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Nieuwe video van War Drummer (waarin hij overigens zegt niet SB2 te zijn, maar wel zijn woordvoerder):

Gaat over deze post van SB2:

Bernie van TAATV gelooft niet in de 'complottheorie' dat JFK Jr. nog zou leven en onderdeel zou uitmaken van het Q-team. Ik luister graag naar Bernie, maar hij is bijzonder naief als het gaat om Israel en ook m.b.t. JFK jr. zou hij wel eens de plank flink kunnen misslaan. Binnenkort plaats ik meer bewijs juist voor de legitimiteit van deze theorie.

Het lijkt erop dat ze Obama onder de bus gooien:

The idea that JFK Jr & Carolyn faked their own deaths to avoid assassination and have lived in witness protection for two decades plotting & executing The Plan to take down the pedophile Satanists who killed President Kennedy is the most amazing and romantic thing I’ve ever heard!

Seriously though, I threw this theory out a few months ago and made it clear it was just a theory and the Deep State immediately put out a hit piece on me & this topic. They only act THAT fast when they truly feel threatened. Hmmm…

The way Q talks about President Kennedy with such passion, it strikes me as someone who knew him, loved him and was emotionally attached to him. That narrows it down to only a few people it could be. (I’m referring to who the main person running Q is because I do believe Q is a few people.) When I read about this theory, my body reacts and I get goose bumps and I can’t shake a strong feeling there is something to this. My body only reacts like this when I’m onto something that’s real.

After learning what I’ve learned about the truth of how much evil exists in the world and what they do to children, I can fully understand why JFK Jr would not only want to fake his death but welcome it and embrace it. I’m so horrified at what I’ve learned I’ve found it hard to leave the house for days at a time. There are way more people awake now but imagine how awful and lonely it would be back then being totally woke and in the public eye with a target on your back!

Now looking at these photos, I’m just so blown away. This woman looks so much like Carolyn. There is definitely something to this. How glorious would it be if they are alive?

Wat Liz Crokin hier beschrijft herken ik:

When I read about this theory, my body reacts and I get goose bumps and I can’t shake a strong feeling there is something to this. My body only reacts like this when I’m onto something that’s real.

Oordeel zelf:

Bekijk ook de memes in deze post:

Is Joe M, de maker van de virale video Q - The Plan To Save The World, JFK Jr.? Hier een vergelijking van beide stemmen:

JFK Burial Site ~ Shaped Like a “Q”

Waarom veranderde Joe Masepoes, de maker van Q - The Plan To Save The World, zijn naam kort na het maken van dit fimpje in Joe M? Numerologisch telt dit op tot 16. JFK Jr. 'overleed' op 16 juli 1999. Toeval?

Sowieso een vreemde achternaam, Masepoes. Het blijkt een Zuid-Afrikaanse slang-term te zijn, zoiets als 'motherfucker':

Toeval? De voornaam Joe betekent zowel 'motherfucker/badass' als 'lieve, zachtaardige man':

Toeval? De naam 'Joe' is afkomstig van Joseph, een naam die in de Bijbel natuurlijk ook veelzeggend is en zoiets betekent als 'vermeerderen' - verwekken wellicht, aangezien de naam voorkomt in het boek Genesis en de vader van Jezus ook Jozef heette?

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump heeft de Russische leider Vladimir Poetin uitgenodigd om naar de Verenigde Staten te komen. De bijeenkomst wordt dit najaar verwacht.

Deze video heb ik over het hoofd gezien - Linda Paris (McAllister TV) over de bedriegers van American Intelligence Media:

Sinds ze ontmaskerd zijn geen woord meer over Q en ook Isaac Green houdt zich verdacht stil!

Joe M
‏ @StormIsUponUs

Joe M Retweeted Lucinda Randolph
? #Trump #GreatAwakening

Gang, I am not JFK Jnr. There is a LOT of credibility in the rumors he is still alive, but you are forcing stolen valor onto me when I am not fit to be in the same room as that great patriot. I may lose some followers, fine, but please do keep searching for him. #WWG1WGA

Lucinda Randolph
? #Trump #GreatAwakening
‏ @Lovefunmagictru

Lucinda Randolph
? #Trump #GreatAwakening

? Retweeted [intheMatrixxx2]

A friend I adore & respect KNEW John, Jon.. and attended the family vigil ? And they say this IS his voice!!!!! ??????? - OMG!!! @realDonaldTrump ? #QAnon ? #QArmy #TrumpArmy #WWG1WGA #WeThePeople - PLEASE #TrustThePlan IMPLICITLY folks!! STUDY the #QDROPS ?

‏ @intheMatrix322

Interesting voice comparison. The maker of the Viral Q- Plan to save the world and JFK Jr?

@POTUS @intheMatrixxx @QArmy #WWG1WGA @QAnon

JFK jr's Qraf

Bruce Figert's latest video features a Q Anon post from November that seems to warn us of the end of 'Q' posting - and it is linked to the lights going out in the White House press conference. Watch the video at 8' 15"...


Excerpt from Q Anon post number 64 from 2nd November 2017:

'...Should the lights go out please know that we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless - I must go for good at this point.'

It shows how meticulously detailed the Alliance plan has been all along - they knew in November they would send the signal of dimming the lights to indicate that Q Anon posts were coming to an end.

The most important words to remember: 'Know that we are in control...We are prepared and assets are in place...'

We don't need Q posts anymore - we already have all the information we need. It's an excellent sign that the 'Q' posts are finished, if indeed they are. It means the real action is about to begin. Bring it on!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
2 x Neonrevolt:


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