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Langverwacht maar toch gekomen - mijn nieuwe update naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

It's been waaaaaaaaaay too long since my last update. Once again I encourage you to re-read my two articles, the 1,000 word article in the February issue of your magazine as well as my 1.500 word article in the June issue of your mag. I was off by one year - we all were. The way the Q team played this is simply brilliant, because in doing so they also threw off the Deep State and had them waste precious ammunition.

Let's go over some Q posts written last year and see how they apply to 2019 rather than 2018, shall we?

On Apr. 11, Julian Assange was arrested. The date is interesting, to say the least, when you realize that 411 is the Information number in the US. Q wrote last year: You may have the site but we have the source. This was directed against WikiLeaks, which has become compromised and is now a Clown operation (Q refers to the CIA as Clowns In America). Although Assange has been sentenced to 50 weeks in a UK prison negotiations are underway for his extradition to the US. Q wrote last year: JA June ETA. If JA (Julian Assange) does in fact get extradited in June we can write this up as yet another Q proof. Q also wrote: July 2018, the month the world found out the truth. If JA gets to testify in Congress, he'll spill the beans on everything he knows - which is A LOT: the murder of whistleblower Seth Rich, the truth about the Clinton Foundation and lots, lots more. Simply substitute July 2019 for 2018.

Q also wrote: April showers. The Assange arrest was one of them. So was the Mueller report, which concluded: no collusion, no obstruction. April also spelled the end of the FBI and DOJ blockade against the DECLAS, the OIG report (due to come out late May-early June at the latest) on the FISA abuse, as well as the Huber investigation which has been going on in the background on the Clinton Foundation. There were April showers coming from the opposite side as well: the New Zealand shootings, the Sri Lanka bombings and the Notre Dame fire. They're desperately trying to control the news cycle, but it's all too little too late. Expect more tragic events as this month brings some serious truth bombs, referred to by Q as "carpet bombs" or even the "MOAB" (Mother Of All Bombs). After all, what do April showers bring? May flowers!

So let's look at some mainstream news clippings to confirm that all of this is actually coming down the pike. Here are 3 recent references to the DECLAS by none other than POTUS himself:



And here's POTUS accusing James Comey of leading the counter intelligence op against him and his campaign team:

Then there was AG Bill Barr using the word "spying" on two occasions in Congress, which seriously pissed off the Dems:


And watch this exchange between Barr and Sen. Lindsey Graham:

April showers indeed! We're now at the point where even the New York Times is forced to admit spying did indeed take place under Obama:

FISAgate/Spygate is about to break loose and the world will never be the same, so brace yourself. Upcoming revelations will change everything in your country as well. The FISA declas will reveal the Five Eyes abuse, which implicates the TREASON committed by Cameron and May in aiding and abetting the undermining of a democratic election in the US, thus making this THE BIGGEST FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC POLITICAL SCANDAL OF ALL TIME. This could even lead to Cameron and May being arrested, extradited to the US, locked up in Gitmo or EXECUTED for what essentially amounts to an ACT OF WAR. And it's not just the UK either, Australia is also implicated in this and I suspect New Zealand as well, this is HUGE!

You can well imagine what this means for Brexit and the EU as well. Nigel Farage's Brexit Party is leading in the polls and I have no doubt in my mind he WILL deliver a no-deal Brexit. I saw a video by Mark Collett casting doubt on Farage's true intentions, but if you ask me Farage was part of The Plan from the get-go (although I have no way of proving this) and I can't wait for a snap election in the UK and welcoming Farage's victory yet again.

It's high time all of these traitors were strung up! Here in Holland we have Rutte, the Germans have Merkel, the French have Macron, the Canadians have Trudeau and there are many other such globalist minions who need to go ASAP. Their time has come, it is over. Everything will be different, and it all starts this month, so get ready! I'll leave you with these very powerful comments by Dave from X22 Report:


Bekijk hier hoe Creepy Joe Biden pedoseksuele toespelingen maakt naar de kinderen van Bill Barr in 1983:

X22 Spotlight - Dave interviewt Charles Hugh Smith:

Duidelijk geen Q-volger, maar desondanks interessant.

Als je ontdekt voorgelogen te zijn, … Maar wat als dat tientallen jaren lang gebeurde op staatsniveau?

Hoe zou jij je voelen als de gehele wereld er in slechts enkele maanden, weken, … totaal anders uit ging zien dan je dacht, dan je geloofde? Dat alles wat je dacht, wat je hoorde, in de krant las en meende te zien op TV… niet waar bleek te zijn. Zet je schrap want dit is zich NU aan het ontwikkelen.

Nog nooit in de geschiedenis is er op zo’n grote schaal gelogen en bedrog gepleegd, de waarheid verdraaid, feiten geheim gehouden en hebben allerlei mensen zich verlaagd tot diep trieste duistere zaken die zijn uit te drukken in dit enkele woord:

Christenen opgelet:

De vervolging waaraan de christenen in sommige delen van de wereld worden blootgesteld, komt nu dicht in de buurt van een genocide. Dit toont een recent rapport in opdracht van de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van het land, Jeremy Hunt.

Iets om over na te denken deze zondag.


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