bloodied little Syrian boy that Hillary Clinton and mass media invoked to demonstrate why we must overthrow Assad?

Or Alan Kurdi, the Syrian refugee toddler that drown fleeing ISIS?

American politicians and media will fixate on a particular crime or tragedy when it suits their agenda.

The U.S. and Israel starved this boy to death. If they promoted the images of his dead body as they did with the aforementioned, it would create unbearable pressure on the Biden admin to shift its policy.

But they don’t. They ignore this image and downplay the Gaza genocide. Dead Palestinians suit their agenda. Images of those deaths are buried, only partially-visible on social media where they can be shadow banned and censored.

My father is the ObGyn who treated this women. A countless number of patients he treated have either been killed or lost children in Israel's onslaught. His fertility clinic was ransacked by Israeli soldiers, set on fire and hit by two missiles. The eggs and embryos that remained there have been lost.
Israel's war on Gaza is a war on life itself.

Ik ben voor Hamas en tegen Netabyahu. Ik ben voor Putin en tegen Zelensky en de NAVO. Wie nergens voor staat valt overal voor.


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