Nieuwe update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):
Here's how dangerous social media are and why Obama's Net Neutrality Act had to go:
When Congress ended Obama's 2015 Net Neutrality Act in mid-December 2017, they put a stop to an act which ensured government control ("regulation") of the internet against "hate speech". This act exempted social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and the like, who for the last three years have been cracking down on "hate speech" (which oddly only seemed to affect the political right). Try getting a rightwing point of view when you Google controversial political topics nowadays, it's an impossibility (which is why I use DuckDuckGo instead). These platforms act as an extension of the government and Trump and his team put a stop to this Orwellian "neutrality" and ensured real internet neutrality. That doesn't mean we're now free to do and say as we please without getting censored or shadowbanned, but at least there's now a legal framework to do something against these injustices.
Of all the social media platforms, Facebook is arguably the worst. This evil company even wanted to put their own satellites in space, so the globalist cabal could have their own communication network without being monitored by the NSA and other surveillance agencies. It would also enable the cabal to monitor, analyze and categorize all social media users from space and create a Chinese-style social credit system. How creepy is that? Luckily the white hats have been on to these people for a number of years and they have sabotaged the launch of SpaceX rockets containing these satellites and will continue to do so. This is why Zuckerberg has now started his own space company. This adds another meaning to Trump's Space Force, doesn't it?
Knowledge is power, as the old saying goes. QAnon is providing knowledge we never before had access to on an almost daily basis and completely for free. Not only does this rub the cabal the wrong way, but certain alternative news outlets as well, who see their viewership/readership dwindling as the group of Q followers is growing worldwide. We've already seen mainstream news articles painting QAnon as a "conspiracy theory" (yawn), but now we're increasingly seeing QAnon getting attacked from within the group of rightwing patriots who voted for Trump. Since these alternative outlets have been spouting "conspiracy theories" for years they can't use the same slur, so their buzzword is now "psy ops". Q is a "psy ops", or a "LARP". What both the mainstream and alternative nay-sayers have in common is that they are pissed that they're no longer the sole source of information and knowledge, that we are now all Q. If they were able to put aside their huge egos they'd recognize we're all in tis together, but unfortunately these individuals have not passed the character test and are doubling down on their claims that Q is fake.
To do away with the accusations once and for all, Q has posted several pics taken from slightly different angles as pics previously posted by Q, thus proving that we're still dealing with the same Q as before. Probably the most convincing evidence are pics taken from inside Airforce One on Nov. 9, 2017, while President Trump was undertaking his 12-day Asia trip. This was also in Q's infancy (the first Q post appeared on Oct. 28, 2017). But of course the detractors are going to say that Q had been compromised from the very beginning (without ever explaining how these pics could possibly have been taken from inside the presidential plane). Let them say what they will, they've exposed themselves for who they really are and we can now focus on those millions of patriots that still trust the plan, of whom I am one.
Moving on, the Q team posted a pic of an expensive presidential pen and some official paper, remember? Since this is not the first time this has happened and this usually signifies an Executive Order (EO) the cabal thought Trump had already signed an EO to have various UNREDACTED documents released which they had been stonewalling and the day after (last Saturday) there was a high school shooting in Texas, as well as a shooting incident at one of Trump's golf clubs. We're still waiting for that EO, but Trump did officially order a DOJ investigation into FBI spying into the Trump campaign. After more than a year of saying there's zero evidence for this, the MSM (NYT and others) now all of a sudden ADMIT there was a spy operation going on called Crossfire Hurricane (prompting some YouTubers to dub the Hillary investigation Bearded Toothless Hag, after the same Rolling Stones song). But hey, they did it to PROTECT Trump from those evil Ruskies who were interfering in the 2016 presidential elections. Sure they did. They're done for. And I called it months before in my article for your mag! Proud of me yet?
So expect more false flags, as we're now over the target. This is also the only way for the MSM to make QAnon mainstream and put this movement in a negative light. I already wrote that when the Texas package bombs happened there were six of them, corresponding with the six BOOMS in the Q posts. I predict that the next few FF attacks will be pinned on pimply-faced "incels" (involuntary celibates) with no life, other than the countless hours they spend on online games and message boards such as 4chan and 8chan, exposing themselves to "far-right conspiracy theories" which "undermine our democracy". The media is already
pushing this narrative.
QAnon will be mentioned in the pamphlets and social media posts of these "gamefags" and calls will be made for these anonymous boards to be shut down, if only for the fact that they continuously use the word "fag", which as we all know is "problematic" due to its "homophobic" nature. Oh, and gun control will be pushed too, of course. Q has already warned us that the attacks will only intensify and will come from 'all sides'. So brace yourself, because the hammer is about to fall. Or, as Q puts it: Now comes the pain.