Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):
We've got a "drive-by Qting" on our hands, as one of my favorite Qtubers, IPOT, calls it. There's a daily waterfall of posts now and the Q proofs keep rolling in. We thought 2018 was Justice Time and that was the whole idea. The enemy is following Q as well and it caused them to waste a lot of their ammo last year. While all of us were kept busy, the white hats continued putting the right people in the right position.
Things started to snowball when shortly after the November midterms Jeff Sessions stepped down as AG and acting AG Matt Whitaker took over. Since Sessions had recused himself from the fake and phony Mueller investigation into "Russian collusion", this put the second-in-command at the DOJ, Rod Rosenstein, in charge of the investigation. Once Whitaker took over, who DID NOT recuse, he was in charge of the Mueller investigation all of sudden and Whitaker immediately starting restricting Mueller to his original mandate, which is to investigate Russian collusion and that alone. That put an end to Mueller going way outside the scope of his mandate (with the exception of the indictment of Roger Stone, that is, but that was just for show to start the masses getting used to high-profile arrests). Then William Barr got confirmed as the new AG and within a week Barr announced the end of Mueller's investigation is imminent. That means we can expect Mueller's final report either in late February or early March, within 30 days as Q had already announced. Leftists politicians and media are already preparing the masses for the fact that this report will disappoint big time. After 2 years, ZERO evidence has been uncovered and it's high time this witch hunt ended. Trump is right, this is presidential harassment, but he's ready to pull one over on them, believe you me.
Prepare for the Hubert report either late March or early April and the OIG report in late April or early May. The Gateway Pundit is now releasing the Uranium One story in installments. This was their announcement:
Since Donald Trump announced his bid for President in 2015, the media establishment and the liberal elites throughout government have been in an all-out assault to derail his candidacy and then Presidency!
Tomorrow the tables turn!
Tomorrow the Gateway Pundit will release damning information that has never been reported before concerning the Clintons, their bogus and corrupt Clinton Foundation, the DOJ and FBI, and more.
Check in tomorrow! It’s time to go on offense!
Two articles have been published so far. The Covington high school kid you did a video on, Nick Sandmann, is now suing the pants off the WaPo and his attorney says they've got so many targets to sue it should keep them busy for years. Black gay actor/musician Jussie Smollett, who has many ties with prominent Democrats, tried to pull off a race war by claiming he was assaulted by two white MAGA supporters in late January in sub-zero Chicago. His assailants poured bleach over his head (which somehow did not freeze instantly) and put a noose around his neck, then they stopped. Smollett then walked home, waited for 40 minutes to call the police, who found him inside his apartment with the noose still around his neck! Chicago PD is furious - not only did they arrest Smollett and is he facing a Grand Jury investigation, but the police chief also stated this is a total waste of public resources in such a high-crime area as Chicago and that Smollett should pay for all costs. Q is now telling us Smollett's phone records are particularly interesting. The "lynching" coincided with the passing of an anti-lynching act sponsored by Democratic congressional members Corey Booker and Kamala Harris. Did Smollett have telephone contact with either of them or both?
As you can see, panic levels are soaring and their antics are being exposed faster than they can pull them off. They know what's coming and there's no stopping this train, no matter what other rabbits they pull out of their hat. 2019 will mark the end of the Democratic Party (which means guaranteed re-election of Trump in 2020!), as well as their media propaganda outlets. We were a year too early with our predictions, but if you need me to write an update for your magazine at some point once some major scandals have come out or about to, let me know.