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Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Q wrote July was the month the world discovered the truth. As we're nearing the close of July, no earth-shattering events have been reported in the MSM. And that's exactly the problem - they're either in coverup or damage control mode. Since we're playing a long game leading up to the November midterms, we'll continue to see this slow walk for a while, make no mistake about this. This is for two reasons:

1. The normies wouldn't be able to handle all this information if it wasn't released piecemeal.
2. The enemy (Deep State) need to believe they are still winning, or they will launch a major event that will make 9/11 look like child's play.

So did nothing happen in July at all? Far from it, but you won't see it on TV or read it in the papers:

1. Trump already has two people in place at the 7-member Board of the Federal Reserve, two are currently undergoing confirmation in Congress and they will be followed by two more, eventually giving Trump complete control of the Fed, which will then be restructured from within, so the gold standard can be reintroduced and the dollar can collapse against gold.
2. Facebook and Twitter both lost 20% of their stock overnight. We think it's because the assets of some or most stockholders' assets were seized and everybody started selling off as a result. Also, China pulled out of FB. Expect arrests on the grounds of insider trading!
3. Within one week, anons unmasked the absolutely disgusting work of Hollywood pedos James Gunn, Dan Harmon, Justin Roiland, Sarah Silverman - even Tom Hanks is under suspicion. These people all took their Twitter and Instagram accounts down, which contained either veiled pedo stuff or sometimes even overt sickness. There will be more to come - expect Robert De Niro (and other loudmouths) to fall in the near future as well!
4. Q has reveiled the January Defcon threat in Hawaii was real. An UNAUTHORIZED missile was fired and the objective was to shoot down Air Force One. The white hats knew about this and rerouted AF1 and F16s shot down the missille using classified weapons technology (the weaponry normally attached to F16s is not capable of shooting down these types of missiles).
5. There was another unauthorized missile fired in June against AF1 on June 11 (6/11 adds up to 17 = Q), which was also intercepted. Not only did Q post photographic evidence of the missile being fired, but the treasonous MSM did ZERO investigating into this! What's more, Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti even posted a pic of a plane with a target on it on Twitter on June 10, a day before the missile attack. Former CIA director John Brennan also posted a tweet on that same day stating 'Be patient, Mr. Trump is a temporary aberration'. Looks like these two had foreknowledge of the attack and arrogantly gave themselves away thinking Trump would be dead the next day! Anons are now looking into Mr Avenatti and finding Saudi connections, which answers the questions of where the $$ is coming from to fund Stormy Daniels' "case" against POTUS and why Stormy said she's not paying for her legal council.

I suppose I don't have to tell you August will be a very revealing month indeed. I'll leave you with this letter to Trump, which might as well have been written by you:

I Made Blood Sausage Using My Own Blood

En uiteraard een VROUW. Vrouwen zijn de gevallenen, de moraalllozen.

En weer een tegenvaller voor de paus:

SGT Report - interessant interview van Sean met Adam Green, waardoor we een genuanceerder beeld krijgen:

Bill Smith gaat hier nog een video aan wijden, maar ik laat je alvast dit volkomen zieke filmpje zien, gewoon vanaf YouTube:

Animator van My Little Pony en andere cartoons moet de cel in voor bezit van kinderporno. Slechts 60 000 afbeeldingen.

An Ottawa artist who helped animate children’s TV shows has been sentenced to 28 months in prison for possessing more than 60,000 images of child pornography and sharing them online.

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