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“This committee has produced evidence that Joe Biden has taken payments through his son Hunter, Biden and all their dozens of fake LLCs.

“You can't buy a Biden product.

“We will hold Hunter Biden in contempt.

“And if the Democrats are not hypocrites, then they will vote for contempt of Congress because they voted for it on every other subpoena.”

They literally HAVE TO issue a criminal referral for defying a Congressional subpoena to AG Merrick Garland now.

Which I'll note, they hadn't done yet, because 'negotiations' were underway to get Hunter to make this appearance today.

Remember, Garland already AGREED last year and the DC courts AFFIRMED that it is a FEDERAL FELONY to defy a House subpoena. Its why Steven Bannon and Peter Navarro were referred by the J6 Committee to Garland, who had both men indicted by grand jury, arrested, arraigned, put on trial, and convicted by DJ juries.

Both men are currently appealing their convictions.

So on top of the new criminal charges he's already facing from the Weiss Special Counsel, Hunter's also about to have a criminal referral from the House Committee sent to Garland.

Remember, I've been saying some time now Weiss is far from finished filing federal felony charges against Hunter Biden. He's only filed federal felony indictments against Hunter in Delaware and CA thus far. Weiss has yet unseal the federal felony charges made by a grand jury against Hunter in Washington DC.

Now, either one of two things is going to happen with this criminal referral when the House committee sends it to Garland in the coming days:

1. Garland is forced to sit on it and say nothing, making it absolutely 'in-your-face-America!' blatant that we have a two tier justice system in this county. He'd be FORCED to admit this was a serious crime when Bannon and Navarro did it, but Hunter Biden is...well...SPECIAL. This will play out heavily in the news cycle DURING A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION YEAR in which for much of the year the pretense that Hunter's daddy Joe is REALLY RUNNING FOR REELECTION. Imagine the FUN Donald J. Trump is going to have with this on the campaign trail?

Garland also understands in the present environment, the national Fake News Media could only provide him with an extremely LIMITED amount of cover if he chose to sit on the criminal referral and let the days tick by without acting on it.

Now, let's consider the SECOND thing that might happen:

2. Garland can't bring himself to publicly be that much of a hypocrite, and so he is forced to assign a DC prosecutor who issues a bill to a grand jury. Now, true, if this happens, THIS WILL BE A DC GRAND JURY. Everybody understand that? We all on the same page here?

Garland and the DC goon squad prosecutors would know this. They get to do their jobs, 'equally enforcing the law without fear or favor' etc. etc. while remaining very confident that a DC grand jury will let Hunter walk away no billed.

This way, Garland gets to preen in front of the cameras and the Congress when he's asked about it and give a shit-eating grin and say, "Look, is it MY FAULT two different DC grand juries returned indictments on Bannon and Navarro, but a third DC grand jury voted to let Hunter walk away?"

And even if a MIRACLE happened and the DC grand jury returned an indictment against Hunter. a SECOND MIRACLE would have to happen, because then there would be a trial and a DC jury would have to CONVICT Hunter of the charges.

So you got to understand this. Garland **just very well might** place his hopes in the fact that its EXTREMELY UNLIKELY that both a DC grand jury and then a DC trial jury will vote to hold Hunter accountable. This way Garland gets to look good for the cameras, avoid the national controversy of NOT acting on a criminall referral of Hunter, and then say its not his fault at all when DC jury pools engaged in politically partisan behavior.

Because everybody can see and understand why this played out the way it did. DC jury pools were EAGER and RARING to convict Trump associates.

Joe Biden's son? It would take a MIRACLE. We're talking a true act of sorcerous warlockery right out of fantasy fiction for a DC jury pool to vote to convict the supposed current President's son of a federal felony. IN AN ELECTION YEAR.

Either way, TRUMP WINS.

Can't you see that Trump wins?

Ted Cruz just confronted Zuckerberg on the Instagram Wall Street Journal story that exposed that social media was connecting pedophiles with pizza code words and Instagram's own algorithm was helping pedophiles find content.
When Ted showed Zuckerberg Instagram's warning screen that said: "See results anyway" the crowd audibly gasped.
Zuckerberg is getting destroyed in this hearing for literally promoting child exploitation in his algorithm.
I was told this was a conspiracy theory?
Are people awake yet?


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