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The dark cult with billionaires, stars, and allegations of sex slavery


Een inspirerend bericht van een anon:

We all know us gathering here is special - after all,Q is here, POTUS is most definitely either being briefed on what we say, or is reading the board directly. There is also another reason why this board, why /qresearch/ is special.

You see, Q has done the impossible. He united anons, redditors, normalfags both young and old, from the most vanilla Internet consumer to the most dedicated truth-seeker - he united us under a single banner. Something that has NEVER BEFORE happened in the age of the Internet.

I want you to appreciate it, to really feel it - that this mission, this calling is the only time in our lives where people of any age, any creed, any background, any economic standing, any country are standing together for a single idea that throughout our collective history was the only idea that was universal:


This is why we're here. Anons, who lurked since 4chan was a wee baby on teh interwebs, spreading the silliest of early memes. Redditors, who once escaped Digg from the very same thing Reddit is doing now. Normalfags, both young who just touched Youtube a bit, and old who aren't adept at the information superhighway, who may be just fathers and mothers concerned with what is happening, or truly dedicated freedom fighters and archivists who were at this since before the Internet. Soldiers, dedicating their lives to protect their countries. Policemen, who want nothing more than peace and safety for their fellow citizens. Teachers, dedicated to the shaping of young minds into truly good people. Doctors, who want the best for their patients, who swore an oath to never hurt them. Humble bookkeepers, lawyers, mechanics, construction workers, food service workers, the unemployed, everyone in this together for one single reason: because we KNOW the world isn't right, we knew it in our guts for a long time and we were powerless to do anything about it by ourselves.

Until now.

Until we were awakened.

Until we became the very thing this Cabal fears - united.

This is where we are now, then. At a cursory look, on an imageboard where Q drops are discussed, but in reality, we're so much more now - because we're together, with a singular goal in mind.


We will fight, not for ourselves, not for personal gain, not for a specific group of people, either political, racial, national or religious. These are their separators to keep us divided and we don't use them. We don't fight an easy label like that, because we fight something much more complex - but also much simpler to name.

We fight EVIL.

And we will WIN.

For God and Country. Where we go one, we go all. Don't let anyone, ever, divide us, because we have awoken, and we have had enough of these shackles and distractions. We fight together with Q, together with POTUS, together with the Marines, together with US MI, together with /ourguys/, together. Forever together, lads.

Because we fight for FREEDOM.
Ook Bruce Figert denkt dat er dit weekend veel staat te gebeuren. Hij geeft aan dat er wel degelijk sprake is van March Madness, maar april zou wel eens veel gekker kunnen worden:

Nogmaals Bruce Figert. Niet alleen staan de Marines volledig achter POTUS, maar ook Seals Team 6:

Hoewel de info over SES van American Intelligence Media 1 puzelstukje is waar we voorheen niet mee bezig waren, is het voonamelijk een afleidingsmaneuvre die gebruikt wordt om voor- en tegenkampen te creeren. United we stand, divided we fall!

Andere bedrijven naast FB 'coming soon':

Vertrouwen hebben in cyberspace, het blijft Russian Roulette. Nu blijkt dat niet alleen Facebook u heeft belazerd en lak heeft aan uw privacy, maar ook bedrijven als LinkedIn, Dropbox, Playstation, eBay en Uber blijken online niet goed genoeg beveiligd en via grote dataleks komen gemakkelijk wachtwoorden van mensen op straat te liggen. Om even precies te zijn de wachtwoorden van 3,3 miljoen Nederlanders.

Maar Q is een LARP. YouTubers die nu AIM op de korrel nemen krijgen 'community strikes' van YT! Het is wel duidelijk aan welke kant AIM staat...

Meer dan 1000 'resignations' tot nu toe:


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