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Thanks Mike voor de vertaling van je artikel.

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@Mike meerdere mensen hebben in de comments David Wilcok verbeterd inzake de poppetjes van Huber en Muller

Naschrift van David Wilcock


It is inevitable that wildly hateful and spiteful comments appear whenever any discussion of this administration appears. Some people are furious.

Is it possible for you to remain civil in this discussion? Can we even talk about the possibility of something positive without hearing screaming?

This is me. Your buddy David. Consider that perhaps I might know a lot more than I am discussing here, and am not being deceived.

Go back and look at what I have written before. Every time I write an article I acknowledge multiple things have happened that I do not agree with.

This may not be the Alliance you want, but it is the Alliance you have. And again, it dates back for decades.

Simply maintaining a position of neutrality, and optimism in the face of what we are seeing, arouses great anger in some folks.

The sealed indictments are a massive piece of provable evidence. This is not speculation. You have to consider the long-term data we’ve been covering here.


As Benjamin Fulford just posted this morning, there are plenty of other tangible indications as well:

For those who say the arrests will never happen, we can answer that many thousands have already been arrested or removed from power.

Over 50 congressmen and senators have resigned, and the top ranks of the Justice Department, State Department, FBI, and CIA have been thoroughly cleansed of Khazarian mob servants.


I am reading the new article in real time. I just posted this hours before Fulford’s update and I highly doubt he had time to read it.

Fulford’s own intel is saying exactly the same thing that ours has been — as well as providing further details on the return of stolen funds:

One of the main remaining Khazarian power centers, the BIS—the central bank of central banks—is now being told to return the stolen gold they have used to finance the so-called G7 and G20 groups of nations, according to members of Asian and Western secret societies.

This will become visible to the Western public during and after the NATO meeting scheduled for July 11th and 12th,

where the biggest changes in European governance since World War 2 will be set into motion…..

Our Pentagon sources note that, “In a blunt warning to the deep state, the NSA deleted 685 million call records of innocent people, while keeping the rest for military tribunals and other purposes.”

Note that Fulford does not mention the Q Anon briefings, nor does he seem to be aware of the July window they provided.

Yet, now we are drilling down with an exact time window of when “big stuff” will start to happen.

Again, remember… you may not like these guys at all, but if they defeat a global Luciferian cult and return stolen funds, you might be pleasantly surprised.

The children who have been held as slaves certainly will be.

I know it might not be easy, but just imagine a post-Disclosure world. We’ve been fighting for this for a very long time. Let’s hope it happens.

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