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The trap is set to bring the economy down
The truth is about to come out


The Central Banks kept the system running longer for the purpose of bringing the world into the one world government. For the same reason, all countries have to be brought down equally to the lowest standard of living in order to create a level playing field for even integration into the NWO system. However, the cabal became interrupted in their obscure plans through the election of Trump. Their plans began to fall apart when Hillary was not elected.


Subsequently, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a cabal-designed trade agreement was struck down by Trump and cancelled, followed by the NAFTA-trade deal, now under negotiation. This is also one of the reasons that Brexit is being obstructed by Theresa May, the British Premier.


Many people are tired of fake news and increasing numbers of people are saying that they have switched off the BBC and in some cases they don’t watch TV at all. The movement is growing more and more each day. People want closed borders instead of open borders. Meanwhile Trump is building up the military to protect citizens against the Deep State, and not to intervene in foreign wars.


On a final note, Q has reported that Trump is looking to declassify the FISA memo. The clock is ticking for the Deep State; the ruling cabal, as the truth is coming out.

Full story:

Voor een uitstekende uiteenzetting van de nieuwste mediahysterie omtrent Trump en Michael Cohen verwijs ik naar deze video van X22 Report - wat mij betreft een MUST SEE!

Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Things are gearing up fast:

Unless you've been living under a rock, you have propably noticed mass media hysteria about Trump's upcoming "impeachment", following Paul Manafort's conviction and Michael Cohen's willingness to become a cooperating witness for the Mueller "Russian collusion" probe. The left is already doing a victory dance, but Trump rained on their parade by stating that Manafort's conviction is based on a 12-year-old tax case WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

So now the focus is on Cohen, who has suggested that Trump's payment to Stormy Daniels is a violation of FEC (Federal Election Commission) rules, something only his lawyer is alledging but NOT EVEN THE FEC ITSELF. And even if Trump illegally diverted campaign funds to pay off a porn star, WHERE'S THE RUSSIAN COLLUSION? And SO WHAT? Trump supporters didn't elect a saint and they couldn't care two farts in the wind that he used to be a bigtime playboy. Keep in mind that Michael Cohen NEVER MENTIONED TRUMP'S NAME but instead referred to a "candidate". The media only ASSUMES the accused is Trump, but Cohen never actually said such a thing.

This is a brilliant ploy, in which Trump's lawyers (most notably Giulliani) will get a golden opportunity to LEGALLY introduce evidence to the contrary (exculpatory evidence) IN COURT. It looks like Trump and Cohen, who have been friends for a very long time, are playing the opposition like a fiddle! Of course all of this has been hinted at in several Q posts, so here we have yet another comfirmation of The Plan. These people have a razor-sharp understanding of narcissistic and psychopathic personality traits and know exactly which buttons to push to evoke their hysterical hubris and prevent them from thinking straight!

As for the UK's treasonous role in the REAL SCANDAL at play here, here's the opposition's plan, which was thwarted big time by both Brexit and Trump: destroy the West through open borders and mass immigration, austerity measures (think Greece), foreign wars, AI technology (robots) taking jobs from people, a social-credit system run by the tech companies (think China), helicopter money (Universal Basic Income), outsourcing of jobs to low-wage countries, pay-to-play schemes in which state secrets, technology and intellectual property are sold to foreign states (most notably China) and other nefarious means. In this way, they can create a "global plantation" which levels the playing field for all of us (we'll all be equally poor and miserable) and destroy strong and sovereign nation states.

But then Brexit happened. And then Trump. At this point, there's not a whole lot they can do to reverse Trump's election victory which they haven't tried already. Maybe now you're starting to see why May has been stalling on Brexit and why the populist movement led by Trump and his Q team will NEVER allow May to succeed in sabotaging Brexit. Rest assured, Brexit WILL happen and May WILL go down as the obvious traitor that she is. If I were you I'd buy some pitchforks and torches in preparation for an upcoming march to Downing Street! What's more, Farage has now decided to join the fray yet again, YEAAYY! Is Farage part of The Plan as well? He could very well be. Ask yourself why he has chosen NOW to get back into the game and not several months ago when things were looking just as dire.

What's so brilliant about the way this is all being played out is that it SEEMS like things are progressing very slowly to allow the other side a few small "victories", only to CRUSH them even harder after that, and - this is important - make them fall onto their own swords. In the words of Q:

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."

These are master trollers, Dan, and you can only admire the way they're handling this!

Jim Jefferies (Comedy Central) interviewt Jordan Sather, Angel en nog een paar andere Q-volgers over QAnon en uiteraard is dit weer een poging om ze te kakken te zetten:

Niet grappig. Snelle montage, woorden uit context gehaald, lachtrack eronder. Klaar.


Movie 1, 2 en 3

Als ik het goed begrijp krijgt het publiek 'Movie' 1 en 2 te zien voor de Midterm Elections. Eigenlijk had ik maanden terug verwacht dat wat nu Movie 3 is ook voor 6 november publiekelijk gemaakt zou worden. Velen van ons hadden 11 november als deadline voor Q om alles definitief te bewijzen, maar met het uitstellen van de militaire parade zullen wij ook iets langer geduld moeten hebben. Ik hoop dat Movie 1 en 2 sterk genoeg zijn voor een Red Wave, want nu vind ik het nog opmerkelijk hoeveel mensen de MSM volgen in hun Rusland-propaganda.
Wellicht een makkelijke eerste rode pil voor nederlandstalige slapende familie leden, vrienden en vage kenissen: 9/11

Hopelijk valt de openbaring van de waarheid van Deepstate's 9/11 ook onder Trump's promises made, promises kept.

In het verleden vond hij vanuit bouwkundig inzicht het instorten "onmogelijk".
Ik zie dat anders, jasper. Ik denk dat de parade wel doorgaat en dat ze de media en hun politieke tegenstanders trollen. Trump zou 'verrast' zijn door de 'tegenvaller' in het budget van...666% extra. Denk ook aan Trump's motto als vastgoedman: under budget and ahead of schedule.

De 3 movies die je volgens mij gaat zien:

1. FISA warrant vrijgeven. Dit levert voor diverse personen problemen op, incl. Theresa May.
2. IG report vrijgeven. Hierdoor komt de waarheid op tafel over 'Russian collusion' van de Democraten en RINO's.
3. de pedoshit.

Volgens mij was dit al die tijd al het plan. Inderdaad zijn movie 1 + 2 genoeg om een 'red wave' te bewerkstelligen. Is de Republikeinse meerderheid eenmaal verzekerd, dan kunnen ze deze vuiligheid naar buiten brengen. Tegen de kerst en oud en nieuw schreeuwt vriend en (voormalige) vijand dan om gerechtigheid. Trump's EO van 3 maart jl. gaat per 1-1-19 in en maakt militaire tribunalen mogelijk. Showtime!

Om de bevolking alvast te laten wennen aan militair recht zal m.i. juist de militaire parade plaatsvinden op 11-11. Ze zullen er wel een of andere draai aan geven, zo van: het vieren van de totale overwinning tijdens de midterms middels een militaire parade.

Het bewijs dat Asia Argento zo fout als de hel is stapelt zich op:



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