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De verwarring, de censuur en de tegenstellingen nemen intense vormen aan in het media landschap, gelukkig was daar Qanon.

Geweldige tijden om een Nieuws Junk te zijn en alles op de voet te kunnen volgen met behulp van de medeburgers. Het stikt namelijk over de gehele wereld van de nieuws verzamelaar die ieder hun eigen input hebben, hun eigen inzichten, hun eigen bronnen. Kortom, wij de burgers zijn de media de oortjes aan het wassen. De basis daarvan is de populaire uitdrukking in de Engelse taal; “Connecting the dots”, verbind de aanknopingspunten.

Het is net als puzzelen, ieder heeft zicht op een deel van de puzzel en het internet maakt mogelijk dat we steeds meer met elkaar zaken kunnen verbinden, zich krijgen op een ander deel van de puzzel. Dat alles maakt dat de wereld nu vele miljoenen nieuws verslaafden heeft die als een ware burger CIA de zaakjes blootlegt.

Dat maakt dat de Deep State zich werkelijk en allerlei bochten aan het wringen is om die communicatie kanalen dicht te spijkeren, en daarbij komen ze openlijk uit de kast.

Hoogtepunten waren de afgelopen weken dat de algoritmes van YouTube werden veranderd zodat mensen “ons” nieuws moeilijker kunnen vinden. Wij zelf hebben daar geen last van omdat we onze bronnen rechtstreeks benaderen. Men hoopt dus een kloof te creëren voor de nieuwkomers en zo de revolutie te stoppen. Dat Google al langer het alternatieve nieuws probeert te onderdrukken is al vele jaren gaande. Nieuw was de ontdekking van maatje Ron Fonteine dat ook Google vertaling express gevoelige woorden weglaat of verkeerd vertaald, ik let er sterk op en zie het elke dag weer gebeuren.

Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

I've been meaning to write an update much sooner but have been unable to due to time restrictions, as a result of being tied up by personal affairs.

In response to your vid about being blackpilled in Britain, allow me to take you up on your challenge and attempt to change your mind - or mood. Thanks for your honesty, but I already knew this is not the first time you sank into what I referred to as a "black hole" (i noticed earlier you're vulnerable to the cynicism coming from the "alt right"). I think it's high time you jumped on the Q train, my friend, because that will give you the long view you need in order to retain your optimism. Allow me to explain why:

At the beginning of the year Q made a few posts, only to go dark for another 18 days after that. During that time, many "fairweather MAGA" noticed the left throwing everything but the kitchen sink at conservatives and libertarians, fueled by the lamestream media of course, and the usual chorus of 'nothing is happening' followed. Even some diehard Q followers began stating that we need at least one high-profile arrest to lend credibility to the movement. Then Q returned and gave us a timeline:

Within 30 days or less, the Mueller report will come out. That's mid-March at the latest.

Within 60 days or less, Huber's report on the Clinton Foundation will come out. That's mid-April at the latest.

Within 90 days or less, the new OIG report will come out. That's mid-May at the latest.

After that, DECLAS.

Why not do it now? Why not do it last year? In one word: optics. In your video you describe the blissful ignorance and nihilism of so many around us. First off, Trump can't declas right now, as that would be bad optics. The Mueller investigation hasn't officially been completed yet and to declas at this point would be construed as obstructing an ongoing investigation. Meanwhile, the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded that there's no Russian collusion, ahead of the Mueller report. This is after 2 years of investigation, involving over 200 witnesses and thousands of documents, making Trump the most vetted president ever. And still they couldn't find a damn thing! Since this was a bipartisan investigation, the media have no choice but to report on their findings.

Of course, this does not deter the Dems from launching yet more investigations now that they control the House. A pessimist would become desperate at their never-ending attempts at undoing the results of the 2016 election, but that's because they don't see the long view. You see, Trump is controlling the narrative and he's got the facts on his side. After the Senate, Mueller will be next in line to present a nothing burger concerning "Russian collusion". Once again, the media will have no choice but to report on this. Then Huber will hit them with some very hard evidence about the Clinton Foundation, the spider in the web of the international crime syndicate. All of a sudden, Clinton's crimes in Benghazi, Haiti and other places will be laid bare for the general public. Once people have taken all of this in, the OIG report will be next to hit people over the head with even more damning proof of high crimes and misdemeanors. And to top it all off, Trump will declassify all the FISA abuse. If we are to believe QAnon, all of this will happen in the first half of 2019. It has to be done within that time window in order to keep the movement motivated and win the 2020 election.

So what does all of this have to with Britain - or the Netherlands, for that matter? After all, we don't have a Trump surrounded by white hats who formulated and carry out The Plan. All we have is career politicians who sell us out to the highest bidder and the dumb, brainwashed masses. It's enough to bring anyone with a sane mind down and I feel your pain.

However, what's happening in the U.S. does not stand on its own. As I wrote before, Brexit and Trump are inextricably linked and Trump will not allow Brexit to fail. The problem is, we've all watched too many movies and we're waiting for that one sudden and dramatic plot twist so that all's well that ends well. Instead, we see May dying a very slow and painful death as the March 28 deadline draws ever closer. Over here, our politicians are dying a slow and painful death as well, as more and more people are starting to wake up. Did you know that they're trying a lighter version of Alexandria Occasio Cortez' Green New Deal in Holland as well? This on the heels of the French yellow vest protests over Macron's carbon taxes. This is nothing but the UN's Agenda 2030 in action.

And here's the beauty of it: people like me have been warning about this for years and have been labelled "conspiracy theorists" by the very people who are now starting to wake up to the conspiracy no longer being "theory". What should drive your optimism is that they're now forced to be open and blatant about this. No longer are we frogs being slowly boiled, like we have been for so many years. Now they're turning up the heat and exposing their marxist agenda for what it really is. The monster has come out of hiding and is showing its ugly face. And you know why that is? Because they're behind on their agenda and Trump has even managed to roll back a lot of their efforts in just two years' time, that's why. Thanks to Trump, the U.S. will once again become a beacon of light for all of the world to see and the global future for mankind will become glorious. All you need is patience, we need to step off our hyperemotional instant-gratification high horses and TRUST THE PLAN!

Hope this helps.


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