Palestina - Israël

Former British ambassador to Israel Tom Phillips, writing in Haaretz, comes to the conclusion that so far, "Hamas has won".

He explains that Hamas "flipped the script of a militarily invincible Israel and exposed the fragility of its international support, prompting hard questions about its long-term sustainability".

If you think about it, before the war Israel was considered by many, especially in the West, as a normal country, whose existence was legitimated by a moral imperative following the Holocaust. Not saying that was correct but it was definitely the perception. Now however it's almost universally considered a pariah state, themselves committing genocide, and with zero moral authority whatsoever. That's a truly stunning reversal, and a change of perception that will last a long time.

Not sure how much of that is imputable to Hamas vs Israeli society themselves descending into collective genocidal madness...

The Israeli colonel who ordered drone strikes on the WCK aid workers signed a letter in January calling on military brass to deny humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The WCK killings weren't a "mistake." They were an act of defiance directed at the Netanyahu war cabinet and its western backers.

Read my @UncapturedNews investigation on the rift between the Israeli military's rank-and-file and the political leadership.


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