Ik krijg regelmatig een nieuwsbrief van een site waarin veel wordt geschreven over oestrogeen dominantie en alle klachten die daaruit voorkomen. Ik zal het stukje hieronder zetten. Het is in het Engels, als je wil kan ik het ook met de vertaalknop in het Nederlands
hieronder zetten. Het vertaalwerk is alles behalve optimaal, maar de essentie is duidelijk.
CV writes...
"Hello, I'm 29 years old. I'm suffering from PCOS. I've been
taking the pill Diane for 6 years but the microcysts didn't go away
from my ovaries. I'd like to stop taking the pill but I'm afraid
that the problems that I had before I started taking the Diane will
appear again (such as amennorea, acne, hirsutism). I'd like to know
If the Natpro can help me, how much is shipping cost for my country.
Thanks, kind regards, C"
My reply...
"Dear C, Many thanks for your email. We have helped many women
with PCO, as progesterone helps both breast and ovarian cysts to be
re-absorbed into the body, whereas estrogen causes them to grow.
Two of the main symptoms of PCO are insulin resistance and high
androgens, so most doctors when confronted with PCO either give
their patients the Pill or put them on the diabetes drug Metformin.
The Pill to suppress the androgens and the Metformin to correct the
insulin resistance, but neither of them addresses the cause.
The Pill contains a synthetic version of progesterone (know as
"progestin"), which often has major side affects, one of them is to
cause depression by lowering your own natural progesterone level.
This can then cause estrogen dominance symptoms.
Have you had your progesterone level checked? And have you had a
homocysteine and d-Chiro-inositol blood test? All of these should
have been done as they all have a bearing on the problem.
Briefly, during the first half of our cycle follicle stimulating
hormone and estrogen cause the egg to mature, at mid cycle
lutenising hormone causes the follicle to burst and the egg is
released. The follicle, now called the corpus luteum, starts
producing progesterone. The first half of this cycle occurs in PCO
but the egg isn't released. A cyst forms instead, which means no
progesterone is made.
By supplementing with progesterone blood sugar problems are
corrected, the androgens are counteracted and the cysts are
absorbed back into the body. It takes time but eventually the
problems are resolved.
I once had an assistant, who when she joined me had severe PCO with
a 4cm ovarian cyst which her doctor had found by a scan and wanted
to remove surgically. Well after a month of progesterone the cyst
had completely gone. About a year later she had a child, which is
generally difficult with PCO. It's very important to avoid sugar
or anything which contains or is converted to sugar/glucose.
Glucose, when released into the blood, causes an insulin spike,
insulin causes androgens to be formed, which in turn causes acne. I
will attach some documents which I hope will help. Please come back
to me if you have any more questions."
Till next time.
To Your Good Health,
Wray Whyte