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Isaac Green zit momenteel met 1 ding mogelijk op het juiste spoor en dat is Isaac Kappy, daarom deze video:

Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconocladt):

As predicted in my article, Q has definitely gone mainstream. Gone are the days when pimply-faced geeks were doing all the puzzling, we now see a growing number of ordinary Trump voters showing up in Q tees and holding up Q signs. We have now reached critical mass and the MSM can't ignore this any longer. Predictably, they have shifted into serious damage control mode. Take a look at this collection of media publications put together by Neon Revolt:

Since the media love to tie the Q phenomenon to Trump, you also have to wonder why POTUS has never been asked by any "journalist" whether he believes Q is real or not. They got close yesterday by asking WH spokesperson Sarah Sanders about Q for the very first time:

Sanders is either dodging the question on purpose or she's really out of the loop. Q suggests it's the latter:

Who is the one person who can answer?
[Less than 10].

Here's how I read this: less than 10 people are in the loop, among whom POTUS. Unless they ask Trump, chances are many people close to Trump honestly don't have anything sensible to say about QAnon.

What this does say is that the MSM talking points are now "Q is a conspiracy theory" and "Trump supporters are conspiracy nuts". It won't wash, the cat's already out of the bag. The 20-30 million figure I mentioned in my article may be a very conservative estimate. Here's the actual numbers, according to Q:

Eyes on: 300-350mm
Tracking: 52-58mm

Those are incredible numbers! Remember, these guys are abe to scan the entire internet. Looks like we timed the publiication of our article just right! It's also a perfect counterpiece to all of the negative press we're now seeing about Q. I have another British MSM hit piece for you, this time from the "right-wing" Daily Mail:

Too little too late. Maybe Q's reference to July being the month the world discovered the truth was about the worldwide momentum QAnon has gained in July. August will be the month of revelation:

Public disclosure.
Impossible to defend.

There's also this really interesting angle re: Rod Rosenstein and Paul Manafort, wriitten up by Neon Revolt:

Sounds very plausible to me. If both Manafort and RR are really on Trump's side and RR is now trying to convict Manafort for the same offense he defended Manafort against 10 years earlier, Manafort will walk because of Double Jeopardy (you can't be convicted for the same crime twice, whether you were found guilty or not), plus Manafort can call RR to the witness stand as part of his defense, thus legally introducing highly damaging testimony to the Deep State in a court of law. Rosenstein will then have to step down, the Russian collusion delusion will definitely be over and POTUS will have the freedom to replace RR with one temporary hardass after another without congressional approval. These white hats are a very clever bunch indeed!

De laatste tijd lijkt het SGT Report er om te doen te zijn om nihilisten in de alternatieve media aan het woord te laten, die al te lang in dezelfde mindset zitten en letterlijk niet met de tijd mee ziin gegaan. Ik bewonder Sean's tolerantie m.b.t. werkelijke vrije meningsuiting maar ik word werkelijk doodmoe van dit soort lui. Uiteindelijk komt het allemaal op hetzelfde neer: Trump-Poetin zitten evengoed in de zak van de elite. Deze keer Brandon Smith, die ik vroeger bewonderde maar die me nu gaapneigingen geeft:

Ik ben het hartgrndig met Sean eens. Wat hij zegt is: zo dacht en was ik zelf ook, maar alles is veranderd sinds Trump. Idem hier. Move on, Brandon!


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