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They are in full blown panic mode.
Enjoy the show.

“Guardian of the Galaxy” regisseur James Gunn was blijkbaar aanwezig op een pedofielen feest. Dit blijkt uit foto’s die enkele dagen geleden op internet verschenen.

Maar volgens TPO is zijn ontslag onterecht omdat hij alleen maar 'harde grappen' zou hebben gemaakt. Harde grappen zoals:

Hoe ernstig kan je de plank misslaan?!

Lid Maltezer Orde schrijft in boek ‘De Dictator Paus’ over revolutie in Vaticaan

Jezuïet Franciscus presenteert zich als schaap, maar gedraagt zich als wolf, heeft zelf revolutie ontketend ‘die zich tegen het evangelie keert’ – Zoveelste misbruikschandaal katholieke priesters in VS

The shadow ruling force behind the central banks
Secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society

Cabal, Central Banking, JFK's warning, Trump, Qanon

The real rulers in Washington DC are the invisible Luciferian Khazarians, they exercise their power from behind the scenes.

All the strange developments in policy agreements like the refuge crisis, may be traced back to this group who are going to make us over to suit their desire. The harm done to all people on our planet will take generations to correct. But all will be corrected, if we the people wake up and take back control!
Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Remember Pizzagate back in the fall of 2016? This erupted after the release of the Podesta emails by WikiLeaks, in which code language for pedophilia was used, often referring to food items but not in the proper context: pizza, pasta, cheese, walnut sauce, chicken. The name of a pizza place also popped up: Comet Ping Pong. The owner, James Alefantis (French for 'I love children'), had all sorts of weird pedo-themed pics up on Instagram and was a known Clinton donor, plus the "artwork" on the walls of the pizza place was pedo-based and satanic, as well as some of the "events" held there.

But then the panicky powers-that-be pulled off a false-flag event by having some idiot shoot up the place. The media then put a fork in the whole story by stating that this is what you get when you allow yourself to get carried away with all those conspiracy theories. Alex Jones even went as far as reading a letter sent tio him by Alefantis' lawyers and spologizing on air to Alefantis. Yet Pizzagate never really went away, the story never died and lesser known alternative researchers continued digging, among whom Liz Crokin. The last few weeks we have seen anons digging up old tweets and pics by Hollywood notables, which has even led to James Gunn, director of Guardians of the Galaxy, being fired. The latest of these sickos to be exposed is Rainn Wilson, who played Dwight in The Office (American version), whose old tweets mention eating babies and sodomizing teens with their cell phones, among other things. And how about loudmouth "comedian" Bill Maher, whose company is called Kid Love Productions? NBC, which has a culture of intimidating behavior toward women, is also targeted and they have now alerted their staff to an app to delete old tweets.

Q writes:

They are in full blown panic mode.

Which explains why 200 U.S. newspapers are now in full attack mode against Trump for calling the MSM the enemy of the people (which they are). Trump's tweets are in overdrive, too, and he's gearing up the masses for the treason and corruption committed by Deep State actors in politics, the media, Hollywood and the music industry. Major revelations on the horizon, Dan, brace yourself!

Dokter van Quiz Lizardbeth overleden op fiets en paar weken terug dokter van Evil Bush vermoord op fiets

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Doctor to the Queen is named as cyclist killed after being hit by lorry on central London road just seconds from his work
Emergency services vehicles raced to scene after man was involved in crash
Bystanders battled in vain to save Dr Peter Fisher following collision at Holborn
The experienced homeopathic physician served the Queen for almost 15 years
One Twitter user labelled junction 'confusing' while another said it was 'very sad'

Heart doctor to George HW Bush dies in bicycle shooting
Dr Mark Hausknecht was riding through Houston medical complex when another cyclist opened fire
Anderson Cooper’s Satanic Slaughterhouse #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening #Pizzagate #Pedogate #TheVatican #Podesta
August 16, 2018 by Neon Revolt

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