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Hussein, Wild Bill en Killary worden op dit moment "bewerkt" , ze zijn te ver gegaan, te openlijk bezig geweest en zijn nu voor de echte Deep State een sta-in-de-weg, een "loose end" dat opgeofferd zal worden. Useless "talking Heads"
RE: Timo's post van X22


Q & A niet Question and Answers maar welLICHT : Q & Assange

DP heeft een fake JA video gemaakt (zijn ogen kloppen niet en stropdas/boord vertonen ook rare CGI foutjes)???

@ 31:00

Warempel zeg, in Kenia zijn ze ook wakker en absoluut niet blij met de komst van Obama en dat laat deze vrouw luid en duidelijk weten. Zelfs Q komt aan bod:

Isaac Green heeft een jankvideo gemaakt over de kritiek die hij over zichzelf heeft uitgeroepen:

Zelf vindt hij dit een 'komische video'. The joke is on him.

July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.

You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.

Het is aan ons om mensen om ons heen op te vangen komende maand. Laat ze de video van Joe Masepoes zien!

@Tibo thanQ!

WOW! Wat een prachtige zwarte parel van een video! Die vrouw is SUPER wakker.

People in Africa are awake: NWO, Globalists, Obama, Qanon

Africa BEWARE, Obama is coming to visit as he pushes his globalist NWO agenda down our throats. He will be in Kenya on July 16th, 2018 to open his sister's NGO and will fly to Johannesburg, South Africa to deliver the Nelson Mandela Lecture which is one of the biggest NWO/Illuminati events on the continent. Let us not forget that in his 8 years as US president, Obama NEVER did anything to help the continent or black people in the world but was merely a puppet for the NWO agenda. In fact it was under his watch that Qadaffi was assassinated and Libya destroyed. The last time Obama was in Africa, he came as the LGBT ambassador trying to pressure African governments to legalize gay rights. This move backfired badly and actually caused a serious backlash with African presidents coming out with tougher laws and harsher language against LGBT. It also resulted in a significant increase in the discrimination of LGBT on the continent.
Bombard's bodylanguage analyse van [RR] en Christopher Wray

P.S. Het is niet eenvoudig om de evil gladjanus RR te bekijken maar Wray komt bij mij ook gluiperig en ontwijkend over.

Q: TRUST WRAY. Ik hoop dus dat Wray bij de good guys hoort want een 2e hands auto zou ik nooit kopen bij hem (een nieuwe trouwens ook niet).
Update van mij aan Dan (The Iconoclast):

Q is now fast becoming mainstream. We see Trump doing fist pumps at rallies to crowd members with Q T-shirts, a former baseball star now openly promoting QAnon and MSM in damage-control mode trying to "debunk" this "conspiracy theory" once again:

Q is now calling on those of us in the know to help brainwashed friends and family members once the truth comes out in July:

You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.

The MSM is putting out fake news about North Korea to make it look like NK is not denuclearizing, to which Q replies:

NK = FAKE NEWS [UK orig].
NK already began denuclearization process under guidance from US.

There's also a summit planned between Trump and Putin on July 16, which means the US and Russia aim to normalize relations and work together, which would make the two of them invincible together. Q to the Deep State:

If you are smart (stupid) you know what just occurred at the meeting in Russia.
Attempts to frame Russia / POTUS (optics) are failing and will soon be exposed.
[Objective] to keep POTUS away from PUTIN failed.
Bolton + PUTIN should scare you.
Enemies are allies.

Then there's Julian Assange. Remember the 'June ETA'? Well, in the news recently we found out former FBI director James Comey blocked an immunity deal for Assange, so he could be brought over to the US and he could testify about who really gave WikiLeaks the Podesta emails as well as evidence of rigged primaries in favor of Hillary (Seth Rich, not Russia). WikiLeaks has been bashing QAnon recently and it's obvious that Assange no longer represents WikiLeaks. What's more, the most likely reason we haven't heard from Julian is that he's probably already part of the white hats' war room and inside the US. This seems to be confirmed by Q who writes:

Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).
D’s are in crisis mode.

JA in the news a lot lately (out of nowhere).
Crisis mode.

You may have the site but we have the source.

We are in for one hell of a ride, Dan! You'll love these words from QAnon:

We are the majority (growing).
Sheep no more.


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