Feels like they're test-driving "woke-right" as this is the 2nd jew today I've seen using it. It's an absolutely nonsensical term, to say the least.
I guess they realized 'antisemite,' 'nazi,' 'White supremacist' & 'Hamas terrorist sympathizer' have lost all stigma so they're trying something new.
Let me save you the trouble, Avi: we don't care about any names or labels you come up with for us anymore. We get it--you hate us and you're a loser, and you project your loser-hate onto us.
Enjoy the twilight of your jewish supremacy and power, it'll soon be over. The alliance you're scared of is only going to keep growing because--fundamentally--you suck, you're a pathetic little goblin, and we're *ALL* tired of the trouble you guys cause.
Look in the mirror, try a little self-reflection, and realize that most of what you blame everyone else for is actually just your fault for being an asshole.