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Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Here's a look back on 2018 and some predictions for 2019. One year of QAnon has taught us a very important lesson: don't get hung up on certain dates. Q has been hyping certain dates and we all went along with that, ony to realize that things took a different turn after all. This, too, is part of The Plan. You see, if we get the dates wrong, then so do they. Remember, they're reading the Q posts also. And once they do, they will end up expending some more of their ammo - until they have nothing left, which is when the hammer will drop.

There are practically no war theaters left for them to start their much-coveted world war. ISIS has been all but defeated in Syria and Iraq and what's left of it will be taken care of by Russia and Turkey, which is controlled by Russia. President Trump is so confident of this fact that he's even decided to bring the troops home from Syria, which is another major blow to the Deep State's agenda. This is also a partial pullout from Iraq, as a large portion of American troops have been moved to Syria and count as "troops in Syria". Expect American troops to be pulled out of Afghanistan, Yemen and Ukraine as well in the coming year, as we move ever closer to world peace. The Deep State controlled civil leadership are the ones that started these unnecessary wars and it's - oh sweet irony - military patriots who are now ending them once and for all.

Trump brought about peace between the Koreas and pulled out of the Iran deal, effectively neutering NK and Iran as well as the Deep State actors who supported them. He also pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. In another ironic twist, we now see the Yellow Vest protests in France, as the hardworking people of France are now realizing the disastrous nature of the carbon taxes that were agreed upon in Paris 3 years ago. Here in Holland the standard of living will drop next year as well because of ecofascism and I wouldn't be at all surprised if we'll be seeing people donning yellow vests and taking to the streets here as well. There will be peace in Yemen and Trump and Putin will take care of Ukraine one way or another. That will be the last war theater controlled by the DS, after that it's game over.

The white hats managed to secure the Senate, as well as a Supreme Court majority. Expect Ruth Bader Ginsberg to step down as well as a result of her age and health condition (cancer), allowing POTUS to put another conservative judge in her place. Justice Roberts, who is clearly being blackmailed to provide swing votes for the DS, may also resign "unexpectedly". The white hats will leave much of the voter fraud that allowed the Dems to take the House for now. Some of the most blatant cases will be exposed and may lead to a marginal reshuffle, but they will be allowed to practice their antics to further alienate American voters from their insanely radical agenda and give them the illusion of power. Meanwhile, voter ID laws will be introduced (perhaps on the basis of an Executive Order) to secure fairness of the 2020 elections.

But remember, FISA brings down the House. So when will they drop that bombshell? No one knows and I'm certainly not naming any dates anymore. Expect many more revelations to come out in 2019, particularly with regard to the Clinton Foundation. Keep an eye on Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch, who I think is part of the white hats. The CF is a major spider in the international web and when their dirty secrets come out this will have worldwide implications, including for your country and mine. In my February article I wrote about Benghazi, Haiti and Uranium One. At the time I thought the truth about these scandals would be revealed this year, I now realize it will be next year. This is what Q calls "carpet bombs", they're bringing out bits of truth on a daily basis before they drop the MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs). The name of the game is optics, it's all about public perception, which is built up piecemeal (and which I wrote in my Q article).

The same goes for your Prime Minister. She's dying a slow death by a thousand cuts. Her half-assed Chequers Deal has proven to be a total dud and rather than face the embarassment of it being voted out in Parliament she opted to simply postpone the vote until Jan. 13 and buy more time to negotiate with the EU. Since that whole deal is weighed in favor of the EU, however, Brussels is not willing to renegotiate or amend it in any way and May can't keep putting off the vote any longer. She may have survived a vote of no confidence once, but she's going down. How she manages to hold up her nerves through all this is beyond me!

We'll also be seeing a global reset of the economy. Trump is doing what no president after Andrew Jackson has done: point the finger at the Federal Reserve. The Fed continues to raise rates to bring down Trump's economy, which is booming thanks to an increase in manufacturing jobs as a result of trade barriers (expect a pullout out of the WTO in 2019 as well) and other protective measures. Of course the job numbers and other offiicial figures, as well as the Stock Exchange, are completely manipulated and Trump knows it, but he's using all this to toot his own horn so he can blame the Fed for any sudden downturns. Again, this is part of The Plan. At some point next year the Fed will be restructured by making it part of the Treasury, thus nationalizing it and making it subject to auditing. Once their books can be checked, the Fed will crumble and a return to the gold standard will follow.

As for the current government shutdown, Trump is playing cat and mouse with the DS and its fun to watch. The government funding for The Wall has already been approved by the House in its current form but not by the Senate in its current form. On Jan. 3, however, the Republicans will control the Senate and Trump can put it to a vote then to get it passed. But POTUS wants to see them squirm and hopefully fold, to remind them of how little power they actually hold, despite them being able to control the House as of Jan. 3. What's more, POTIS can sign an EO anytime he wants to, declaring border seurity a national emergency, thus allowing the military to build the wall. He already has the funding for this, since he negotiated a whopping $1.3 trillion for the military in 2018's Omnibus Bill. This is about humiliating his opponents more than anything else and I'm loving every minute of it!

As you can see, things are looking very good indeed. The Plan is rolling along very nicely and much of what I predicted in my two 2018 articles has yet to come to fruition, but I'm sure you will acknowledge the fact that I have been on the right track all along, including my estimation of QAnon being real and not a LARP.

Geen teken van leven op Twitter en andere media van vooraanstaande Deep Staters sinds 22 of 23 december, of juist oude kerstfoto's van jaren terug (Obama, Hillary). Hebben er arrestaties plaatsgevonden en zijn ze op die twee gigantische gevangenisboten vervoerd naar Gitmo?

Wat is er aan de hand met die plotselinge stroomstoringen overal in de VS, waardoor de hemel blauw oplicht???


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