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De New York Times schreef er een artikeltje van zes alinea’s over op pagina 25 van de krant. Dat terwijl het eigenlijk voorpaginanieuws had moeten zijn.
Kun je de tekst knippen en plakken wellicht?

Bij deze :

We have everything.

How can we use what we know?

————How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?————

What are you witnessing unfold?

Trust the plan.


The [24hr Warning] was for them. Stated by an anon on QRV. Q-team was letting them know - you have 24 hours to reconsider what you are about to do ... if you decide to go ahead with it after 24 hours you are fucked.

24 hrs later Wray dropped the “Q-anon followers are domestic terrorists doc.

How do you inject NSA evidence into a court case ... (mentioned by a QRV’r today) ... you make the target of your enemy a terrorist group. NSA evidence can only be used in a court of law if it is a terrorist attack.

The baddies realized they couldn’t blame the El Paso attack on Q now - because the NSA would get involved.

But, they still thought Wray was on their side. So they blamed the attack on Trump and Bernie and white nationalism. Thinking they’d be safe ... but, no, the FBI yesterday still fucking labeled it a Domestic Terror attack. They thought they still had the FBI!

Now the NSA is involved and evidence can be injected.

Then, yesterday (as a QRV’r said today) Trump said that AG Barr was going to assemble a “red flag” bill that would include “the Death Penalty for ‘perpetrators’ of these crimes.”

The baddies now know that the NSA is involved and they are fucked. They can’t pass the bill that will get several of their players the Death Penalty. And they sure as fuck can’t sit on their hands right now - this shit is going to unravel fast and they have no idea how to get ahead of it. Wray fucked them. He fucked them in the asshole. This is how The Awakening starts ... “you motherfuckers are killing us? Are you fucking kidding me? Wait. Wait a fucking minute ... what about our fucking kids??? The school shootings??? ... No fucking way .... no fucking way!!!!!”

They can smash their phones - they can drop their PC out of a 10-story window -it doesn’t matter this time. It was a fucking terrorist attack. You lose.

Dank voor bovenstaande Bastiaan.
Kwam net deze tegen, vertaald door Paul:

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