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Laten we hopen dat Mike Adams geen gelijk krijgt!

Full details of the plan are explained in the video below. Here’s the summary of the steps the deep state Democrats hope to achieve:

Step 1) Fake an impeachment of President Trump and whip up media hysteria to gaslight the entire nation into thinking Trump is being impeached when it’s all an act (with no real vote in the House, no legal bearing and no legitimacy).

Step 2) Stage an arrest of President Trump, V.P. Mike Pence and his Cabinet members for CNN’s cameras to create the visual impression that Trump is guilty of something. After all, why is he in handcuffs? (Everything with the Democrats is theater. Everything is staged.)

Step 3) Swear in Nancy Pelosi as the President, since she’s next in line (as Speaker of the House).

Step 4) Nancy Pelosi appoints Hillary Clinton as her Vice President.

Step 5) Nancy Pelosi resigns as President, making the V.P. (now Hillary Clinton) the President.

Step 6) Hillary Clinton then appoints a new Vice President, perhaps John Brennan, to strengthen the deep state spooks in her administration.
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Het tweede draadje op rij dat geschreven is door een VROUW. Waarom hebben wij in NL niet zulke vrouwen? Als ze tot dergelijk graaf- en spitwerk in staat zijn trek ik al mijn woorden in over vrouwen!


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