pcos dieet

Het gaat erom dat je als groep sterker bent en meer kan bereiken dan in je eentje. Ik weet niet hoezo je denkt dat ik me op de klachten en ongemakken ga concentreren. Ik dacht gewoon het zou zeker leuk zijn dat wat hier online gebeurt ook een keer in een persoonlijke ontmoeting te doen omdat mensen er zeker van kunnen profiteren.

PCOS is primarily caused by too much sugar and refined carbs in the diet, which creates chronically elevated insulin levels, which stimulates the ovaries to overproduce testosterone, which causes ovarian cysts, excess hair growth etc. For most women, dramatically reducing refined carbs and sugar, and getting some exercise will clear up PCOS in a matter of months. This is why conventional doctors use diabetes drugs to treat PCOS, but that doesn't address the root cause. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/09/18/oral-progesterone-and-progesterone-cream-complications.aspx

Women who suffer with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have Hashimoto's 42% of the time. PCOS sufferers battle with insulin resistance and insulin surges which trigger Hashimoto's. Insulin surges cause an inflammatory cascade of cytokines which flare the immune response. With the rise in insulin resistance (IR) in the United States population this can have a very real impact on the number of people susceptible to Hashimoto's. Insulin resistance (high blood sugar) symptoms include fatigue after meals, craving sugar after meals and difficulty falling asleep. Nutritional support for this includes sugar stabilizers and adrenal support. Of course diet and exercise play a key role, as well. Insulin surges are also prevalent in people who suffer from the hypoglycemia(low blood sugar). Hypoglycemic symptoms include energy after meals, craving sugar before meals, inability to stay asleep and a crash and craving for sweets between 3 and 5 pm. Nutritional support also addresses sugar stabilizers and adrenal support as well as diet and exercise. http://www.faim.org/chronicdiseases/autoimmunethyroid.html


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