En dan te bedenken dat het vandaag 6-3 (2) 9 is...
Integraal hierbij een van de reacties:
"This could mean multiple mass school murders/shootings as I read there are multiple scheduled school shooting drills planned for around the country but don't remember what was said as far as when. I sure hope these drills don't turn into real live shit like what just happened in Florida.
Here's what I think is happening overall though. As Q has stated the "war is real." I believe the deep state/shadow government whose figurehead is odumbshit is literally trying to overthrow the legitimately elected Trump administration by coup using MK Ultra or whatever the current name is for this totally satanic tool, traitors (and I think there are MANY of them) from the former administrations and all different backgrounds including congress, military, FBI, CIA, etc...., the UN, and the elite with their deep pockets to buy almost anyone they want which includes the City of London and the Vatican, the British royalty and other heads of state. They want the NWO. We do NOT! We want our country and freedom back that's been held hostage by these very evil satanic bastards for many decades and maybe hundreds of years.
According to Q we only see 2% of what's going on. I think some of us see a little more than 2% by intuition or inner ability or just because we are a little more awake than most in this world.
Here's an insightful article I read last night.
Oh and btw, I recently criticized Sessions but now I take that all back. I think the way things are unfolding is just the way the "game" is being played for the time being.
President Trump is MY president and was put into office by the patriots of this country and by God. The four previous presidents were satan's chosen presidents.....ever wonder how we as a nation ever got into the current pickle we find ourselves in.....the previous administrations totaling 32 years were guided by satan himself. The Trump administration is guided by God!
I know who's going to win this war!
