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Update van War drummer (SB2)


Update naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

A lot of things have happened and are happening since my last update. We are now witnessing the unmasking of Infowars. In March, Q already launched an attack against Alex Jones and his big "Q decoder", Jerome Corsi. Not everyone was convinced at the time, but now Q is really laying it out for us: AJ and associates are Mossad. Anons are digging into this big time and finding many interesting connections, proving Q right. After Corsi, it's now Jack Posobiec's turn to be exposed for the Deep State agent that he is. He called it on himself by going on a crusade against QAnon without producing any real evidence. The alt media is being purified and citizen journalism like you and me are practicing is the true news - the future belongs to We The People!

According to Fox's Sara Carter, who seems to be used by the Q team for putting out key info to the mainstream, we may expect a full declas of the missing 20 pages of the Carter Page FISA warrant before week's end, maybe even as soon as TODAY. If it doesn't happen, Trump may declassify after the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. Dems are seriously losing it, trying to interrupt the hearing at every turn. The media are following suit. They know they have to control the news cycle with fake stories about Trump to create an image of chaos in the White House. First we had Bob Woodward's slanderous book, based on "anonymous sources", then were was a NYT op ed from an ANONYMOUS "government insider" (the MSM's Q?). Stormy Daniels is now predicting "more shocking info" will come out on Trump as well. They're throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Trump, including attempting to have him impeached based on the 25th Amendment (on the grounds of mental incompetence for the office of the President)! Q summarizes this with one word: PANIC! He's also saying they're in full control, their plan was many years in the making after all. In one of his older posts, Q wrote the timetable has been changed on the order of POTUS. It seems to me they're not going for an October Surprise but a September Surprise. Trump has even declared September National Predparedness Month!

During the Kavanaugh hearing, Sen. Lindsey Graham (who is no longer controlled by John McCain after his passing) engaged in an interesting line of questioning with Kavanaugh regarding the difference between ordinary criminal law and criminal law, where he had Kavanaugh confirm that your constitutional rights are out the window once you betray your country and that there's longstanding jurisprudence of American traitors receiving the death penalty. Can you say message to Deep State? It gets even better: the other Supreme Court Judge appointed by Trump, Neil Gorsuch, misspoke either accidentally or accidentally on purpose and openly stated that McCain was 'put to death':

So no "Rommel option" for No Name, but a plain old firing squad, HOOAH! Meanwhile, Trump is preparing the masses for what's to come with an AVALANCHE of tweets, leaving very little to the imagination. Speaking of avalanche (Q talks about D5, the highest category of avalanche), the snowball is picking up speed and growing ever bigger. I would not be surprised if the Deep State caused an internet blackout, or disrupted other means of communication as well. According to Q: Protective measures are in place. Despite what the MSM are portraying, it's not game over for Trump but for them!


Afgesproken werk, weten we dankzij Q en de anons.

Mike, heel erg bedankt weer voor je update!
Misschien dat ik het weekend wel weer even een vertaalslag doe.
Ik heb Q de afgelopen week niet heel intensief kunnen volgen en snap even niet wat er nou met Sessions aan de hand was. Hoopte natuurlijk stiekem dat dit in je update ter sprake zou komen, maar helaas. Kun jij, of iemand anders dat nog even uitleggen?
Trust Sessions! Zodra de 50.000 (!) verzegelde aanklachten worden vrijgegeven komt Sessions in beeld, tot die tijd speelt hij de 'lame duck'. Kijk hoe briljant ze nu voor elkaar hebben gekregen dat het linkse establishment zich nu achter Sessions heeft geschaard. Hoeveel pijn gaat het doen als Sessions hun vertrouwen beschaamt!

Ella Ster heeft normaal gesproken wel goede artikelen. Ik heb bovenstaand artikel geplaatst zonder gelezen te hebben. Ik heb het nu gelezen en ik vind dat er maar hele rare info instaat. Ik geloof er maar weinig van en vermoed dat het zelfs fake nieuws is. Enkele zaken doen wel juist aan, maar er wordt me teveel gesproken over buitenaardsen, greys etc.


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